
Be Mine(13)



Lucas gritted his teeth and choked up with sobs. "Don't tell me you like that person."

When I looked at Lucas, I did not understand what was the point of saying it at that moment. Therefore, recalling the so-called relationship from the past, I asked him, "Is falling in love very important?"

Lucas suddenly kept silent.

I looked at him and wanted to tell him things that were on my mind. However, I felt that it was not going to be useful. Thus, I just smiled and told him the truth calmly.

"A feeling of love can't be exchanged for money. Moreover, it can't be exchanged for power as well."

The only thing left was humiliation. It was just a blow to one's naivety.


"Luke, congratulations on being the CEO of Xanthos Group."

With a smile, I pulled my hand out of Lucas' hand. Then, I placed my hand on the doorknob. When I faced the occasional chilly wind, I suddenly calmed down a lot, and my heart suddenly became cheerful.