
Demon Plants Forest 20

Zhen Yuan, Shen Xu, and Lin Xiang entered their tent soon after.

The tent had two rooms.

One sitting room and a bedroom.

After entering the tent, Lin Xiang stayed in the sitting room while the other two went to the bedroom.

"Yang Shi, stay here and keep an eye on things." Shen Xu instructed, and the snake slithered from Zhen Yuan's wrist.

After that, Zhen Yuan and Shen Xu disappeared and soon appeared in their space bedroom.

"Brother Yuan…" Shen Xu called, his voice trembling in fear.

"Don't worry. It's not serious." Zhen Yuan tried to soothe the double, but Shen Xu could not be consoled.

His eyes turned red, but he forcibly suppressed his fear and took Zhen Yuan's pulse.

"Six broken ribs, internal organs are bruised, and you have exhausted your qi and soul power." Shen Xu said in a choked voice.

For ordinary cultivators, these injuries were nothing.

However, pills were almost useless to Zhen Yuan.