
Falling For The Queen Of Mean

Gorgeous, elegant, intelligent, these are words that describe Eden Moreno on the outside. But inside she is actually cold, ruthless and reckless. To achieve her goals, she is ready to use all possible means even if it means destroying everything in her path, that's how she received the nickname " Queen Of Mean ". She is the second daughter of Robert Moreno, CEO of the Moreno Group, one of the most powerful groups in the country and is based mostly on new technologies, and Helene Moreno, a fashion icon and considered the epitome of elegance itself. Eden has a big sister, Heaven Moreno, absolute perfection according to her parents, she has all the attention of her parents and is considered the "golden sister". There has always been a very big rivalry between the Lancaster sisters. Blake Hansen is the illegitimate son of Frank Campbell, CEO of the Firestone Group, which he had with his secretary Melanie Hansen. Blake only knew it after his mother's brutal death. His mother Melanie tried to protect her son from his abominable stepmother, Victoria Campbell, as she could but after her death, she couldn't no longer do it as Frank's men found him. Blake has therefore returned to the country and where he will live with his father. Before meeting Frank and before the death of his mother, Blake was a very nice boy and loved helping others but after that he changed completely from a happy and lively boy to a boy. cold and emotionless and feisty. What happens when the paths of these two people cross? Eden is the " queen " of Northview highschool where she controls almost everything and governs with an iron fist and while most of the girls hate her, most of the boys adore her. But Blake's arrival at Northview High School complicates things for her, since he is the only boy who didn't fall immediately under her spell and who always questions her authority even if it means humiliating her in front of everyone. Determined to teach Blake a lesson, Eden tries by all means to make Blake fall in love with her then to break his heart afterwards and humiliate him in front of everyone. Of course, Blake sees clearly in her game but decides to play it anyway. At the end, everything doesn't go as planned when feelings are born and the heart decides to add its little grain of salt.

GasyGirl · Masa Muda
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6 Chs

First day of school : Part 1

" Eden ! Eden ! " , a man's voice called me softly from behind, I wanted to turn around to look at him but my feet kept running, taking me far away from him, yet I felt something drew me to this stranger.

I was now in an empty room more like a large and well decorated ballroom with a beautiful chandelier, I was wearing a simple light pink lace dress with silver heeled sandals. The room seemed empty but there was music playing, and suddenly I heard this man's voice calling me again calmly and softly from behind.

I could finally turn around but I only saw a brief silhouette of this man, he was tall, more taller than me that's for sure, with a navy blue suit, but his face was blurry, suddenly we were starting to dance to the rhythm of the music. We stopped dancing for a moment, he leaned over to kiss but then I heard my alarm clock ringing and realized it was all just a dream, a weird but fantastic dream.

Some people take dreams very seriously and even think that it is a prediction or a snippet of our past life; others just take them for dreams. I rather think that a dream is a journey, a journey that our mind makes during our sleep when it is not in our body. I've never had a dream like this before, my dreams were pretty short and brief and where most of the time I'm being chased by something.

Anyway, I woke up and got up from the king sized silk sheet bed. Yup, I had to get up because today was the first day of school. Did I want to get out of bed ? No !! Did I want to go to class ? No, either.

The first day of school can mean a lot of things like meeting our friends again and that's the only positive thing anyway. We also find these annoying teachers who bombard us with homework from the first day. Anyway, Eden had to get dressed if she didn't want to be late for her first day.

Eden Moreno is the youngest daughter of Robert Moreno, CEO of Moreno Group which has made a fortune in the real estate sector. The Morenos own most of the land in Northview as well as most of the land in the neighboring towns of Northview.

But the Morenos were known long before that, as they were among the founding families of the town of Northview in the late 1700s along with the Campbells and the Hayes. But then comes the second generation who settled shortly after these three families settled: the Clemons, the McClains, the Carillos and many others.

The Moreno estate where Rosestone Manor was founded is just as vast as the Campbell estate. Eden's mother, Helene Moreno, a former model and a former Miss World, is now one of the most emblematic figures in fashion and has her own brand of clothing and cosmetics: Mystik.

Eden has an older sister, Heaven Moreno who is currently studying pharmacy in Switzerland. She is as Eden called her the " golden sister ". Most of her parents' attention turns around Heaven and everything concerning Eden generally takes second place, Eden got used to it as time passed by.

Eden was living most of the time alone in the manor as her father is a workaholic and her mother travels all the time.

Back at Northview High

Caitlin and Blake were still standing in front of his locker when a man's voice shouted : " make way for the queen " .

Everyone around them all immediately moved away from the corridor leaving a big path in the middle and all lowered their heads, others were shaking in fear.

" What's going on ? " , Blake asked.

" Oh it's just Eden Moreno who will pass in the hallway, if we are lucky we may not be in the same class as her " , Caitlin told him.

" Who is that ? " , Blake asked, confused as they saw the silhouette of four girls in the distance.

" Eden Moreno aka The queen of Northview High " , Caitlin told him but Blake was still confused.

" Never heard that name before " , he replied.

" Are you kidding me ? In what world do you live in ? Eden Moreno, daughter of Robert Moreno the CEO of the Moreno Group. Her father makes a big donation to the school every year so everyone lets her do everything she wants in this school and everybody calls her the Queen of mean here " , Caitlin explained.

" Another stupid rich kid who thinks the world is theirs only because they have money " , Blake exclaimed, opened his locker and put some of his notebook in it.

" Yeah, it's totally that but the only difference is that Eden is far from stupid. She has been valedictorian since primary school, she is an outstanding swimmer who has won the national competition every year since she was 12 years old. She's the president of the swim team, debating club, dance club, choir, music club, chess club, science club, and a club called "The royals" where obviously there are only rich children " , Caitlin explained.

" It's her, the girl in the middle with dark black hair " , Caitlin pointed at Eden who is still a little bit far from where they were standing.

" And who is this girl in her right ? " , Blake asked, fascinated.

" The girl with red hair ? " , Caitlin asked.

" Yeah, she looks fascinating " , Blake said with a smug smile on his face.

" Her name is Janelle Clemons, she is also a rich kid, not as rich as Eden but still rich. She's Eden's oldest friend, they met in kindergarten I think, she's not as mean as Eden but she doesn't do anything to stop her, so it's all the same. She's a theatrical prodigy and all things art and directing, she's the president of the drama club, the film club, she's done Broadway several times I believe. She is also a local star, every year she is the star of the school play, she hosts several TV shows and has acted in a few films " , Caitlin told him.

" Interesting " , Blake said, still smiling and looking at Janelle carefully.

" The twin sisters next to them are Lara and Sara McClain, Lara is the one with the bangs. They have been friends with Eden since middle school. They are real b*tches, everyone calls them the infernal twins, they are co-captains of the Northview cheerleader team and date the co-captain twins of the football team, Jason and Brandon Carillo who are real jerks and bullies too by the way " , Caitlin told him.

Eden walked confidently in the hallway with a white shirt partially opened with a small dark green waistcoat embroidered with the Northview emblems with a small gray pleated skirt which she matched with a pair of black thigh high boots with her long black jet hair styled in a high ponytail with only a few streaks falling on both sides.

As always everyone was bowing each time she was passing by but something caught her attention or a boy more precisely, he wasn't bowing like everyone. She thought that maybe he was waiting for her to come closer to bow but he didn't, he didn't bow at all instead he stared at her and so did she. His dark brown eyes met her hazel gray green eyes for just a short moment but it seemed to last like forever.