
Falling For The Chancellor's Son

MATURE CONTENT Appreciate the littlest things life has to offer because one day, it could all be gone in a flash, Sianna realized as she sat on the bed wondering how she had lost the two people she cared for most in her life. Sianna Morris was the only child of her separated parents. They had a desire for her to enroll into Harvard seeing as she had already earned a spot there but she goes against their wishes and applies for a community college and she got in. "Eww, gross! The last thing I'm gonna do is make out with a narcissistic daddy's boy. I'm just gonna apologise for almost killing him and then leave his sight" Sianna said confidently but against all odds, she falls in love with the chancellor's son; Luca Castaigne. "I don't know what Luca Castaigne had done to me. He was all I could think of. I try to fool myself that I didn't love him but I just end up constantly tormenting myself. I would say that I was scared, frightened by the word love. Saying it just makes me feel weirded out. I've always seen love as a weakness and I never wanted to fall for anyone this early, but there I was...falling for the chancellor's son" They keep their relationship a secret but things begin to take a rough part when Luca's crazy ex; Mary gets to know about it. How will she come in between them and ruin they first ever genuine love Sianna never felt since her father left her and her mother?

monellawrites · Masa Muda
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112 Chs


Leslie, Angelica and Mindy had no plans of their own, unlike Sianna whose mission was to find Luca. Sianna had already taken off as usual, nowhere to be found. Angelica had already brought drinks over. Mindy took one and went over to a quiet corner. She normally didn't enjoy alcohol but she genuinely wanted to indulge herself this time. Leslie walked up to her wondering why she decided to distance herself.

"Mindy, hey, why are you all alone? Remember it was you who brought up coming to Rockies" Leslie said.

"I just wanna be low-key tonight. There are people with people having fun... I guess I just realised that I've never really had a love life" Mindy said and then went over to Leslie's ears and whispered something in it.

"I'm still a virgin" Mindy whispered.

"There's nothing wrong with you being a virgin, though I think that's gonna change tonight. Have you noticed that guy that checking you up?" Leslie asked with a smile