
Falling For The Chancellor's Son

MATURE CONTENT Appreciate the littlest things life has to offer because one day, it could all be gone in a flash, Sianna realized as she sat on the bed wondering how she had lost the two people she cared for most in her life. Sianna Morris was the only child of her separated parents. They had a desire for her to enroll into Harvard seeing as she had already earned a spot there but she goes against their wishes and applies for a community college and she got in. "Eww, gross! The last thing I'm gonna do is make out with a narcissistic daddy's boy. I'm just gonna apologise for almost killing him and then leave his sight" Sianna said confidently but against all odds, she falls in love with the chancellor's son; Luca Castaigne. "I don't know what Luca Castaigne had done to me. He was all I could think of. I try to fool myself that I didn't love him but I just end up constantly tormenting myself. I would say that I was scared, frightened by the word love. Saying it just makes me feel weirded out. I've always seen love as a weakness and I never wanted to fall for anyone this early, but there I was...falling for the chancellor's son" They keep their relationship a secret but things begin to take a rough part when Luca's crazy ex; Mary gets to know about it. How will she come in between them and ruin they first ever genuine love Sianna never felt since her father left her and her mother?

monellawrites · Masa Muda
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112 Chs


According to Avinash Wandre, embarrassment lasts a moment while regret lasts a lifetime and in that moment of being on top of Luca Castaigne, I felt embarrassed and I immediately regretted ever agreeing to attend his party. Apparently, he was passing by and had a bowl of punch in his hand and I tripped and fell over him and now, both of us are drenched. Worst of all, my gown tore apart badly and exposed my underwear.

"Hey isn't that the grim reaper?!" Brody one of Luca's friends yelled.

"The bitch who tried to kill Luca" another yelled and everyone began booing at her. Some even laughed at her. Sianna who was already embarrassed stood up from Luca's body and ran quickly to the bathroom and Angelica, Leslie and Mindy ran after. Sianna got to the bathroom before them and locked herself in. Angelica knocked on the door but Sianna refused to open up.

"Sianna, it's okay. Those people out there are just Luca's ass lickers so basically whatever they have to say is pointless" Angelica said trying to convince Sianna to open the door.

"No, it's not okay. I had this perfect life mapped and it didn't include any of these bullshit parties or friends or loosening up. I like the old me, I should have never listened to you guys. God, I'm so fucking ashamed and embarrassed now. Just leave me the fuck alone" Sianna demanded in tears. Angelica was hurt by her statement but Leslie just told her to cool off and not to blame Sianna.

"You know what Sianna, it's only embarrassing if you care about what people think" Angelica said and then they all left.

Sianna sat against the bathroom doors crying until she heard a knock.

"I said to leave me alone!" Sianna said angrily as she got up and opened the door in annoyance. To her surprise, the person at the door was none other than Luca Castaigne.

"Hey..." Sianna said nervously. Luca saw her face and immediately knew that she was crying. He had two of his shirts in his hands. He entered the bathroom and closed the door. At this point, Sianna was very confused. He didn't shout at her or treat her like shit, nothing! He just acted as though Sianna didn't try to maim him.

"Here, and stop crying. You're way too pretty to cry" Luca said sternly as he gave Sianna his shirt. Sianna who was still very confused took the shirt and thanked him for it. Luca then took off this shirt and then put on the other one he had in his hands. As he changed his clothes, Sianna watched him. He had a really nice body, six packs and all. Sianna was lost in his beauty and then she regained consciousness and began to change as well. At first, she was shy to take off her clothes in front of Luca but seeing as he was changing his and wouldn't see her, she decided to quickly change hers.

As she did, a piece of clothing got stuck in her neckpiece. She tried to pull it off quickly but she couldn't. Then she felt the hands of someone trying to help her take off her clothes. She hoped it wouldn't be Luca but it obviously had to be him... Who else?

"Done" Luca said as he finally got the gown unstuck from the neckpiece.

"Thank you" Sianna said nervously. She stood almost naked in front of Luca. What could make her more nervous than that?

"Nice ass by the way" Luca said sternly as he went to the mirror to adjust his hair. His comment made Sianna blush. Luca saw her smile in the mirror and smiled secretly so she wouldn't see. Sianna then wore Luca's T-shirt and then packed her hair in a messy bun the way she always did. She then went to the mirror to wash up her face. Luca stared at her as she washed her face. She felt he was watching her but she continued nevertheless.

"Okay, you are killing me Luca! Can you just say something bad about me. Insult me, call me the grim reaper or-or the insane bitch that tried to kill you because I deserve those names and I'm sorry for that!" Sianna stressed immediately she was done washing her face. Moments after, Luca burst into laughter.

"What the fuck is funny?" Sianna asked confused about Luca's behaviour and then he stopped.

"There's a difference between someone who is proud and narcissistic and someone who doesn't give a fuck. Think about that before you judge people like me Sianna" Luca said sternly.

"You can keep the shirt" Luca continued and then he left the bathroom. Luca's words really hurt Sianna. She just stood there in the bathroom pondering upon those words.

So the not-so-narcissistic daddy's boy knows my name. Oh God, I feel stupid and horrible. According to Julia Soul, if you are never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances. I went to the mirror to have a look at Sianna Morris but all I saw was a scared, embarrassed and hurt little girl who still couldn't take chances.

Veronica had been in a room with her boyfriend Jesse. Jesse had been trying to get under her skirt but she always gave him excuses. While the party was happening in other rooms, they discussed about their relationship. Jesse told her that they had been in a relationship without sex and he was getting tired of waiting for her. After much contemplation, Veronica finally agreed to have sex with him that night. But before she did, she visited the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Sianna who was still in the bathroom, hid by a corner when she heard two girls coming in. They were gossiping about Veronica.

"Oh my God, girl, I have the juiciest tea on earth" one of the girls said as they both adjusted their make-up.

"Spill" the other girl demanded.

"Okay, so I linked up with three of my girls from high school and guess who they saw at Ziko's party?"

"Oh my God, who?"

"Jesse, Veronica's boyfriend. He was with Brittney and Olivia. I heard they had a threesome"

"What the fuck! No way" the other replied laughing.

"Does Veronica know?" She asked curiously.

"Of course she doesn't and I'm not gonna be the one to tell her. Everyone knows Veronica's history with boys. She's gonna wanna kill herself if she finds out"

"You're right. By the way, you look beautiful"

"You too girl. Let's go" and then the two girls left the bathroom holding hands. Sianna who had been in the bathroom the whole time overheard it all.

"What the fuck did I just hear?" Sianna asked herself.

After all that had happened in the last 30 minutes, now this?! What's the worse that could happen?

Veronica entered the bathroom just a few minutes after those two girls left and was stunned to see Sianna.

"Oh hey Sianna" Veronica said smiling.

This cannot be happening right now.