
Falling for the Angel

Cyrus is the only crown prince of the Seraph clan, born after one hundred years of King Clarity's reign. In the future, he must replace his father to lead the Seraph kingdom, which is known as the most majestic wizard who is close to the gods and angels. However, Cyrus, the prince who is famous for his good looks, has forbidden feelings for Ariel, the holy angel. "Falling for the Angel: the Love Story of Prince Seraph and a Handsome Angel." Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · LGBT+
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4 Chs

First Kiss

"Ngh~ ahh... hahh... p-please slow down." Cyrus bit his lower lip. His hole felt so painful as the man forcefully pushed into his manhood.

"This is so amazing. You're so tight," the man whispered softly as he bent his body. He whispered in Cyrus' ear, then bit him lightly. The man's face seemed to turn red with teary eyes, trying to hold back the pain he felt. "In a moment, I will make you enjoy every moment of this."

The man moved his hand. He grabbed Cyrus' hand, which was now squeezing the bedsheet firmly. Then, in one push, he inserted his entire manhood.

Cyrus widened his eyes as the man's manhood went so deep that it seemed to fill his lower hole. Even in his prone position, Cyrus could feel that the man's manhood had pierced all the way to his stomach.

"Ngh~ ahh... hahh..." Moan after moan came out of his mouth. Cyrus couldn't help himself as the man started moving his hips with a fairly fast rhythm.

"MISS!" Regal snapped out of her reverie when Sol and Lux approached her. The sudden appearance of the two guards shattered all the illusions in her mind.

The woman turned her gaze towards Cyrus's guards, who had just successfully dealt with the women who had previously disturbed their young master.

As soon as Regal realized Sol and Lux were approaching, she hurriedly left the area to escape. She didn't want to get caught up in trouble with them and be embarrassed in front of so many people.

"I better get out of here!" She muttered, starting to run and exiting the palace. Once she managed to escape, Regal fell silent outside, trying to regulate her erratic breathing.

What exactly did I just see? Did I just get a prophecy about Prince Cyrus? B-but that scene... Regal's face immediately turned red as soon as she recalled the vision she had just seen. She saw Prince Cyrus having sex with another man. Moreover, the scene really looked so hot.

Unbelievable. Does that mean Prince Cyrus likes men? But there were never any rumors spread about this. Even the man who was with Prince Cyrus too. I've never seen him. From the prophecy I saw, the man's face wasn't very clear, but he had blonde hair and white skin that was so distinctive. Who is the man in the prophecy?


Cyrus widened his eyes as he realized what he had just done. The man spontaneously pushed Ariel's body away from him.

"I-I'm sorry," he mumbled hesitantly. Cyrus was completely unaware when he kissed Ariel's lips. He was too mesmerized to hold back. 

Ariel fell silent, trying to process what had just happened. He was shocked by Cyrus's unexpected actions.

"Th-thank you for helping me. Again, I apologize." Cyrus moved away from Ariel. He quickly walked away from the man. As he continued walking, Cyrus cursed himself internally. He felt embarrassed for kissing Ariel so recklessly.

Why did I do all that? What a fool! Cyrus kept walking. His heart had been restless since earlier, and he could feel it pounding so fast, making Cyrus even more nervous.

Ariel could only stay silent with a puzzled expression. His eyes were fixed on Cyrus, who was moving away. And for the first time, Ariel could feel his heart racing.


Cyrus was silent as he thought about what he had just done. He had just kissed a guy he had just met. That was crazy! Moreover, the kiss they had just now was his first kiss.

I wasted my first kiss on someone I didn't even know. That's really stupid. How could I do such a thing. Cyrus still felt ashamed of his own actions.

Currently, Cyrus was in the palace garden. Sitting on a bench facing the fountain. His current place was not far from where he first met the mysterious boy who fell from the sky.

"Ahem, can I sit here?" asked a man who suddenly appeared and immediately caught his attention. Cyrus looked up, and his eyes immediately widened when he saw who was now standing in front of him.

Ariel. The man he had just kissed unexpectedly came over to him. Cyrus was silent for a moment as he tried to process what he had just experienced. This was quite a shock to him.

"Hello, did you hear me?" Ariel waved his hand in front of Cyrus' face when the man was lost in thought.

"Oh! Sure. Have a seat." Cyrus invited while shifting so that Ariel could sit there as well.

"Thank you." The man took a seat on the same bench as him. Cyrus became mischievous as he sat with Ariel. For some reason, his heart was also beating so fast like before. He felt like a fool for being nervous for no reason. There was no way he loved him this quickly, right? They had just met, and there was no way Cyrus could fall in love with him right away.

After all, Cyrus never thought that he would like men. That is, he had often seen people in Lawitches who had relationships with each other. It was not uncommon to see people in the Seraph clan who fell in love with other men. But he never thought about himself going through the same thing.

During this time, Cyrus has met many handsome men. It can even be said that he was almost bored. Moreover, the Seraph clan was a storehouse of handsome men with sexy bodies that were so hot. But somehow, seeing Ariel's face made Cyrus react differently.

The man had a handsome charm that was challenging to put into words. Moreover, his face was too captivating, making it impossible for Cyrus to look away.

"Are you okay? Why did you leave the party?" Ariel asked, immediately capturing Cyrus's attention. He could hardly believe he was talking to the man.

"Y-you're talking to me?" Cyrus asked nervously. Hearing Cyrus's question, Ariel, in turn, glanced around.

"Is there anyone else here besides us?" he asked rhetorically. Cyrus's face turned red. He felt embarrassed for asking a question when the answer was already evident.

How could I ask such an obvious question? How embarrassing. Cyrus cursed his stupidity. But not wanting to look bad in front of Ariel, he still tried to remain calm. "Ahem, I mean, of course we're the only ones here. Isn't that obvious? A-and what did you ask me earlier? Why did I leave the party? I left because it was so crowded inside. There were too many people."

Ariel watched Cyrus. He could clearly tell that he was lying. He was an angel, and he knew everything that Cyrus had been hiding. Not only that, but he even knew that Cyrus had been pounding from being close to him.

But the more it was obvious, somehow Ariel felt curious about the workings of the human body. He wanted to know why Cyrus could flutter when close to him, he wanted to know why Cyrus often daydreamed while looking at him almost without blinking, and he also wanted to know, why Cyrus could move spontaneously when kissing him earlier.

It was obviously just an excuse. I came out because I wanted to know where you went. Ariel could clearly hear Cyrus' heart. But the man was completely oblivious to all that.

"I guess, you didn't like the party."

"I really didn't like it. That's also one of the reasons why I left," Cyrus said.

"You didn't like the party? Why?" This time, Ariel could see that Cyrus was speaking the truth.

"That's because at parties, there are always so many people who come, and among those people, I'm always the center of attention. I dislike being the center of attention the most. Because something embarrassing always happens when people's attention is focused on one spot. I don't want me to have an embarrassing incident witnessed by many people."

"Strange. Don't humans on Earth usually love parties? They often even throw parties for things that make them happy, not only that, I've also seen them throw parties when they're sad. Aren't you guys partying as a form of expressing yourselves?"

"Not everyone likes parties. They cost a lot of money, and they take up a lot of time. Moreover, the feast you are referring to is not really a way of expressing oneself, but rather a way of giving thanks and honor. When there is something that makes humans so happy, they will throw a party to thank the gods, while when they experience something sad like their family dying, it is not a party, but a tribute. It is also a reminder to mankind that all things that have life will eventually pass away."

Cyrus explained at length, and unconsciously, he began to dispel the nervous feelings that had enveloped him earlier. Now, Cyrus felt comfortable being with Ariel, no longer as uneasy as before.

"Oh, I see..."

"By the way, what's your name? We've been chatting without knowing each other's names."

"I'm Ariel." He extended his hand to Cyrus.

"I'm Prince Cyrus of the Seraph clan." Cyrus shook his hand, while smiling.

"I know your name because you introduced yourself when I arrived, remember?"

"Oh, right! It turns out you have a good memory." Cyrus praised him.

"That's because I'm an angel. I have a sharp memory as I have to perform various tasks every day."

"Oh, right..." Cyrus realizes that now.

"By the way, why have you been staring at me since I arrived? Do I look strange to you?"

"Wh-what?" Cyrus gasped in shock upon hearing his sentence. He really didn't expect that Ariel would realize every action he took. Did I pay too much attention to him? He even realized that I was staring at him from the moment he arrived. What should I do? What should I tell him?

Ariel watched Cyrus' face closely. He could clearly hear Cyrus busy with his own daydreams. "I-it's because... this is the first time I've seen an angel like you."

"Is this your first time seeing an angel like me?" Ariel repeated his sentence.

"Yes!" Cyrus turned his attention to something else. He really couldn't bear to look Ariel in the eye; it felt like his heart would explode if he stayed too long.

It's a good thing I was able to quickly make an excuse. Cyrus was relieved that he could find an excuse to cover up his honesty. "I thought the angels were adults, and I didn't think there were any young ones like you. But unexpectedly, it turns out that there are young angels like you who look like they're the same age as me." Cyrus reasoned.

Why has he been lying all along?
