
Falling for him

All my life ,I was always fine.I felt that I was supposed to be fine because i was surrounded by incredible people but still I felt empty,like something was missing but that was until him. He made me realize that I could be happy too. Whenever him & I were together , somehow the time used to stop and fly at the same time. When I was with him , each hour felt like a second. When I was without him, each second felt like an hour. He was so annoying yet peaceful at the same time. He used to drive me crazy and keep me sane at the same time. He filled a void in my life that I didn't even know existed. And now that I've seen what life is with him, I can't even begin to imagine a life without him. He made me realize I didn't have to be perfect because sometimes it's the imperfections that make people beautiful. I didn't like him. I mean I couldn't like him. He wasn't my type but I guess love & lust sees no type. I didn't want to fall for him as i knew falling for him would only break me & my heart.So I decided to be in denial of my feelings.I was honestly doing a really great job of being in denial but then a storm happened due to which him & I were struck together for 3 days. What happens when you're struck with someone alone, who you may like but are not accepting your feelings towards him? That storm went away but it messed up my life . It messed up my heart. It messed me up...........

_ashelle_ · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Tell me about yourself

Liam's Point Of View

I reach the basement of my mansion and park my car . I see that the girl sitting by my side is still fast asleep. I decide not to wake her up because she looks like an absolute angel. Instead of getting out of my jaguar right away, I decide to take my time and admire her. She has chocolate brown hair with the slightest shade of gold at her ends. Although she's asleep but I can see a faint smile on her face. It is like even when she is angry or annoyed , she cannot get rid of this smile. It always clings to her face. This smile right there makes me feel like no matter what, everything will be alright. I first noticed this smile when we were on the rooftop. Although I was drunk way beyond my limit but somehow I did not forget that I noticed this smile of her's on her face . I think this smile was the reason why she was able to convince me to get back to her apartment. For some reason that I cannot explain, this smile gave me hope. A hope that even when everything is falling apart, piece by piece, it will be alright. A hope that I will get through every shit happening in my life.

She is wearing an outfit which shows her disturbingly hot curves that I am sure every man craves for. When she walked in that outfit from her room, I swear I was going to spill the water in my mouth right out. I always knew that she was pretty but this outfit made me realize that she is sexy too.

I finally made her leave the bar because I was not liking the way the guys were looking at her at the club. Everyone looked at her as if she was a piece of meat and honestly that made me sick. She claims that I do not have any manners but I know enough that I will never look at a woman like the guys were looking at her.

She tries to move but the seat belt confines her to her seat. She looks uncomfortable so I decide to take her up and put her to bed, so she can sleep comfortably.

I remove her seat belt and open the car door. Then I walk towards her door and open it too. I wrap my arms around her body and gently pick her up bridal style and instantly a smell of cocoa fills the air. She always smells like cocoa. It is like this serene cocoa smell is a part of who she is.

I walk towards the lift and I enter the floor number. The lift door opens and I walk into the lift slowly.

After a second the lift door opens in my hall . I can feel her moving so I decide to put her on the couch rather than the bed for awhile.

I walk towards the couch and gently put her on the couch just to see that she is opening her eyes.

I walk towards the kitchen and grab a bottle of water kept on the kitchen table and walk back towards her. I hand her the bottle and say, "here , drink it. You gotta stay hydrated or else you are gonna wake up with a really bad headache tomorrow", she takes the water bottle readily which shows that she was definitely thirsty.

"Where am I ?",she asks innocently, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings.

"At my penthouse", I say looking for the aspirin that will deal with her hangover.

"You own penthouse?", she asks with her every word dripping with disbelief.

"You seem surprised.", I comment at her startled reaction.

"I mean ya, you literally never work. You are always around. Where the hell did you get the money to buy a penthouse, especially in LA.", she replies.

"I work. It is just that you never see me working, because you are at work too.", I tell her. Well, she was really straight-forward.

"What do you do?", she asks. It's a little hurt to my ego that she does not know who I am but I do a pretty good job of hiding it. I reply casually, "I'm a youtuber."

"Let me phrase my sentence another way. What do you do for a living?", she asks me again. Okay, now she's just annoying me. I reply again , "I'm a youtuber."

"That's it?", she again asks. God, why does she has to ask so many questions.

"Yeah.", I reply with annoyance clearly reflecting in my tone. She senses it and drops the topic.

I find the aspirin and take out one tablet and place it in my palm. I ask her , "How much did you drink today?"

"I think more or less eight shots." Woah, eight shots is definitely less for a hangover as severe as she seems to have.

"That's it . I thought your capacity would be more than that", I say and hand her the aspirin. "How can you judge me when you don't even know me?" , she replies to my statement.

She is hesitant to take the pill so I say,"it will help you with your headache". She takes the aspirin tablet and washes it down with water that I gave her.

I realize that I honestly don't know anything about her so I ask her, "Tell me about yourself."

"What?," she asks me . "Since when are you interested in me", she adds, surprised by my question.

"You said I don't even know you. Then enlighten me .Tell me about yourself",I reply in a tone which shows that I am genuinely interested in knowing her and not just messing around. I walk towards the table and sit on it, so that we're face to face.


i republished this chapter as i made some minute changes to it and i had to change the chapter name because i am thinking of making some changes to the following chapter. i had already written some chapters but the next chapter felt a little rushed and to be honest i want each chapter to feel perfect. since my exams are going to start from a day after tomorrow so i really dont have time to make changes to the next chapter. so you guys will hear from me directly on 28 september now. i know thats a lot but i promise the next chapter will be worth the wait. and i also have a surprise planned for you guys on 28 september.

thanks for being patient and the most awesome audience that i could have ever hoped for. i really love you guys.

_ashelle_creators' thoughts