
Starting all over

Anna took out the dishes and cleared the table after breakfast, then she went to her room. She would be going home in a day or two because her resumption was close and she needed to be prepared.

The thought of it made her sick. She was tired of university's environment. Told be told, she never felt comfortable in the school,she didn't have people she can call friends because they all saw her as a snub. The thought of all these made her sick.

Right there on the room, she made another decision that she wants to start all over:go to a new school, have people to call friends,just feel a student like every other student and change her school. She knew that it would be difficult to make her parents agree but she wasn't willing to back down.

With this new passion burning in her eyes which seems unquenchable, she picked up her box to arrange her things so she can go home in the next two days. When she was sure that she had properly arranged her things, she picked up her phone and googled the internet for information about her new university-Scarlet University in valley high.

She was pleased with the info she just gathered and couldn't wait to be in the school.

Anna:"[Aunt Diana]" she called out with enthusiasm as she left the room.

"What?"Her aunt replied with a tone like she was still sulking.

Anna:"[I want to tell you about something]"she said as quickly as possible.

"Know you wanna tell me something? I remember what you did while having breakfast. After teasing me now you wanna tell me about stuffs? I refuse to listen" Aunt Diana said now feigning annoyance.

"But" before Anna could finish her sentence, her aunt put on her earphones and sat down.

Anna looked at her aunt with like she was going to cry any minute from now.

"Stop looking at me that way,you know how much I hate it" Aunt Diana said irritated. Anna came closer to her now knowing that her plan was working.

"Speak"Aunt Diana said in a defeated tone and she took off her headset.

Anna told her aunt about her plan to transfer to Scarlet University and Diana wasn't against it.

"Just do what you have to do,as long as it's the right decision. But you still have to convince your parent ,you know how hard they can be" she said giving Anna a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Auntie D" Anna said.

"And I'll be going home in the next two days, so let's have a lot of fun before I leave okay?" Anna quickly added.

Her aunt just smiled and nodded.