
that night

as we make it back to my house my parents already fast asleep I take esme upstairs to my room. I lock the door behind us turning on some music so it wasn't total silence. "so your parents don't mind me being here" "no actually they in courage me to bring people home" I say with a smile. "what do u wanna do" I think for a minute at her question "I was thinking head to bed I mean we are spending the night together".so I head to the bathroom releasing my long blonde hair from it's bun letting it flow down to my thighs. I then unbutton my pants and let them but the floor as I start at taking my shirt of revealing my slim but thick figure and my black under wear and bra. I walk back into the room sliding under the blanket hiding my body from view. esme then gets up and does the same coming back and sitting on the bed.

esme's pov

I sat back down on the bed after getting undressed to maybe let her get a glimpse of my body. when she came out of the bathroom earlier It took everything in me not to make a sound. I wanted to get her aroused by my body so she'll let me get closer to hers. I can't tell if it's working but I know I want her so bad rn

issy's pov

I was staring at her body looking her up and down when I couldn't take it anymore I sat up throwing off the covers pulling her onto my lap face to face with her I look into her golden eyes and whisper "what is your safe word" she then looks turned on and said "green" "good remember that" . I pull her into a deep kiss as I unclip her bra discarding it on the floor. then I stand up wrapping her legs around my waste as I carry her with me to my drawer . I lift her up slightly to strap the strap-on to my waste I sit her back down on it lightly. I hear a muffled moan as I begin to lift her up and down. I then pushed her against the wall thrusting my hips harder against her body making her moan louder and louder till her legs start shaking. I slow my pace finally pulling out as she releases I drop her on the bed and she started moving back I said "we aren't done yet". I take off the strap-on and put in on the dresser I then pick up the tube already hooked to the bed and strap her feet into it and as I grab he rist she squirms against my knee that's now placed between her thighs , she lets out a small moan. I finish cuffing her to the bed and she tries to squeeze her legs and the pole opened wider with and aroused look on her face she does it again even wider this time. I begin kissing her neck moving down latching into her nipple as she moans and begs for me I kiss down her stomach and soon I reach her clit as I begin to flick my tongue I slide my fingers into her wet vagina making her moan my name. I begin thrusting me hand back and forth harder each time now making her scream my name I flick my tongue faster till she begins to tense up and I hit that g-spot making her scream my name as she begins to orgasm coming all down my hand. I slowly take out my hand releasing her feet and I begin. to kiss her as I release her hands I sit her up as I continue kissing her I slide my finger back into her throbbing wet hole messaging her insides as she continues to cum. she stops kissing me and says "green" I stop instantly and I look at her and ask "you ok love" "yeah I'm fine just need a break" she laughs. "you thirsty" " yeah water pls" I get up and grab the water and toss it to her. looking towards the window I realized it's already starting to become daylight outside.