
Falling accidentally

Randomguy999 · Fantasi
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2 Chs


Woke up early for work with a huge head. I guess I partied too hard last night because it's all a blur and I can't remember. I guess I will just take an Advil and hope that helps. I wonder if Advil still works for Vamps and demons. I'm taking one anyway. I swear waking up from death sleep feels so good until you're hungry punches you in the gut like rocky in his last boxing match. I popped a fresh bottle of mint flavored blood in the microwave. I just hope that mint is strong enough to hide that I'm coming over a hangover. Mark is going to fire me one day I bet.

I go in the bathroom and looks in the mirror and I look like an alien had sex with a dog and had a kid. Gezz like what the fuck happened to me last night? I need a new shave, haircut, and a few cut repairs. My gut finally smacked like my momma would have if I had broken her brand new car. I miss my mother. She was so sweet. I walk out to the microwave and grab my bottle and starts drinking then sat at my deck where my mother and father's wedding picture laid covered by security papers and case files from last year's bombing in the main hall. I picked it up softly and sat my bottle on the desk and looked at my mother. She was so beautiful. Her long silky black hair was so soft I still remember brushing it for her when she got sickly with cancer. Her skin always so tanned and glowing. She was like a supermodel. Her deep baby blue eyes would dig deep in you and make you feel so safe and warm. It's kind of weird how an angel gave birth to a demon. I get it from my dad I guess. He was such a cocky joker, but he had such a big heart. When my mother passed it was like he just like took a U-turn because he don't even wont her name mentioned. He throw all her things in a barrel and burned them. Then he blocked her room off with a large bookshelf. Everything of her's leave that house faster than a lion can run.my dad has not been the same since. Sometimes I wonder if my life is like one of those movies where u think the person den died, but you find out some crazy nigga den brought them back in shape form or fashion. I wish it was because I miss my mother so much. I think that's why I love Jewel so much. She reminds me so much of my mother.

I set the picture and drinks the rest of my bottle then goes to freshen up. After a clean shave and combing my hair I look like my good sexy looking self again.

"Now I can walk out like this." I say to myself as I walk out the bathroom smiling. I wonder what I'm going to wear to work today. I want to look good for Jewel today. I pick out my blue polo and tan pants. I guess I will just go with the uniform today. I get dress and looks at the clock and notice I'm late as fuck.

"Shit, mark is going to kill me." I said getting dressed and speeding out and doing my rounds. I bump into Jewel on my way and she was looking so fine. Her black leather pants hugged her legs and back curves so well. And her crop top laid on top of her sweet plump upper curves so nicely. Jewel had the type of body that would make a man at like fool and drool. Her metal Arm just made her look even sexier. It made her look bad and tough but sexy. I was so happy that these pants was not tight on me because if they was HA she would have saw I had a boner so big you could mistake it as a building. I chuckled to myself and helped Jewel up. The touch of her soft skin made me want to grab her and teleport to my apartment and radish her right there. I wouldn't even care if it was on the wall the floor or on the T.V.

"I'm sorry Jewel I was running in vampire speed and was not paying any attention. Is ye harmed?" I said smiling and helping her up.

"I'm fine I was in a daydream anyway so it's not all yer's fault." She replied patting my shoulder. Her touch was like having angel sing and face your face at the same time. And it felt so good. I want to hold her so tight her eyes might pop. Her lips was so pick and plump and her lip gloss just made them look even sexier. Then her eyes was the most beautiful red tinted blue eyes I have ever seen. She was a moving work of art and I loved it.

"So was ye daydreaming about me?" I asked raising my eyebrow and giving a smile. She gave a small beautiful chuckle. Her voice was like fresh honey and a song to my ears. She could wipe away any pain I had with only talking.

"No and ye needs to get a good woman and leave me in peace." She said breaking my gaze from her lips to her eyes. She say get a good woman but I'm looking at the perfect woman right now. And I want her badly.

"I am trying to get a good woman but she will not come to me she wants to be left in peace." I replied grabbing a piece of her hair and twisting it in my fingers. I loved touching her hair because it was so soft and smooth like a river and resting water.

"Not going to happen. Now go to work goofy." She said kissing my cheek with her soft plump lips. I wanted to melt at her knees and beg her to take me. My pole had become frozen at this point. That's how hard it was. This woman did not know how bad I wanted her. How much I loved her. How much I needed her. Without her I wouldn't have the job, home, or life I have now. And I love it. She started to be on her way to work and I wanted to pull her back and run away with her like in one of those romance movies. I wanted us to twilight. I wanted us to be jack and Rosa from the titanic. I just wanted her to be mine.

"Do not worry ye will come around and ye will be mine" I replied teleporting to my station where S-jay covered me until I got in. I do not know what I would do if S-jay was not here. He always have my back. He knows I wake up early I just lose track of time sometimes, but he is always there for me.

"What's up man?" I asked him as he stood and hugged me slightly and sat back at the cameras.

"Nothing much, but you just came in time. Markus is about to do his staff rounds. So I didn't have to lie to him for you." He said smiling and propping his feet up. S-jay got his name because when we found him he would kill his victims and write SJ in the stomach. It wasn't like he was trying to hurt anyone. He was just hungry. He got attack saving his mom from his step dad who happened to be a vamp. Not a good one either. His step dad would marry women all over and kill them for the money they had. But no one ever found him because he would always have a backup story. He would be one place then teleport back and forth so it looks like he never even left. He was a sneaky son of a bitch, but one day Markus got him. The day Jewel was attacked. Leon tried to get her, but mark was there. And so was i. when she pasted out from the loss of blood I tried to help and get her out of there, But I got shot by Leon. Right in the chest I was lucky to make it. Mark turned me and Jewel that night. I never saw my father again. I wonder if he is still alive. It's been four years since I was turned. Last time I saw my father he was very ill. I just might have A.J. look him and see if he had already deceased or did he make it.

A scream from the hall made me jump out of my train of thought and speed down the hallway just to see Sara, Jewel 's Little sister screaming in pain and Jewel sitting there as if she couldnt move or anything while markus was trying to get sara to hold still. Markus soon yelled at Jewel who jumpped and grabbed sara's arm and they carried her to the hospital within the school. the school had the hospital put in because we all knew the kids that go to this was not human, so we couldnt take them to a normal hospital.

I ran to the door but angel wouldn't allow me inside. So I had to watch from the window in the lobby. Jewel looked like her heart was tore from her chest and Markus was angry.

I went back to my post to check the security cameras to see if I can find anyone suspicious Fort Worth questioning to find out what happened to Sarah. I watch the cameras slowly and as lunch was going on in the cafeteria down the hall there was a man in a black. I never seen the man before I couldn't recognize him and I know everybody that ever came to the school, including the visitors.

" well isn't it the one and only womanizer checking the security cameras. I never thought I'd actually see you doing your job." SJ said as he walked through the door smiling as if he just won the lottery.

" hey do you recognize this man I've never seen him before?" I said to SJ as I pointed to the man on the screen. SJ walked over and took a look at the screen studying the man's face as if he was having a quiz on it tomorrow. He scratched his head and scratched one of his sideburns.

" nope never seen him before but somebody must know who he is because he will have to get through security just to get inside." SJ said looking at me with no concern. I look back at the security cameras at the front gate. I went 3 hours behind the incident and there is no record of the men even entering the gate. It is this man was brought in by one of the employees or he's just smart enough to avoid all cameras. I looked at to see who's the guard at that point and it looked as if it was Junior.

" hey SJ where's jr. I need to ask him a few questions." I said turning to SJ who was sitting in his chair eating a donut as always.

" he is down in the same room right now trying to get Sarah to calm down." SJ said with his mouth full of donuts spitting it all over his desk.

" thanks man and learn to cover your mouth when you speak you tend have good food all over the place." I said speeding out of the room down to the silver broom so I can speak with Junior about the man on the security camera. When I got down there they were trying to strap Sarah down so she would stop fighting so they could take a sample of her blood to find out what was causing her to have a burning sensation in the body. Hey I finally got her strapped down and join your turn towards me with an exhausted look on his face.

" hey Romone what's up you need some thing?"

" yeah I need to question you about something jr. " I said gesturing him outside the room. He followed me outside the room and shut the door and looked at me with a little concern on his face.

" so what's up?" Jr said turning to look at me.

" a man was inside the school today in a black suit. I couldn't recognize his face but I was wondering did he come through the front gate or did you happen to see him?" I said crossing my arms against my chest and leaning against the wall.

"No, sir. no one has come thru the gate all day other than you're lass and roman's ole lady." Jr replied standing with his hand on his belt.

"Well can you do me a favor and do some research and find out who this mystery man is?" I asked lifting up and getting ready to walk away.

"Yes, sir. can do i'll do it right after to nights runs." Jr said bowing slightly as his black silky hair fell in his and he brushed it back as he came back up.

"Thanks jr your the man." I said and walked out. I went about doing my search rounds around the school.

How could someone get in the school and not be seen by one person? All our guards are our top guards to protect the children and the other supernaturals who live here. there is no way he got in without someone seeing him unless he is a shape shifter. but even then A.J would have smelled the difference with him being a were-bear his sense of smell is very very well. My train of thought was broken when i bumped into Jewel Who was coming out her room. i once again knocked her off her feet on to her pretty plump butt. She looked like she was going clubing tonight because she was wearing a sexy silk dress with her mid area showing thur the slits and her beautiful Plump Breast Bouncing as she fell. Jewel Black Heel feel Off her foot and landed next to me. I grabbed her shoe and tried to ignore how Hard my Pole was. I was praying it wasnt noticeable.

"I'm sorry Jewel . I didn't know you were coming out. And aren't you looking mighty fine" I said sliding her heel back on her foot. for a slight sec i got to touch her skin and it was so soft and silky just as i thought it would be. i then helped her up back on her feet and turned on my charm with a sly smile and a nice cocking eyebrow.

"It's ok Romone and thank you. I'm going out with someone tonight." Jewel replied.

I knew Jewel was only trying to make me jealous because she knows i am deeply madly in love with her. I decided not to fall for the bait and think of something new.

"You should Let me come with...I mean if it's ok with you." I said.

I looked down embarrassed on how i said that. I sounded like a 14 year old asking a girl to prom. I could have said something more clever, something that would have impressed her, but No Romone you blew it sounded like a lil boy, dont no women want a lil boy they want a man. I thought to myself in a slight nervous panic as i shoved my hand in my pockets so Jewel wouldnt see me Shaking. But i guess it was no use. i was wobbling back and forth like a fourth grader. I really blew now.

"Well let's go to your room," She said Pulling me from my panicking Mind.

"M-My room?" I replied wondering why would she wanna go to my room for.

"Yea, we need to get you dressed. You're not going to wear your uniform to the club, are you?" Jewel said walking toward my room smiling happily. As she walked pass me i watched as her ass bounced in that tight dress of her. I would be one dame fool if i miss this chance to really wow her tonight. so i followed behind her slightly nervous still. I rubbed the back of my head slightly as we walked and was trying to think of something to say.

"Right, Um...let's go" I said as we walk together around the corner to my room. She then grabbed my hand and walked with me.

I opened my door to my room and she seem to love it was she slowly walked in looking at evrything.

"For a jock you have very good taste in music," She said as she was looking at the BVB Band poster. I also had PTV, SWS, Attack Attack, and Asking Alexandria poster. My bed was covered in drawings and songs and poems i been writing for months.

My desk was covered in framed pictures of Jewel and I. My favorite was when i took her to prom. She was so beautiful that night. that was the most magical night of all. I leaned on the side of my desk watching her as she looked at all the posters and Pictures. I watched as her beauty just shined off her body.

"Thanks, so what club are we going to?" I said pushing off my desk and opening my closet. this is when i realized i dont have Shit to wear. i only have the outfit i wore when i was turned and some other crazy shit mark gave me.

"V Devils." She replied sitting on my bed and looking at the picture story that i made. stayed turn to the closet embarrassed. the whole story was about my dream life i would want to have with Jewel . she going to think im lame now. I shook my head so i could thin of what to wear and i started going thru my clothes. I choose to wear my all black outfit. when i turned to Jewel as i was fixing my shirt she was blushing and it made me smirk. I then grabbed my jacket.

"Looking good Romone," Jewel said as i opened the door for her and walked out with her.

"Thanks Babe. I wore it to match your beautiful black V-neck lace dress," I said wrapping my arm around her beautiful slim waist. we walked to the door where Nitra and some weird looking guy was waiting. I was excited, i was finally going on a date with the girl of my dreams. this is going to be an amazing night.

"Jewel this is Georgi," Nitra said introducing the weird looking business man. I kept my arm around my arm and watched Georgi closely. something didnt feel right about this man. he had a weird scent. he wasnt human. so what was he?

"Georgi Hurdon, nice to meet you" Georgi stated then gave me and mean mug as if i was scared of him. i tried not to laugh so i just smiled and stared back.

"Jewniya Wilson but everyone calls me Jewel and this is Romone," Jewel said making me look at her because i love the sound of her voice but she looks like an angel.

"Nice to meet you Romone, I'm Georgi Hurdon," Georgi stated again to me as he handed his hand out to me.

"Romone Pound" I said walking pass him and saying hi to Nitra "O yea I didn't shake your hand because people don't wash their hands now a days. It's gross." I said wrapping my arm around my hip and leading Jewel to the door of the car. I felt great. and thats not the reason i didnt wanna shake his hand. i simply dont like the guy.

"Understandable" Georgi replied leading Nitra to the car with his hand in her's. Jewel and i Joked and Played around the whole car ride while Georgi and Nitra looked at each other as if they were kids that had crushes. it was weird watching them it was like they was puppy love and me and Jewel was married. i chuckled to myself at the thought of my and Jewel married.

We finally made it to V devils. Georgi and Nitra was the first ones out and I was about to get out until I grabbed Jewel 's hand making her come back to the sit. i wanted to tell her i loved her but i dont think she feels the same.

"Hold on, I need to talk to you." i said smiling nervously.

"Ok What up Pumpkin." she replied giggling. I chuckled and pulled her close by my waist and looked in her eyes.

"Thank you for letting me come with you tonight, this is the best night of my life because I get to spend it with you." I said smiling and hugging her tightly and rubbing her back. i could feel her body heat rising so i knew i made her blush.

Jewel pulled back and smiled really big as if i was the happiest man on earth i felt Jewel 's softly blood flushed hand touch my face and i wanted to kiss right there. i jumped slightly as Nitra popped her head in the car.

"Well yawl two coming or not?" She said leaving the car.

"We better get going before she kill us." Jewel said blushing exiting the car. I sighed and exited the car. Jewel was a beautiful woman but i bet she really thinks i am a womanizer.

I don't really remember the rest of the night from that back me and Jewel danced and got drunk. I thought to myself as I sat up and saw the Jewel was laying in my bed sleeping. I smiled and ran my hand in her softly watching her sleep.

"Thank you for the best night ever Jewel " I whispered wrapping her in my blanket and wrapping my arm around her holding her close.