

In a society where power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. Since the moment of his birth, Theo has been the target of betrayal and manipulation by those seeking to maintain their position of authority. He was raised in isolation and abandoned because he was seen as a threat to the old hierarchies. Theo's strength increases with time, driven by the very rejection that was supposed to shatter him. The world's attempt to change his destiny gives him strength and power, making him a formidable opponent. Together with a group of allies who understand his potential for good, Theo begins a journey of self-discovery, overcoming countless difficulties and tribulations. He gains power and influence more and more as the world tries to stop him. The world sees a change as Theo overcomes the betrayals and challenges that stand in his way. His might causes the very power structures that had previously rejected him to collapse, and he becomes a ray of hope for those who had also been cast aside.en cast aside.

Anjaan9 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Young sorcerer

After an hour, the group gathered in front of the palace, King Aric's expression turned solemn, and he addressed them with an air of gravity. "The future of destiny depends upon you," he proclaimed, his voice resonating through the grandeur of the palace courtyard.

In response, a collective bow rippled through the assembled crowd, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of the king's words and the gravity of their mission. 

Following the king's proclamation, Erick stepped forward, "We will enter the kingdom in groups of seven and meet in the village of Shadowhaven, near dark forest."

Erick continued, "This is an unofficial visit, and we cannot afford kingdom of Bladehaven to catch wind of our presence. Any inkling of suspicion may cast doubt on our intentions, and they could pursue us relentlessly."

Erick issued a directive not to wield magic above Intermediate Rank. As Bladehaven, a kingdom dominated by swordsmen, strictly prohibited high-level magic due to safety concerns. Anything beyond Intermediate Rank could easily be traced through the flow of mana, risking arrests unless the wielder possessed citizenship in the enemy kingdom.

Heads nodded in solemn agreement, emphasizing the silent understanding. The gravity of adhering to these restrictions was underscored by the potential consequences of discovery within the hostile territory. The group, aware of the delicate nature of their task, stood united in their commitment to move in the shadows and avoid drawing attention to their mission.

As the unspoken agreement settled among them, Erick's gaze held a mix of determination and caution. The success of their endeavor depended not only on their skills but also on their ability to navigate Bladehaven's kingdom without raising suspicions.

Erick's gaze then shifted towards Lord, ten circle mage, signaling the next phase of their plan. With a nod from Erick, Lord began to chant, casting a spell that enveloped the entire party. In an instant, they found themselves standing at the border of Eldoria and Bladehaven.

Under Erick's guidance, the group cautiously breached the border into Bladehaven, moving with utmost stealth in the shadows to elude any lurking spies. Each member, attuned to the importance of secrecy, blended into the darkness like phantoms, their movements silent and purposeful.

Erick meticulously outlined each group's designated routes, his eyes keenly observing the surroundings. The clandestine mission unfolded like a carefully choreographed dance, each participant moving with a calculated grace, leaving no trace behind. Shadows embraced them as they navigated the unfamiliar terrain, a silent symphony of unity in the face of uncertainty.

Once the others had vanished into the shadows, Derik couldn't help himself and turned to Erick with an inquire about their route. "Forest" Erick quickly blurted out answering Derik

Derik's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "Forest?" It wasn't just any forest; Derik had heard whispers that the stretch of woods between the Kingdom of Bladehaven and their adversary was intertwined with the mysterious Dark Forest, inhabited by ominous creatures.

Amidst the questioning, a soft chuckle pierced the air, prompting Derik to look in the direction of the sound. There, standing with an air of elegance, was a breathtaking lady. Long, golden hair flowed down to her waist, her complexion was as smooth as milk, and her face held a striking beauty. A charming mole beneath her lips added an extra layer of allure. She playfully tousled Derik's hair and reassured him, "Don't worry, kid. My husband will protect us." Glancing teasingly at Erick, she wore a smile that hinted at a shared history.

This captivating lady was none other than the first princess of the kingdom, Aurora, known for both her beauty and swordsmanship. More importantly, she was Erick's wife. Erick blushed at the attention and looked away, nodding in response to her playful comment. The princess, reveling in her husband's endearing reaction, smiled warmly, revealing a side of Erick that few had the privilege to witness.

Beyond Derik's initial shock and the princess's reassurance, the group included Lord and Erick's father, duke Mason Silverthorn.

Two hours into their journey through the forest, a heavy and panicked sound reached the group, emanating from Derik. "You said you would protect me!" he shouted loudly while running at full speed. Derik was being chased by a six-rank magical beast, a fearsome ox. Panic set in as Derik dodged the beast's relentless attacks, shouting for help as he weaved through the trees.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group was engaged in battle with a group of similar magical beasts. Erick slashed through one of the creature, his father skillfully cutting down another. Covered in blood, Erick's father voiced concern, "Shouldn't we save that kid?" Erick, focused on another approaching beast, shouted back,"He must overcome that beast himself."

Derik, desperately trying to outrun the magical beast, stumbled and fell to the ground. The creature lunged at him, jaws wide open, but Derik managed to roll out of the way just in time. Panic etched across his face, he searched for any means of escape.

Derik, realizing that no one was coming to his aid, Derik summoned the power of earth, causing the ground beneath the creature to tremble. He raised a series of rock spikes from the forest floor, strategically placing them in the creature's path. The beast, charging forward, found itself impeded by the sudden emergence of sharp, rocky obstacles.

Seizing the opportunity, Derik called upon his water magic, conjuring a cascade of water from the surrounding environment. He directed the water towards the rocky spikes, coating them in a layer of slippery moisture. The combination of earth and water created a hazardous terrain for the pursuing creature, making its movements sluggish and unsteady.

As the beast struggled to navigate the treacherous ground, Derik channeled his lightning magic. With a concentrated surge of electrical energy, he sent a series of electrifying pulses through the wet rocks and water-soaked ground. The electrical charge crackled through the impromptu obstacle course, creating a dangerous zone of shocking currents.

The pursuing creature, already disoriented by the combination of earth and water, now faced the added challenge of navigating through electrified terrain. Derik continued to manipulate the lightning, ensuring that the creature remained trapped within the charged area.

With the beast momentarily incapacitated, Derik focused his efforts on a finishing move. Drawing upon the water in the vicinity, he gathered it into a massive, swirling sphere. Infusing the water with a final surge of high rank lightning magic, he hurled the electrified water sphere directly at the creature.

The impact of the charged water sphere enveloped the beast in a dazzling display of sparks and electrical discharges. The creature, overwhelmed by the combined forces of earth, water, and lightning, succumbed to the magical onslaught.

As a 4-circle mage, Derik's mastery over magic left Lord in awe when he witnessed the young sorcerer effortlessly casting a spell of the high rank. Lord, though aware of Derik's talent, found himself astounded by the extent of the mage's growth, a realization that surpassed even his vivid imagination. With each flicker of mana escaping from Derik's being, he descended to the ground, only to be caught by the swift hands of Erick. A weak yet triumphant smile graced Erick lips as he murmured, "Well done, kid." However, irritation lingered in Derik's voice as he cast a curse at Erick, "I almost die, you deceitful rogue." The strain on his mana had taken its toll, rendering Derik unconscious.

Observing the spectacle, the Princess gracefully approached Erick, her curiosity piqued by Derik's extraordinary feat. "He executed a high rank spell, didn't he?" she inquired, directing her gaze toward Lord. In silent acknowledgment, Lord clenched his fist in frustration. The princess, genuinely impressed, couldn't contain her enthusiasm, exclaiming, "Incredible! I've never witnessed such prodigious talent in someone so young. I shall speak to Father about sponsoring him."

In a moment of frustration, Lord blurted out, "Princess, he's just a commoner. How can he—" The princess quickly cut him off, saying, "Who cares if he's a commoner? He's got talent. If we help him grow, he could be a big deal for our kingdom." Lord, caught in a tug of war between his thoughts, reflected on the royal family's history of grooming talent to serve their needs.

In the midst of this discourse, Lord directed his gaze towards Derik and mused, "I can no longer delay and absorb his mana before he attract more attention. He is inherently mine; I cannot permit his possession by another." Lord's veiled motives began to unfurl, laying the groundwork for a potential conflict within the group, all transpiring while Derik lay unconscious, blissfully unaware of the clandestine forces maneuvering for control over his extraordinary magical prowess.

Continuing to stare at Derik, Lord's strange intentions didn't escape Erick's notice. Confused about why Lord was so fixated on a kid, Erick held Derik close and signaled for the group to keep moving. Night fell, and when Derik finally opened his eyes, he found himself on Erick's back, blissfully. 

Erick discerned Derik's awakening and inquired, "Awake?" Derik responded with a drowsy "Hmm" and made an attempt to dismount from Erick's back. Sensing his movement, Erick gently restrained him, cautioning, "Stay put; otherwise, you'll hinder our pace." Frustrated, Derik retorted, "If I'm holding you back, you should just leave me here." Despite Derik mild annoyance, Erick managed a faint smile and continued the journey.

Duke Mason observed the interaction between Erick and Derik, reflecting on the way their family had forsaken emotions in their pursuit of becoming elite swordsmen. Typically, the members of their lineage were characterized by emotional detachment, showing no concern for others. However, Erick defied this trend—possessing wisdom and compassion. His genuine care for people stood as a rare quality within a family often associated with self-interest. Duke's face revealed a mix of emotions as he observed his son, Erick. There was a subtle smile on his lips, a sign of contentment. His eyes, however, held a trace of concern, a flicker of worry that danced in their depths. It was a look that spoke of a father's pride in his son's uniqueness but also carried a quiet apprehension, a fear that this distinctive emotional quality might bring harm to his son.

NOTE: A quick guide to the ranking system for magical abilities.

Low Rank: Basic magical abilities that are easy to learn and common among practitioners.(1 to 3 circle mage) 

Intermediate Rank: More advanced than low-rank abilities, requiring a moderate level of skill and training. (3-5 circle mage)

High Rank: Considerable mastery is needed to perform high-rank magic. These abilities are powerful and not easily wielded by novices. (5-6 circle mage)

Master Rank: Reserved for the most skilled magic users. Achieving master rank requires extensive training and a deep understanding of magical principles. (6 to 8 circle mage)

Grandmaster Rank: Only a few individuals in the world can attain this level. Grandmasters are renowned for their exceptional magical prowess and are often legendary figures in the magical community. (above 8 circle mage)

If you happen to read the chapters of my first story, I would appreciate your assistance. I would be grateful for a like, a comment, or your wisdom as they would help me improve and reach my full potential.

I appreciate you coming along on this literary journey with me. Let our mutual love of storytelling bring us together in this imaginary world.

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