

What happens when you die and open your eyes in heaven as an angel .In the end to become the most powerful and feared demon king in the universe

cosmicRider · Fantasi
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4 Chs


Ryu was a college student in his 2nd year when he was shot to death by gangsters. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in another world.

(Ryu thinking)

Ryu: What the heck?! Where am I? I remember I was shot to death by those scumbags because I refused to work with them. And now I'm in some kind of heaven or something? I'm so confused right now. What's happening? 

He looked at his hands, which were now tiny and small like an infant's.

Ryu: What happened to me? 

As he was pondering this, he suddenly felt someone grab him from behind.

??? (with a tired expression): What am I gonna do with you, Ma-el?

Ryu turned to see a very handsome man, the epitome of beauty and handsomeness.

Ryu was shocked and couldn't find the words to respond.

??? (man): What happened to you, Ma-el? You're acting like you've never seen your father before.

Ryu: What the heck? This man is my father?

He wanted to say something, but words didn't come out, perhaps because he was in the body of a 5-month-old child.

??? (man): Now, now, let's go meet your brothers and sisters.

The man took him to a room filled with many children, all with beautiful white wings like angels.

???: Say hello to your brothers and sisters.

Then, the man turned to the oldest-looking child and said:

??? (man): Lucifer, come and take care of your youngest brother.

Ryu was bewildered. In a few seconds, he understood that this person was God.

(??? - God)

Lucifer: So, Father, what's his name?

God: Ma-el, his name is Ma-el, the Angel of Life.

(After 5 years)

Ryu was now almost 6 years old and had formed a strong bond with God, whom he accepted as his father. He also had close relationships with Michael, Azzeal, Sariel, and his lovely sister, Gabriel.

However, Ryu couldn't quite explain why he didn't have the same kind of bond with Lucifer. It wasn't that he hated him or disliked him, but their relationship seemed neutral.

One day in the garden, Sariel and Azzeal approached him.

Azzeal: Brother Ma-el, tomorrow is your birthday. What are your plans?

Ryu: I don't know, brothers. I just want to spend time with all of you and our family. I already have many brothers and caring sisters who look after me. I don't need anything else.

He said with a smile.

Azzeal and Sariel exchanged glances.

Azzeal: Your answer... why is it always so dramatic?

Ryu looked at them and smirked.

Ryu: Love you too, brothers.

They all burst into laughter.

As the laughter subsided, Ryu continued to enjoy his life in this celestial realm. He spent countless days exploring the magnificent gardens and heavenly landscapes, always under the watchful eye of his father, God, and his siblings.

Over the years, Ryu's bond with his brothers and sisters grew stronger. They taught him the ways of the angels, imparting wisdom and knowledge that transcended mortal understanding. Each sibling had their unique talents and duties in the divine hierarchy, and Ryu admired them all.

Lucifer, the firstborn and the one Ryu initially struggled to connect with, eventually became a more significant presence in his life. They may not have been as close as Ryu was with his other siblings, but they found common ground in their shared experiences and responsibilities.

As Ryu's birthday approached, the heavenly realm buzzed with preparations for the celebration. Angels of all ranks worked together to create a spectacular event. The garden, usually radiant, was adorned with even more vibrant colors, and the air was filled with the sweetest melodies from celestial instruments.

On the day of his birthday, Ryu was surrounded by love and warmth. His siblings presented him with meaningful gifts, each reflecting their unique personalities and the role they played in the divine order. God, his father, bestowed upon him a special blessing, imbuing Ryu with the wisdom and compassion needed to fulfill his role as the Angel of Life.

The festivities continued throughout the day and into the night, as Ryu danced among the stars and shared laughter and stories with his angelic family. It was a celebration that transcended time and space, a reminder that in this heavenly realm, they were bound by a love that knew no end.

As Ryu grew older and continued to learn and evolve in his divine role, he cherished these moments and the family that had welcomed him into their celestial world. Though he would never forget his mortal life and the events that had led him here, he had found a new purpose and family among the angels, living a life filled with love, wisdom, and eternal wonder.