

What happens when you die and open your eyes in heaven as an angel .In the end to become the most powerful and feared demon king in the universe

cosmicRider · Fantasi
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4 Chs

chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Pact

As Ma-el continued his clandestine exploration of the forbidden texts in the celestial library, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was teetering on the edge of a precipice, a point of no return. The knowledge he had uncovered was both intoxicating and perilous, and the whispers of doubt in his mind had grown into a cacophonous chorus, urging him to seek more.

One fateful night, as the celestial realm bathed in the soft luminescence of the eternal stars, Ma-el ventured deeper into the library's shadowy recesses. His pursuit of forbidden knowledge had become an obsession, one that eclipsed all other concerns. He had learned of powers that could rival those of the archangels, and the allure of this newfound strength was too tempting to resist.

As he perused an ancient grimoire, its pages filled with arcane symbols and cryptic rituals, a presence manifested beside him. It was a fallen angel, a being whose once-bright wings had been tarnished by rebellion and whose countenance bore the marks of defiance.

"Ma-el," the fallen angel whispered, his voice a seductive melody, "I sense your hunger for power, your thirst for knowledge that transcends the boundaries of Heaven."

Ma-el turned to face the fallen angel, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and curiosity. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

The fallen angel inclined his head, a sinister smile playing upon his lips. "I am Azrael, once an angel of the highest order, now an outcast. I bring you a proposition, Ma-el, one that could grant you unimaginable power in exchange for your allegiance."

Ma-el's eyes widened, and his pulse quickened. The forbidden knowledge he had uncovered had already opened his mind to possibilities he had never imagined, but this offer was something entirely different. It promised power beyond his wildest dreams.

"What kind of proposition?" Ma-el asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Azrael stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with otherworldly intensity. "I offer you a pact, Ma-el. A pact that will bind you to me, that will grant you access to powers that even the archangels dare not wield. In exchange, you will serve me faithfully, your loyalty unwavering."

Ma-el's mind raced as he considered the offer. He thought of the doubts that had haunted him, of the questions that had driven him to seek forbidden knowledge. Could this be the answer he had been searching for? Could this pact lead him to a destiny that was truly his own?

Azrael seemed to sense Ma-el's internal struggle and continued, his voice a persuasive whisper. "Think of what you could accomplish with the power I offer, Ma-el. You could reshape Heaven itself, challenge the divine order, and carve a path that defies the Almighty's will. You could be more than just an angel; you could become a force of nature."

The temptation was overpowering, and Ma-el found himself at a crossroads, torn between the allure of power and the teachings of Heaven. He had always felt like an outsider among his angelic siblings, and now, here was a chance to transcend their limitations.

"What do you require of me?" Ma-el finally asked, his voice trembling.

Azrael's smile widened, and he extended a hand towards Ma-el. "Swear your allegiance to me, Ma-el, and the pact will be sealed. You will have the power you desire, and together, we will reshape the heavens and the earth."

Ma-el hesitated for a moment, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. He thought of the consequences, the potential for chaos and destruction that this pact could unleash. But he also thought of the doubts that had gnawed at him for eons, of the feeling of not truly belonging among the angels.

With a mixture of fear and determination, Ma-el reached out and clasped Azrael's outstretched hand. "I swear my allegiance," he whispered, sealing the pact that would alter his destiny forever.

As their hands touched, a surge of power coursed through Ma-el's being, and he felt his wings shimmer with an otherworldly radiance. It was a power unlike anything he had ever known, a power that filled him with both exhilaration and dread.

Azrael's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Welcome to a new destiny, Ma-el. Together, we shall defy the divine order and claim the power that is rightfully ours."

From that moment on, Ma-el's transformation began. He became a vessel of forbidden power, his abilities growing with each passing day. He could command forces that could reshape reality itself, and his presence sent ripples through the celestial realm, causing consternation among the angelic hierarchy.

News of Ma-el's newfound power and allegiance to Azrael spread like wildfire through Heaven. Archangels and dominions watched with a mixture of concern and apprehension as the once-doubtful angel ascended to heights of power previously unattainable. The whispers of doubt that had plagued him had transformed into a resolute determination to challenge the divine order and forge a destiny of his own making.

Lucifer, too, took note of Ma-el's transformation, his eyes filled with a mix of fascination and caution. He had walked a similar path in the distant past, and he understood the consequences of defying the Almighty's will. Yet, he couldn't deny the allure of Ma-el's newfound power and the potential it held to reshape their celestial home.

As Ma-el delved deeper into the depths of his darkened destiny, he began to realize that the path he had chosen was fraught with peril. The power he wielded was intoxicating, but it came at a price, a price that would test the very essence of his being. And as he embarked on this perilous journey, he could only hope that the choices he had made would ultimately lead him to a truth that was worth the sacrifice.