

What happens when you die and open your eyes in heaven as an angel .In the end to become the most powerful and feared demon king in the universe

cosmicRider · Fantasi
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4 Chs

chapter 2

Chapter 2: Forbidden Knowledge

Driven by curiosity and a thirst for answers, Ma-el began secretly delving into the forbidden knowledge hidden within the celestial library. He knew he will discovered some ancient texts that spoke of a world beyond their heavenly realm, a world where power and freedom were not bound by divine rules

As the days turned into weeks and Ma-el's determination to seek answers grew stronger, he couldn't shake the feeling that the key to his destiny lay hidden within the celestial library. This library, a vast repository of knowledge guarded by archangels, contained secrets and texts that were off-limits to all but the highest-ranking angels. It was said to hold the wisdom of the ages, including knowledge that the Almighty deemed too dangerous for angelic consumption.

One evening, when the celestial garden was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, Ma-el approached the entrance to the library. It was a massive structure, its towering pillars adorned with intricate carvings that depicted the history of creation. Two archangels, Seraphiel and Uriel, stood guard at the entrance, their eyes vigilant.

"Ma-el," Seraphiel said, his voice like a choir of a thousand voices, "You know you are not permitted to enter the library without proper authorization."

Ma-el hesitated for a moment, then looked into Seraphiel's eyes with a determination that surprised even himself. "I understand, Seraphiel, but I believe there are answers within those ancient texts. Answers that I must find to understand my purpose."

Uriel exchanged a glance with Seraphiel, then nodded. "Very well, Ma-el. We will grant you access, but know that the consequences of tampering with forbidden knowledge can be severe."

With their reluctant permission, Ma-el entered the library, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The room was vast, its shelves stretching to infinity, and the air was filled with the scent of ancient scrolls. Illuminated by the soft glow of celestial candles, he began his search for the forbidden texts.

Hours turned into days as Ma-el combed through the shelves, his eyes scanning titles and symbols he could barely comprehend. The knowledge contained within these texts was not meant for angelic consumption, and that fact only fueled his curiosity further. He finally came across a dusty tome hidden in the darkest corner of the library, its cover adorned with cryptic runes.

Carefully, Ma-el opened the book, and as his eyes fell upon the words inscribed within, a sense of wonder and dread washed over him. The text spoke of a world beyond Heaven, a realm where beings possessed powers and freedoms that were unthinkable in their celestial home. It described a world where the concept of free will was not bound by divine rules, where choices were made independently of the Almighty's will.

Ma-el read on, the words on the pages igniting a spark within him. He learned of beings called humans, fragile yet resilient, capable of love, ambition, and a myriad of emotions that angels could only observe from a distance. The text described their world, a place of beauty and chaos, where the pursuit of knowledge, power, and freedom was both a source of enlightenment and a path to darkness.

But what intrigued Ma-el most were the passages that hinted at the existence of forbidden arts, ancient rituals, and arcane knowledge that could grant unimaginable abilities. These were the secrets that the Almighty had deemed too dangerous for angelic minds, and yet, Ma-el couldn't help but be drawn to them.

As he delved deeper into the forbidden text, Ma-el became aware of a presence in the library. He turned to find Uriel standing in the shadows, his wings unfurled but his expression unreadable.

"Ma-el," Uriel said, his voice a whisper that echoed through the library, "What you are reading... it is forbidden knowledge. The consequences of pursuing this path can be dire."

Ma-el closed the book, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "Uriel, I seek answers. I believe that understanding the nature of this forbidden knowledge is crucial to my purpose. I must know more."

Uriel regarded Ma-el with a mixture of sympathy and concern. "Very well, but you tread on a perilous path. If you are to continue, you must do so with caution and discretion."

With Uriel's reluctant blessing, Ma-el continued his exploration of the forbidden texts, spending countless hours absorbing the knowledge that had been kept hidden from angelic eyes for eternity. The more he learned, the deeper he fell into the rabbit hole of forbidden wisdom, and the more he questioned the divine order that had bound his existence.

One evening, as Ma-el sat in the dimly lit library, his mind filled with newfound insights, a voice whispered in his ear. It was a voice both alluring and dangerous, a voice that seemed to emanate from the very pages of the forbidden text.

"Ma-el," it said, "You have only scratched the surface of what awaits you. There is power here, power that can reshape your destiny and the destiny of all angels."

Ma-el turned, his eyes wide with surprise, to find Lucifer standing beside him. His elder sibling wore a sly smile, and his wings bore a subtle gleam of intrigue.

"Lucifer," Ma-el stammered, "What are you doing here?"

Lucifer leaned in closer, his voice a seductive whisper. "I sensed your curiosity, Ma-el, your thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the boundaries of Heaven. I, too, have delved into these forbidden texts, and I have discovered secrets that could change everything."

The allure of forbidden knowledge had ensnared Ma-el, and now, with Lucifer as an unexpected ally, he stood at a crossroads. Together, they were on the brink of uncovering truths that could challenge the very foundations of angelic existence. But as they delved deeper into the abyss of forbidden wisdom, they would also risk awakening forces that had long been dormant and threatening a cosmic balance that had held since the dawn of creation.