

The day began with everyone waking up extra early. It was Sunday a day that was sacred to Luckson. Things had taken a 180 degree turn in Luckson's view.

Where he had been opposed to attending church with his uncle's family. He 'd had a complete change of mindset and almost Damascan experience as it were. Though the things that had contributed to this turn around were far from divine 

In fact it was actually the ugly confrontation earlier between Charmaine and Tonderai. The ripple effects had of that nasty scene had carried on well into evening. Echoing an unpleasant eerie silence right through dinner with the parties to the conflict ignoring each other's presence. Contributing to heightened a sense tension which even uncle Thomas and aunty Mayble's attempts at striking up lively discourse could not break. 

The belligerent parties restricting themselves to one word answers without making any effort at contributing to the attempts to engage them in discussions. Resulting in the conversations dying a still birth. 

It was hopeless to say the least and became quite frustrating for the initiators who finally threw in the towel, and went to bed. The manner that uncle Thomas and aunty Mayble left the supper table spoke volumes of their frustration. It was as though the misunderstanding between Charmaine and Tonde had suddenly become contagious, affecting even those who had no part in the standoff. Left alone with the pugilists, Luckson saw no reason why he should be dragged into a cold war supper table. He felt it was insufferable the way both cousins were trying to engage him in conversation to the complete exclusion and ultimate decomfort of the other.

Luckson felt it was wise for him to follow their parents example and quietly go to bed. The way they were going the situation could escalate at any point and he did not want to be party to a possible outbreak of violence. 

Leaving them together to work out their differences was the best thing he could do for advancement of peace. 

They would either work it out some how, how they would do it was their business. Alternatively they go the same examplary route that had been taken by their parents and also go to bed. A good night's rest might just be what they needed to calm down.

Whether that had done the trick, Luckson felt strongly that spending quality time as a family in the presence of the almighty would settle matters decisively. 

He was pleased to see that the family members needed no motivation and woke up quite early to get ready for church. 

Uncle Thomas came out of master bedroom looking smart in a dark navy blue suit. 

"Looking forward to your first day in church?", uncle Thomas asked pleasantly, Luckson whom he met, making his way to the landing at the top of the stairs. Luckson was also dressed in a suit, his first. It was part of the new wardrobe which aunty Mayble had bought him the other day at the Sunrise Mall. Luckson felt the urge to set the record straight and remind his uncle that it would not be his time in church just at the one uncle Thomas and his family went to. But decided to let the matter go, there had been enough tension in the mansion without looking for unnecessary controversy.

"You're looking sharp", remarked uncle Thomas looking admiring at the suit Luckson was wearing. "Your aunty is going to be pleased", he added.

"Hello hello", greeted Tonde cheerfully following them as they walked down the stairs.

"Wow! caz, you are looking fine ", Tonde commented appreciatively looking at Luckson in his suit. 

"Thank you", replied Luckson, "you're looking sharp as well".

"Thank you, thank you", promptly replied Tonde who was looking emaculate in a grey suit. 

"Isn't anyone going to compliment me as well, If you two are done praising each other?", uncle Thomas remarked light heartedly.

"Dad, that's what my mom is there for". quipped Tonde playfully and all three of them broke laughter.

It felt good to share in some light hearted laughter after the tension of the previous evening. Even the night was some what a bit troubled with the concern that if Charmaine and Tonde could not work things out the situation could rapidly descend into chaos. However nothing of the sort had happened and as three Lungu males broke into laughter at the landing at the bottom of the stairs, the climate was looking promising.

"Did I hear someone mention, mom", aunty Mayble remarked playfully, coming down the stairs.

"Glad you could finally join us darling", uncle Thomas greeted his wife warmly as she walked towards them.

"Luckson is that in that suit?", remarked aunty Mayble who was looking like a queen in a black satin knee length frock with glitters set into it. Aunty Mayble appreciatively took in the sight of Luckson with wide eyed wonder.

"It's him alright mom", said Tonde playfully.

"Can someone please go and remind Charmaine that we have a long drive ahead of us", uncle Thomas announced beginning to sound a little bit impatient.

"No need for that, I 'm here daddy!", Charmaine called out from the top of the stairs, announcing her triumphant arrival, making everyone to look up at the same time.

"Luckson's jaw dropped at the sight before, him. He knew Charmaine was beautiful, but the way she was looking in that golden satin gown with a matching chiffon going around her neck and falling to her back, giving the impression of wings. The way the highlights in her hair caught the light the sight of her just took his breath away.

Charmaine reached the lower rungs of the staircase grinning with satisfaction. She knew she had managed to create the effect she had intended. 

"Well are you just going to stand there?", she asked triumphantly staring directly into Luckson's eyes. Almost kick-starting his befuddled mind Luckson her and taking her hand helped her walk down the last couple of stairs.

"Thank you for finally showing up Charmaine", uncle Thomas remarked a hint of sarcasm".

"Oh daddy", Charmaine moaned softly making a pretense at a half hearted protest.

"Shall we my dear", uncle Thomas said to his wife, and headed towards the door with aunty Mayble on his arm and Tonde, his hands thrust into the pockets of his trousers following closely behind. Luckson with Charmaine on his arm, brought up the rear.