

Uncle Thomas waited until everyone was seated comfortably before starting the ignition. But as the Mercedes Benz' engine roared into life Luckson was already uncomfortable. The source of his uneasy emanating from the seating arrangement in the back seat.

A more natural order would have been for Charmaine to sit in the middle between him and Tonde. This would have fitted in more naturally with the masculine instinctual role of protecting the weaker gender of the species. 

Plus it would have been more a comfortable position for her on the packing order at the back seat. 

Luckson felt it was as though Charmaine had assumed the role of protecting him. He felt that by giving in to Charmaine and letting her take the window seat, he had been stripped of an essential quality of his manhood. Though he had only given up his accepted to seat in the middle in order to as act as a buffer between Tonde and Charmaine, he was seriously beginning to feel guilty, and even to question the validity of accepting to do so.

Especially given that there was no evidence of any lingering hostility from the previous night. 

"Therefore why should he then a man in the most comfortable, safest position, while a fragile female set by the window exposed to whatever harm might attack through the open portal.

It was only that Charmaine and Tonde had insisted that he had given in. Otherwise he would never have accepted. 

He only hoped that the drive to church wouldn't take long. However seemed to take an eternity with uncle Thomas seemingly enjoying the drive. He kept up a lively commentary Luckson was enjoying the extraordinary scenery as it was the first time he had driven with Luckson along the route.

When the church was finally sighted ahead of them, Luckson felt an immense sense of relief. He couldn't wait to get out the car and once again, vowing to himself that on the return trip home, he would not sit in the middle of the back seat.

As the Mercedes drove into the drive way he felt free to finally admire the extraordinary setting in which the church was located. 

Stepping out of the car the Lungus walked to the church entrance the man of God was already waiting outside the door to greet the congregants individually as they arrived with a firm handshake. The warm smile on his face adequately conveying the fact that they were most welcome. Though the priest's manner reminded Luckson of Father Michael, he was much slender with and not so rounded around the belly. Rather given a bit towards being more athletic.

He too had the similar manner of being familiar with members of his congregation. Like wise he greeted the Lungu clan individually as they were about to enter the church. 

Turning to Luckson, he greeted politely, welcome to, "His Grace Parish".

"Thank you", Luckson charmed by the priest's politeness.

"Another member of the Lungu clan?", the priest remarked pleasantly.

"Yes Father, this is my nephew, my late brother's only son, Luckson", said uncle Thomas affectionately laying a hand on Luckson's shoulder.

"Welcome once again, Luckson", reiterated the priest warmly.

"Thank you", replied Luckson and followed uncle Thomas into the church along with rest of the family. They made their way along the aisle between the pews. People milled around chatting excitedly with their neighbours like schoolchildren before the teacher arrived. As they entered, several heads turned to see the new arrivals who made quite an entrance being fashionably late as it were.

Though by the sight of the priest patiently waiting outside for the stragglers to arrive before commencing service , no one would have thought they were late. uncle Thomas and aunty Mayble exchanged pleasantries with some of the adults as they walked along looking for space among the pews where they could sit together.

A smiling usher guided them to a pew which could accommodate them with a wave of the hand and they gratefully followed his directions. 

A girl with a brightly coloured ribbon on her pony tail suddenly came into view chatting excitedly in the front row pew. There was something strangely familiar about the girl. It was as though he had seen her before. Though it did not make possible that he should know her, considering that he only recently moved to Beverly Heights. Also given the fact the fact that this was his first time attending service at His Grace Parish. 

Still he could not help feeling that he knew her from somewhere. 

Gathering the courage to go and take a closer, Luckson was about to go and talk to her, when the taking his place by the pulpit, the priest warmly welcomed the entire congregation to ,"yet another service".

The chatting instantly died away and individuals found their sits on the rows of pews conveniently placed for them and got ready to hear the word being taught.

The priest took a little more time to make sure everyone was attentive before launching into his sermon. 

Service was started a slightly delayed to accommodate those congregants who were running late according to the stipulated time table, that Luckson had been given while still at the mansion.

It seemed strange though for Luckson to be on that side side of the church, he was used to being behind the pulpit with the priest, waiting to usher the congregation into a divine experience with his voice.

Everything about this service was new to him, from the suit that he was quietly proud of, to standing among a congregation, not in front of it.

But when it began, it was settling, sobering to the mind and heart. It challenged, it rebuked. Above all it encouraged men and women to look at their lives and examine the way they conducted themselves, day in and day out. It was an urgent and sobering message that exhorted everyone in their individual to make good of the time and escape with their lives. It threatened hell and damnation to those who were not willing to mend their ways.