
Fake It ‘til You Make It

Me?! Running for student council president?! Name: Amelia Knight Occupation: Highschool Freshman Hobby: Lazing Around ...Something doesn't add up right...

GummyAssassin · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

True Feelings (1)

Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

I rose from my bed, rubbing my eyes—yawn, what a good night's sleep. I stretched my body. It always feels so nice to stretch after sleep. I sat in bed for a while, trying to sober from drowsiness.

Although it was a good sleep, why did I have an ominous dream? I dreamed about being the student representative, and many things happened. It's been a while since I've had such a detailed dream. But, wait, in the first place, what a joke the whole premise was. How can I, Amelia Knight, a person who cherishes her free time, be the representative?

Ridiculing my joke of a dream, I got off bed and got ready for the first day of school. I quickly dressed, worried that I might be late. Just in case, I checked the time on my phone. 7:30 A.M. Alright, plenty of time. It was then my eyes wandered down the screen.

Tuesday, I thought today's Monday. Wait. Hold up. Am I thinking what I'm thinking? No way? There's no way. In a daze, I somehow finished getting ready and went downstairs for breakfast.

Though, I maybe shouldn't have.

"Good morning, Amelia! Such a fine day for school!" My mother cheerfully said.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, but your Father congratulated you. Such a pity he couldn't have done it in person, but that's how things are." My mother continued.

I had a hunch but couldn't accept my reality, so I questioned.

"Why did he congratulate me?"

"On your student representative position, of course, silly," my mother said.

"Oh, yeah, that. Ha, ha, ha." I hollowly said. I guess my dream wasn't a dream after all.

"Amelia, are you alright?" My mother worriedly asked.

"Yes, yes," I answered.

"Okay, if you say so," My mother, still concerned, said before checking her wristwatch.

Her eyes widened when she saw the time.

"You're late, Amelia!" Why did you come down so late?! Hurry and eat breakfast. The representative shouldn't be late on the second day of school," She hurriedly urged me.

I didn't have time to register things before her sudden change in mood rattled me. Scrambling for something easy to eat, I grabbed a bread roll and hurried towards the door.

"Have a good day!" My mother's voice echoed through the hallway.

"Okay!" I shouted as I ran out the door. I glanced at my phone, making sure I had enough time. Phew, I should have enough time if I sped-walked to school.

And so I sped-walked to school, eating my bread roll.


Safe. I inwardly sighed when I made it to the school gate.

As I had a few more minutes before class began, I slowly walked to class, catching my breath and reorganizing my thoughts.

Okay, so today's the second day of school, and I'm one of the representatives. Cool. Nice to know. We will finalize our running mates next week. This means no extra work until then. Very Nice. And the Headmaster said...

Thinking about the Headmaster, am I forgetting something? The Headmaster... the Headmaster... he...

Shoot! Wasn't I supposed to meet him this morning?