
Fake heroes (Dropped)

Celina A. Delta sat in an empty warehouse, surrounded by harsh concrete walls. She had a pathetic and frail appearance, yet it didn't stop her from being a formidable opponent. Even her split personality enabled her to influence others around her, especially Andrew N. Liam. Is there gonna be a romance? Idk, I think there will be. Dropped.

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12 Chs

Chapter 1

Celina A. Delta was sitting in an empty warehouse, the stark concrete walls surrounding her. Her appearance comes of as a naive and weak girl, but it didn't stop her from being a force to be reckoned with. Her two-faced personality had allowed her to manipulate those around her, especially Andrew N. Liam.

Andrew was a solitary being who fell into his own world of fighting. He loved the rush it gave him and his arrogance only added fuel to the fire. When he first met Celina, he knew she was trouble, but couldn't resist her charm.

The two of them hit it off and became friends. One day while they were discussing their latest scheme over drinks at a nearby bar, Celina proposed something outrageous - turning back time. Andrew laughed it off as impossible until Celina pulled out a device that looked like it belonged in a sci-fi movie.

Without hesitation, they set up shop in the empty warehouse and began tinkering with the device. As they worked tirelessly through the night on this groundbreaking experiment, tension grew between them.

Finally, after hours of testing and tweaking their creation came alive with blinding lights and crackling energy - ready for its first test run.

"Let's do this," said Celina excitedly.

"I don't know if we should," replied Andrew hesitantly.

"Don't be such a coward," retorted Celina impatiently.

With that said they stepped onto the platform together holding hands tightly as everything around them blurred away into nothingness...As they were transported through time, Celina and Andrew felt their bodies being stretched to the limit. They emerged from the other side feeling disoriented but exhilarated.

"This is insane," said Andrew, looking around at their new surroundings.

"We did it!" exclaimed Celina, jumping up and down in excitement.

Their joy was short-lived as they heard a commotion nearby. Peering through a broken window, they saw that they had been transported into the middle of a gang fight.

Without hesitation, Andrew jumped into action with his fists flying while Celina used her quick wit to distract their attackers. It was like watching poetry in motion as they fought together - each one complementing the other's abilities perfectly.

Suddenly, a new character appeared on the scene - an imposing figure with rippling muscles and an aura of danger surrounding him. He introduced himself as Viper and challenged them both to fight him alone or suffer dire consequences.

Celina smirked at his arrogance while Andrew bristled at the threat. The three of them engaged in an epic battle that left destruction in its wake - bricks crumbling underfoot and metal twisting out of shape under their combined force.

In the end, it was Celina who landed the final blow that sent Viper crashing to the ground defeated. As she stood over him victorious, she couldn't help but feel empowered by this new challenge thrown her way.

Andrew looked on admiringly at her newfound strength before turning his attention back to their original goal - altering history itself using their incredible device...With Viper defeated, Celina and Andrew continued their mission to alter history. They traveled back in time to the day that Celina's parents died in a tragic accident.

As they watched from a distance, Celina couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion at the sight of her younger self standing there helpless as her parents were taken away from her forever.

Andrew put a comforting arm around her as they approached their past selves. "We can change this," he said confidently.

Together, they revealed their plan to save Celina's parents and prevent the tragedy from ever happening. However, things quickly spiraled out of control when they realized that altering one event had unintended consequences on other parts of history.

They found themselves caught up in an intense chase through time - dodging bullets and fighting off attackers who were trying to stop them from changing the course of history itself.

Celina's two-faced personality came into play as she used both charm and manipulation to gain information while Andrew relied on his brute strength and quick reflexes to fight off their enemies.

In the end, it was only by working together that they were able to set things right again. As they returned home safely with smiles on their faces, it was clear that nothing could stop these two adrenaline junkies from seeking out new challenges in the future. As they settled back into their normal lives, Celina and Andrew couldn't help but feel restless. They craved the rush of adrenaline that came with each new adventure.

It wasn't long before a new challenge presented itself in the form of a mysterious woman named Raven. She claimed to have knowledge of an ancient artifact that could grant its wielder immense power - but only if they were able to retrieve it from its heavily guarded location.

Without hesitation, Celina and Andrew set off on their latest mission - determined to prove themselves once again as unstoppable forces of nature.

Their journey took them through treacherous terrain and into dangerous territory filled with traps and pitfalls designed to stop anyone foolish enough to try and steal the artifact.

But with their combined skills, they were able to overcome every obstacle thrown their way. From using Celina's cunning wit to outsmart guards, to relying on Andrew's physical prowess when things got rough - nothing was too much for this dynamic duo.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they found themselves standing before the fabled artifact. It glowed ominously in the dim light of the caverns around them as Raven watched from afar with bated breath.

With one final burst of energy, Celina and Andrew managed to retrieve the artifact just as alarms began blaring throughout the complex. As they made their escape through twisting tunnels filled with danger at every turn, it became clear that this would be one adventure neither of them would ever forget...

Little did they know that this was only just the beginning...As they made their way back to Raven's hideout, Celina and Andrew couldn't help but feel like they were being watched. They had a nagging feeling that something was off - that this mission wasn't quite what it seemed.

Their suspicions were confirmed when they arrived at the hideout only to find it deserted. Raven was nowhere to be found, and the artifact lay untouched on a nearby table.

Suddenly, the room filled with an eerie green light as a portal opened up before them. A figure stepped out - one who looked strangely familiar...

It was then that Celina realized who she was looking at: her own future self!