
Faith Walk

What is faith? Spending 12 years of a spoilt young master, Kofi is diagnosed of Brain disorder and has up to 3 years to live. Sleeping one day only to enter a dream where he meets a strange old man. After a brief conversation, the man taps Kofi's forehead lightly as he leaves the word FAITH in Kofi's spiritual palace. "Wait, after i am born?, dont tell me......" Join Kofi as he experiences the world and overcomes every obstacles in his mission to stand at the top of the world.

De_kirk_Ampah · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Sudden increase in strength

His eyes suddenly changed colour and became golden. Meanwhile the "Faith" word started to shine brightly in his spiritual palace.


Kirk however was oblivious to all this. All he wanted to do was to kill the Wolf since one of them would die, but it could not be him.


"I'll cut your throat you vile beast!!" Kirk was enraged. He slashed forward again, this time however, his sword seemed to be supported by an unknown force that cut clean through the neck of the wolf.




The body of the wolf fell down.This was accompanied by silence for a while before the remaining wolfs run away again with their tails between their legs.


"I Did it" A smile emerged on Kirk's face as be begun to walk towards the outer area of the forest with an injured look on his face. Taking the next two steps, Kirk fainted on the ground.


"Where am I?" Kirk seemed confused as he woke up but to an unfamiliar place. "Did I die after the battle?" Kirk froze from fright at the thought.


"Wake up from your daze stupid child haha." "This time I would have to say, you did not let me down" The old man could be seen standing before Kirk.


"How do you look so much more real than usual. Please just tell me what happened, I can take the news" Kirk still with the thought of having died felt very sad as he just begun his life in this world.


"No Kid, you unlocked the almighty (Cosmic eyes) which means you are now an unparalleled talent in all generations if you do not meet your demise early thus". The old man slowly explained.


"The (Cosmic eyes ) has been legend since the start of ages in the primordial times when the creator left a word reverberating in the entire starry sky that the owner of the ( cosmic eyes) would rule over all one day. However, no one has seen any traces of it so far for countless generations hence it has become a myth over time."


"Who would have thought that I would be destined to protect the owner of the chosen one" The old man for the first time lost his composure as his voice was shaky.


"I am confused, that does not explain where I am right now " Kirk asked in confusion.


"Let me explain, I myself fell shocked by this place as I am unfamiliar to this place. However, given that this place gives the same feeling as when you awakened the (cosmic eyes) , I would say it is related" The old man gave his opinion.


"SO how do you explain how you could enter here as well" Kirk was not stupid, he knew if everyone cold enter here freely, it would be a waste.


"That is simply because I was in your spiritual palace at the time you awakened it, hence , I too have the permission to enter" This explanation made Kirk want to puke.


"So how do I use this "Cosmic eyes), how do I activate it. And what benefits does it bring me" Excitement started to build up in Kirk's heart as he thought up to this point.


"Erm, no one has been recorded to have awakened (Cosmic eyes) before, so I can not tell. However from the earlier display, I can tell that it can be used for spiritual attacks"The old man replied.


"Hey, Oldy since your are a spirit here, why don't I try it on you to find out" Kirk smiled sheepishly as he spoke. "No stupid child, You can try it on the beast later"


As he continued to talk and laugh at the old man, Kirk came up with a strange idea, "Why don't I meditate here.Maybe the atmosphere can help me breakthrough"


Sitting cross legged on the ground, Kirk focus is mind to sit still to find peace. As time went, it had been more than five hours already but not even the slightest signs could be seen. Kirk became sad once more as he still did not know how to breakthrough this way.


Just as Kirk was about to stop meditating, an idea hit him. He focused on the" Faith" word while once more went into deep meditation. Another three hours went by but there was no improvement.


"What am I doing wrong?" Kirk muttered to himself clearly almost breaking down from this bottleneck. Suddenly, just as he was thinking, Information started to pour into his brain from nowhere like flood. He felt intense pain from this hence begun to scream while rolling on the ground.


"What is going on?" The old man who was enjoying seeing the arrogant Kirk despair was flabbergasted by the change in the situation. He hurriedly went by Kirk and tried to help him relieve the pain, but to no avail.


"The world was created by King of Kings. He created everything out of nothing. The rules from generation to generation. However, he decide to gift the (Eyes of Faith ) to anyone who meets the requirement of courage, kindness, bravery, knowledge in some aspect of faith, has a very high spiritual sense and less than nine years old"


"If any of these requirements are absent, he does not have what it takes. In total there are going to be two people chosen to bear the responsibility to unite the various species of the world under one God, thus, the King of Kings. The (eyes of Faith) is ..."


Various information about the "Cosmic eyes was revealed to Kirk, including how to use it. This surprised him greatly as he did not expect to receive information this way. Within the information he received were various secrets of the world, various species that exits including their strengths and weaknesses, Various diseases and how to cure them.


His greatest surprise however was the fact that, if he was to improve his cultivation further, at some point, he would be able to speak things to be.


"Wow, who would have thought I'd be this lucky in this lifetime."Kirk muttered.


Suddenly, yet another information poured into his mind. This time, it was a record of the Phase one of the " Unyielding Faith" technique. This was a meditation technique for cultivation and not for combat.


"What!!, so you are telling me we have meditation techniques for cultivation?" Kirk had a bitter look on his face. "Oldy why did you not tell me?"


"Erm, I did not know. As I said , in all the starry sky very few can break through this way and none has explained how they did it" The old man explained.


"I remember you made mention that your lord asked you to recommend this to me yes?, Does that mean he broke through this way as well?" Kirk felt confused.


"Yes Silly child, he also meditates to make to breakthrough." Oldy smiled as he spoke.


"Have you informed him about what has happened so far?" Kirk looked straight at Oldy for an answer.

"No child, I am yet to, my real body is heading towards his chambers as we speak" Oldy replied honestly.


"Please stop, I would prefer he does not know about the technique. You may tell him after I breakthrough however, do not let him know how. Just tell him I did not mention."Kirk felt a conspiracy behind everything, as though he was apart of a chess piece.


"Sure, I can do that. Everyone deserves to have one or two secrets" Oldy said with a smile. He admired Kirk's mature and clear-minded behaviour despite being a child.


Having spoken to this point, Kirk once more sat in a meditative position. This time using the Technique, he once more went into cultivation.


"Words are as tangible as any physical object or flesh. It can be an extension of the body if you allow it. To..."As Kirk read, the more deep he got into the cultivation.


Unknown to Kirk, he begun to breakthrough. First Rank...


Second Rank...


Third Rank....


This went on till he was at the Rank Six Houtian Stage. However he was still deep in meditation.




Another aura was released by Kirk's body as he broke through to the Seventh Rank.

Waking up from meditation, Kirk was shocked to learn he was now at the Seventh Stage Houtian Stage. Excitement started to build up in his eyes.


After enduring for so long, he was finally a cultivator. "I bet with my cultivation, I can beat a Rank five Xantian stage expert no problem. If added to my "Cosmic eyes", I can even take on a level eight stage experts at best." Kirk was very satisfied by the progress in his cultivation.

All this while, Oldy was standing before Kirk with a flabbergasted expression on his face. He was speechless as he had not heard of anyone cultivating this fast without origin stones or help from external help. "I just witnessed the birth of an unparalleled genius" Excitement built up in Oldy's eyes.


After a while, Kirk remembered he had been here for too long and his body might be in danger in he forest.


"How do I leave here?" Kirk asked Oldy in panic