

Compilation of original short tales. cover pic by - Amelia

Honeybae_9 · Fantasi
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Red ring of lovers

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Westland there lived a princess named Amanda. She had a very enchanting appearance. Her hair resembled golden wheat and she inherited sapphire eyes from her mother. Her lips were like those roses from the Royal Garden.

From an early age she had a keen interest in Mana power. ( Mana power is a spiritual force, that may be ascribed to persons, spirits, or inanimate objects. Mana may be either good or evil, beneficial or dangerous) . So on her fifteenth birthday she asked for a personal guard. It is usual from imperial children to have their personal guards , who were usually profound knights. But the guard she wanted had to be a Wizard.

Two months went by but there were no signs of any guards or should I say wizard? 

" He never listens to me, Does he even love me? "

Just when she was blabbering alone in her balcony made with white marvel from which the entire rose garden can be seen, a voice appeared from the back.

" Hello... I mean Good morning Milady.. No no I meant Princess. " , he said as he bowed to her.

She chuckled.  " You don't have to be so nervous, I won't eat you. "

After listening to her words he glanced at her. Before coming there he thought that like other people of high status she would be arrogant too. But after seeing her from his own eyes, his image of her became something different.

With a little stuttering he said, " I am Felice and I am your guard from today. "

She gave a quick look at him. His brown hair which resemble dark ebony woods were ruffled. It seemed as his curled eyelashes were guarding his grey eyes. He also had a light french cut beard.

He was very clumsy, it was what she thought after meeting him for the first time. But as the time went by and they grew closer, she realised his profound capability. He was six years older than her and he always used to carry a wooden wand which according to him was very essential for his wizardry. He often used to forget, where he last placed it and Amanda used to tease him for it.

Amanda was always alone. She may be a princess but her parents that is the Queen and the King, never had any time for her to spent. But after the arrival of Felice, the loneliness was no more a part of her daily life.

Oneday, she was reading a story book with scrutiny. When Felice asked her why she was so interested in it, she showed him the book.

" It's about this girl Marie who got a ring from his lover. "

" What is so special about rings? You have dozens of them. "

" But it is different. As per this story, it is a mana embedded ring. Whenever Marie falls in danger her lover used to understand it by this ring. Funny, right? "

She may had told it in a passing matter but Felice didn't.

For two weeks there were no sign of him. With growing time she became both upset and angry.

And when he finally arrived she leaped from her couch and ran towards her.

" So, you finally arrived. I thought you forgot about me. " , she pouted.

Then she paused and stared at his face. She asked him why there were signs of dark circles under his eyes.

Instead of giving a reply to her question he asked him to give her hand. When she raised her hand, he placed a red box on her hand.

" What is it ? " , she asked as she twitched her eyebrows.

When she opened the box, she saw a ring with a big red stone.

" Remember about the Marie's ring. I thought you would like it so... "

Before he could complete his sentence she barged in and said, " So you spent this two weeks to make this without even sleeping? "

He scratched his head clumsily as he nodded.

She was speechless. She was so touched by his action. No one ever thought about what she really likes. It was the first time. After this a forbidden love started growing inside her heart. The love for Felice.

Years went by. It was the day before she would turn eighteen. She was very anxious. She knew that she had to marry someone soon but how could she ? She was already in love with him.

Felice loved her too but he knew his worth so the only thing he could do is purse his lips and watch her from a distance.

But that day, that is the day before she would turn eighteen, the thing happened that should not have happened.

It was a moonlit night. The light fell on his face and his eyes were gleaming. She could no more wait. She placed her hands on his face and kissed him.

" I love you. " , she said with teary eyes.

He also wanted to confess his love for her but before he could do so, a scream appeared. It was a maid. Soon, this news was reported to the king and both Amanda and Felice were took to him.

" Poison. ", the king commanded.

Her eyes became wide. " Father! " , she screamed.

A maid gave a glass of poison to him.

The king told, " Either you drink it or my daughter will have to drink it. "

Without even giving a thought he drank it whole. Soon blood started coming out from his mouth.

Amanda lamented, screamed , " Father please.. Father no. "

The king then smirked and said, " I have an antidote for the poison, but he will have to consume it after every six months. I can give it to him if you agree to marry the King of Northland. "

Felice pleaded to her not to marry someone she doesn't wish to, just because of him.

But she couldn't just let him die due to her fault. With a smile on her face she agreed to the proposal.

The antidote was given to Felice and after a week she was married to that King.

After a year passed by, droughts came in the kingdom of Westland. When the king was busy enough with that case, the arrival of demons came. The whole kingdom went to a panic mode. Many knights went but only their dead body came. No weapons were acting upon them.

Just then Felice arrived. If the demon king could be eradicated, the rest of them will naturally fled. There was a way to defeat the demon king. It was to seal him inside someone's body with profound mana power. But there was a consequence. That person would soon die due to the effect of sealing.

He proposed to king that if he defeats the demon king, he would have to release Amanda. The king had to eventually agree to him as there were no other choice.

The day Felice sealed him inside his body, the whole kingdom started singing with joy. Soon Amanda was called back to the Westland. The last one year was nothing like a hell to her. She was so happy to reunite with her lost love.  But when she finally arrived, she found his only his cold corpse. After knowing the whole truth, she whispered something in his ears and collapsed while holding her hands and that red ring on her finger broke.

She was then reported dead. Many people tried to untie their hands but was unsuccessful. They were buried together under a Peepal tree.

After that it became a custom to gift your lover a red ring in Westland. Many people still visit their grave.

What a turn of fate. Amanda meant bliss but she was always deprived of it and Felice meant fortune but there was misfortune for him.


