
Asking Belserion

"So now explain the queen of Dragonof thing."

Irene looked at Damian who was looking at her with a serious expression on his face and hesitantly nodded her head.

She then started to explain her circumstances to Damian who sat quietly and listened to her. Once she was Damian sighed and then massaged his temples and said, "This is quite something to take in so suddenly."

Irene looked at him with a bitter expression on her face and then said, "I am sorry for not telling you before."

Damian nodded his head and said, "You should be."

Irene nodded her head and then hesitatingly said, "Y-Y-You don't hate me because of this, right?"

Damian looked at her with a dumbfounded expression and said, "Why the hell would I hate you just because you are the queen. Yes, it does change many things but the fact that I love Irene is still there."

Irene then blinked her eyes in surprise for a while but soon a smile appeared on her face. Seeing that Damian smiled as well but soon bonked her head and said, "Don't be happy so easily, just because you his something like this the things have already gotten quite different. Marrying the queen without having any status would just make your standing in the kingdom worse. Those that are against you might use this opportunity for your downfall."

Hearing that Irene made a serious face as well and then started pondering about the problem.

Damian who saw her thinking seriously smiled and patted her head and said, "I will think something up so don't worry too much."

Damian then walked away thinking about some solution to his problem and then once again started packing his things.

Belserion walked towards Irene and said, "So what are you going to do now?"

Irene looked at Belserion and said, "Who knows, if you ask me, I don't have any problems if I have to step down from my position as the queen in order to be with him, but..."

Belserion sighed and said, "That is not something you would be able to do easily, right. The people who have served under you for all this time will question you two and would even start to look down on the other authorities if this were to happen. Not to mention the brat would blame himself for making you step down from the throne."

Irene nodded as well and then said, "What do you think I should do Belserion?"

Belserion then said, "The only thing that I can say is that he to gain some recognition that is the only way for both of you to lead a 'peaceful' life." He then raised his leg and patted Irene's head and said, "Don't worry whatever you choose, I will always be by your side."

Irene looked at Belserion with a smile on her face but suddenly both her and Belserion flinched.

"I think you should not say something like that to my wife Belserion."

Both Irene and Belserion took a step back and turned their heads and looked at Damian who was looking at them with neutral expression on his face.

Damian then looked at Irene and said, "You should go and take some rest, I have packed up my stuff so we can leave once Belserion's injuries are all healed up."

Irene simply nodded her head and then went inside the house.

Once she was gone Damian looked at Belserion and said, "Let's start your treatment and there are a lot of things that I have to ask you about. Follow me." He said and started walking with Belserion following behind him.

He then sat down on the ground near a tree a nd rest his back against it and enhanced Belserion's regeneration.

He then said, "I have to say that you dragons have a very slow regenerating Power."

Belserion nodded and said, "Well it is one of the compromise that we have for the large amounts of magic and defense. We can take on a lot of damage and are not injured by a lot of things but once we are injured it takes a lot of time for us to get healed."

Damian sighed and said, "Sure sure, then let's start with the discussion, tell me everything that you know okay?"

Belserion looked at Damian with a confused expression and said, "What do you want to know?"

Damian then said, "Everything that you know. The situation of the country, treatment of the people in Dragonof. Standings of the higher ups, current situation of the wars. Everything that you know."

Belserion got a bit surprised by this but soon a smile appeared on his face and said, "Sure I can tell you, but it will take a lot of time."

Damian smiled as well and then said, "Sure I don't mind. It is not like you are going to be healed anytime soon."

Hearing that Belserion's lips twitched but he let it go and then started to explain the things the that he knew about his empire and all of its affairs while also clearing the doubts that Damian had.

Once he was done Damian noticed that it was already morning and also felt that more than half of his magical power has been depleted.

He then stopped using his magic for a while and then stood up from his spot.

Seeing that Belserion asked, "So did you think of something?"

Damian looked at Belserion and said, "Nah, but I have a friend which might help me in this."

He then rotated the dial on the omnitrix and once he chose the transformation he smashed it back.

A blue light then enveloped him and once it died down a small humanoid frog like creature (grey matter) was seen by Belserion.

Belserion looked at the small frog like thing in front of him and then asked, "Is that you Brat?"

Damian turned his head and said, "Yep, it's me, now keep quiet I have to think of something."

Seeing him Belserion smirked and said, "You know in this form I can easily squash you."

Damian looked at Belserion and then walked towards him. He then enhanced his body and punched Belserion's horn with all his might.

Belserion who recieved a strong hit on his horn stood up and said, "Hey I was just joking, why take it so seriously?"

But Damian who was just opening and closing his fist said, "So, if I use my enhancements even this form can cause considerable damage..... but the efficiency is quite low, I have to enhance my body to the maximum to cause that much pain to him."

Damian then looked at Belserion and said. "Oh, umm..... sorry about that, just checking my theory there." He then sat down on Belserion's head and the. started thinking of many things that might help him and started processing the things that Belserion told him."