
Chapter 3

A year had passed since Ryzen began his training under the watchful eyes of the Fairy Tail guild.

Despite his rapid progress, Makarov had forbidden him from participating in missions involving fighting others. Makarov feared that Ryzen raw power, if uncontrolled, could inadvertently kill ordinary people who had little to no knowledge of magic.

Now, in the year 778, Ryzen who have gotten a bit taller, at least a bit taller than Erza had become a familiar figure in the guild, known for his dedication and fierce determination to master his abilities. At first, he did attempt to learn other types of magic but it all had ended in failure, reinforcing his decision to focus solely on his light magic.

One bright afternoon, Makarov called Ryzen who just came back from a hog monster subjugation mission. The small, yet powerful guild master sat on top of the bar table, looking at Ryzen with a mixture of pride and relief.

"Ryzen," Makarov began, his voice gentle but firm, "you've come a long way this past year. Your control over your light magic has improved greatly, and I believe you are ready to take on more challenging missions soon. So there is 1 final test for you"

Ryzen's eyes lit up with excitement. "Thank you, Master Makarov! I won't let you down."

Makarov smiled warmly. "I know you won't. I just found out that there's a nearby village that's been harassed by a group of bandits. It's time for you to put your training to the test. Remember, use your power wisely and ensure no unnecessary harm comes to those who don't deserve it. After all, not everyone are truly evil. It's just the environment that they are in that lead them to the wrong path."

With a nod of determination, Ryzen set off towards the village.

As Ryzen figure disappear from sight. Makarov start to talk to himself in a low voice " Sigh, I been trying to find out more about Ryzen past ever since he joined. After all, ever since i saw him i could already tell that he is not ordinary. But it's as if this Ezias family never exist. No trace, no records, nothing.

He's too mature to come from an ordinary background and his talent with magic... it's so absurd that its probably hereditary. Just what sort of power could wipe out all trace of a family that could produce such a prodigy?" Makarov could only sigh in disappointment due to his unsuccessful investigation.

As he was about to calm his mind and relax. The sight that greeted him brought a tired smile to his face.

Natsu and Gray were bickering in the middle of the hall, their shouts echoing through the guild. Erza stood nearby her stern gaze attempting to keep the peace, though with little success.

Makarov sighed, rubbing his temples. " Those three... ever since Ryzen joined and starting his training, they've been more energetic than ever. It's to the point every time Ryzen train they would immediately join him."

Makarov chuckled to himself, despite the exasperation in his voice, " It's like having three hyperactive children running around all the time. Well it's at least good that they are pushing themselves harder, trying to keep up with him. But, when i look at them, its like seeing 3 babies trying to be as good as their big brother at something while the big brother just do his own thing not minding them at all... Now that i think about it, i'm so glad Ryzen is so well mannered and polite"

He watched as Natsu and Gray's argument escalated into a full-blown scuffle, with Erza stepping in to break them apart with her usual no-nonsense attitude.

"But," Makarov continued, his voice softening as a fond smile spread across his face," It also brought a new kind of life to the guild. Seeing them all so fired up and motivated... it makes all the headaches worth it."

Makarov chuckled again, a mix of weariness and happiness in his eyes. " This old heart of mine is tired, but i wouldn't trade it for anything."


Meanwhile, at Ryzen side.

The journey took him through lush forests and across winding rivers, the scenery blending into a blur as his mind focused on the upcoming task. Flying at fast speed towards his destination.

As he neared the village, the signs of destruction became evident. Homes were ransacked, and the villagers wore expressions of fear and despair.

Ryzen clenched his fists, Feeling pissed looking at how badly these villagers was treated by those bandits. It's like seeing the aftermath of a bunch of young and healthy people bullying and beating up the elderly. Which is what this rural village is full of.

"These bandits will pay for what they've done," he muttered to himself. While feeling a surge of righteous anger.

The bandits had made camp in a clearing just outside the village. Ryzen observed them from a distance, counting at least a dozen rough-looking men, armed and laughing boisterously around a campfire. He knew he had to strike quickly and efficiently.

Channeling his light magic, Ryzen's body began to glow with a radiant brilliance. He took a deep breath and launched himself into the midst of the bandits, his speed enhanced by his magic.

"Who's there?!" one of the bandits shouted, but before he could react, a beam of light shot from Ryzen hand, knocking him unconscious.

The camp erupted into chaos as the bandits scrambled to defend themselves. Ryzen moved with precision, his light magic forming beams of light that incapacitated the bandits one by one. He fired lasers from his fingertips, each shot hitting it's mark with unerring accuracy.

Amidst the confusion, Ryzen eyes locked onto the bandit leader, a hulking brute with a scar running down his face. The leader barked orders, trying to rally his men, but it was futile. Ryzen power was overwhelming.

In a flash of light, Ryzen teleported in front of the leader. The bandit barely had time to react before Ryzen struck him in the head, knocking him out cold.

The clearing fell silent as the last of the bandits fell. Ryzen stood amidst the fallen foes, his body still glowing faintly. He took a moment to catch his breath.

" Fuh, that was harder than expected. Controlling my power and not killing you guys that is" Ryzen said while having a stern and serious face. Bringing chills to those bandits who heard him. " Now get some rope and tie yourself up!" 

Seeing the overwhelming difference in strength, these bandits got no choice but to listen obediently.


Ryzen then turned back to the village while having all the bandits tied up together following him from behind. Notifying that the bandit situation is over now. The villagers was extremely grateful towards Ryzen and even giving him some snacks for the road.

On his way back to magnolia, while bringing the bandits to be handed to the guards. He noticed three white-haired children huddled together by the side of the mountain road. They seemed to be trying to avoid him, their expressions wary and fearful. Ryzen's heart went out to them.

"Hey, are you three alright?" he called out gently.

The eldest, a girl with striking blue eyes, looked up at him, her expression guarded. "We're fine," she replied curtly.

Ryzen took a step closer, his eyes softening as he noticed the demon-like transformation on the girl's hand. Roughly understand their situation "What's your name?"

"Mirajane," she said, quickly hiding her transformed hand behind her back.

"Mirajane," Ryzen repeated, his voice soothing. "There's no need to hide it. I'm not here to hurt you."

Mirajane's eyes widened with surprise and fear. "How do you know?"

Ryzen smiled kindly. "Because I've seen cases like you before. Not knowing what it is that you have and thinking that it's a curse of some sort. It happened a lot, especially to people from rural village. Do you see this mark on my hand? I'm an official Wizard of the Fairy Tail guild"

"Come with me to Fairy Tail. There all sort of experts there that could help you out " Ryzen offered while handing out his hand with a warm smile on his face.

Mirajane hesitated, her gaze flickering to her younger siblings, Elfman and Lisanna. They looked up at her with trust and hope in their eyes. After a moment, she nodded.

"Alright," she said softly. "We'll come with you."

Ryzen then make his way back to the city with the trio.

After handing the bandits to the guard, He then made his way back to Fairy Tail with Mirajane, Elfman and Lisanna in tow. The journey back to the guild was quiet, the three children sticking close to each other.

As they approached the entrance, the bustling noise of the guild greeted them, a stark contrast to the quiet, anxious atmosphere that had surrounded them just moments before.

Stepping inside, Ryzen was met with the familiar sight of his guildmates engaging in their usual antics. Laughter, shouting and occasional clatter of a toppled chair filled the air. Ryzen just smile at the sight and ignore the chaos around him while making his was towards the bar.

" Master Makarov," Ryzen called out, spotting the guild master at his usual spot on the bar counter, a mug of ale in hand.

Makarov look at them, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Ah, Ryzen! I see you've returned. And with company, I see."

Ryzen gently ushered the children forward, introducing them and explaining their circumstances.

" Hmm, I see. That's not a curse, that's called take over. It's a kind of magic. you aren't possessed by a demon. You have the demon power inside you" answered Makarov

Mirajane take out her demon hands and looked at it with a sad expression. "The demon's power..." ' I don't want that...'


A month passed, and Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna had settled into Fairy Tail. Despite her initial reservations, Mirajane found herself growing fond of the guild. The warmth and kindness of its members began to melt the icy walls she had built around her heart.

However, her worries about her powers persisted. With Elfman and Lisana already gotten used to the guild. Her heart felt relieved knowing that she can leave them in good hands.

One evening, she stood outside the guild hall, gazing up at the stars. She didn't notice Ryzen approach until he spoke.

"Thinking about leaving?" he asked gently.

Mirajane turned to face him, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "The demon powers...I don't want this power... they're horrible." she said while remembering how she and her siblings was treated by the villagers from her village

Ryzen shook his head. "What a childish worries,No wait, you are a child" Ryzen then patted her in the head gently. " Mirajane. Your powers are part of you, just like mine are part of me. You can learn to control them, just like I did." he said with a warm and gentle smile

As if on cue, Elfman and Lisanna appeared, their faces determined. "We're not letting you go, Mira," Elfman said firmly. "We want to stay here, with you."

Lisanna nodded, her eyes shining with resolve. "We've been practicing too. We can transform now, thanks to guild master and big brother Ryzen guidance."

Mirajane's eyes widened in surprise as her siblings demonstrated their transformation magic. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized she wasn't alone.

Ryzen watched as the siblings start to cuddle, a smile of satisfaction on his face. The bond between the siblings was unbreakable, and he knew that together, they would find their place in Fairy Tail.

As the night sky stretched above them, filled with twinkling stars, Ryzen felt a sense of peace. He had found his own place in this world, and now, he was helping others find theirs. The journey was far from over, but with each step, he knew they were moving towards a brighter future.