
Vs Darkrai

[Fairy tail opening4]

Yo Ho kaji o kire torikaji ippai de

Yo Ho uou-saou iki na jinsei

hi ga ochiru koro ni wa shukkou no utage

sabishiku nanka nai ikite'rya mata dokka de aeru

mukaikaze buchinuki tabidate

namida namida kareru made otoko nara tsuyogatte

tomo yo tomo yo itsu no hi ka waratte

katai katai kizuna o sa tashikameaeru you ni

ima kagayakidasu mirai no chizu o saa tsukamitore

After resting throughout the day Night fall finally came. Marco decided now was the time to confront the danger

It's finally night. I don't see anyone else in the streets outside. " Let's go see this chief.' Marco said as he slipped out of the house. Making his way towards the chief's house, Marco feels the air suddenly getting thicker and colder. This Prescence it feels somewhat similar to the aura zapdos let off when we fought. Guess that means I found another one of these monsters. Marco thought

" Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained." Marco said as he burst through the chief's door before seeing that there was no one inside. " What's going on there's no one here." No that isn't right I can still feel a presence here.

Feeling the presence still lurking marco used his observation haki to carefully pinpoint the source of the feeling. Once he found it, he struck out towards the lurking creature of darkness.

" THERE YOU ARE!" Marco yelled as he lunged forward and struck the creature, much to its own surprise.

" Gahhhh!" Darkrai yelled as he was forced out of the shadows. " HOW!?"

" You may be able to erase your body, but you can't erase your presence. You're careless. You left yourself wide open." Marco said grinning ear to ear

" Don't look down on me! SHADOW BALL!" Darkrai yelled as a massive ball of darkness shot out from its hands blasting marco from the building and out of the village.

" Damn! This thing is strong." Marco said as he was being pushed back by the attack. " Raghh!" Marco yelled as he finally deflected the attack away. The explosion from the attack creating a crater in the forest area. " Gotta take this thing out fast."


" Do you feel that sister?"

" Yess, brother."

" Darkrai is fighting something."

" Why do you care brother?"

" I have a feeling this is the same person that killed our brother."

" Are you sure?"

" I'm going to find out." The bird of fire said as he flew away

The fight between the S-class wizard and the pseudo beast gathered the attention of many strong fighters.

Quattro cerberus

" Hey BACCHUS! It's bad man the magic council has sent out another emergency request. another signature like the beast that destroyed the village in the north has appeared."

" ALL RIGHT! This has got my soul shaking and stirring. WHAT ARE WE MEN?"


Blue pegasus

" MEN! We have an emergency request from the council. TRI-MENS LET'S GO!"

back to marco

" Argh! Damn this phoenix! My attacks aren't doing much to him at all."

If only he knew. His attacks are heavy. They might not be as powerful as Zapdos' attacks, but they are still strong enough to damage me. Marco thought

The two stared at each other before reengaging. The two rushed into each other fists first.

" Shadow claw!"

" Lightning fist!"

The attacks collided creating an explosion that shook the forest and nearby village.

" Sucker punch!" Darkrai said as an attack appeared behind marco, forcing the man to dodge out of the way

" Dark pulse!" Darkrai yelled appearing above marco. The attack slamming the man back down into the ground.

" Lightning Phoenix: FALSE DARKNESS!" Marco yelled as a torrent of lightning raged forth from the crater he was inside.

" Arghhh!" Darkrai yelled as the attack broke through his guard

" EVIL SPARK!" Marco yelled as he appeared above darkrai putting both of his hands on the creatures back, as a surge of lightning blasted the creature down into the ground

" I won't lose to you!" Darkrai yells as he gets up from the dirt. " Shadow ball!" Darkrai yelled as he launched another sphere of darkness. Marco dodges the sphere and using his observation haki dodges the attack coming from behind him too. " No, he dodged both my shadow ball and my sludge bomb."

" Sorry, but it seems like your anger is getting the better of you." Marco said. Though that being said this guy is still strong, I'd even go as far as saying he's stronger than Jellal. Though he isn't as fast. Marco thought. " Oi! Oi! I want to know something, what did you do to those people from the village?"

" Why do you care?"

" Because I hate it when people think they have the right to lord their strength over the weak. So, again I ask What did you do to those people?"

" It's simple. I lured them here and cast a spell on them. I force them to live their nightmares, and feed of it." Darkrai said as a fist flashed in front of his face

" I figured as much." Marco said

" You arrogant bastard! Darkness breath!" Darkrai yelled as a giant tornado of darkness appeared blasting marco

" Argh!" Marco yelled as he coughed up a bit of blood.

" Shadow ball!" Darkrai yelled as he slammed marco back into the ground with another shadow ball.

" Arhhhhh! Enough of this!" Marco yelled recovering from the attack. Marco took to the air again rushing towards darkrai and using his beak to grab the creature and force him higher into the air, before using all of that momentum and slamming the creature back down

" METEOR IMPACT!" Marco yelled as his body erupted into flames burning the creature as they made their rapid descent.

" No! Dark pulse!" Darkrai yelled trying to break marcos hold on its body, to no effect. The two finally landed. Creating an explosion that rang out for miles shaking the entirety of the area, forest, village, mountain and all

When the dust finally settled the battle was over.

" No, I was so close. I was so... close." The creature said as it took its last breaths and passed away. Like zapdos before him, when he died an orb of sheer darkness was absorbed into Marcos body.

" Oh no, not again!" Marco said before collapsing down into the ground.

" So, Darkrai you too have fallen to this young man."


" Traitor? When have I betrayed anyone? I like you, lost to him in battle. The fact is he beat us and earned the right to use our powers."

" I was so close! Damn you brat. You owe me for this, so you better make my dream come true. BECOME THE STRONGEST OF THE LEGENDARY BEASTS! And I will acknowledge you as my master." Darkrai said to the young man before him

" DARK PHOENIX! SHADOW FLASH BOMB!" Marco said as he condensed an orb of darkness into his hand before it rapidly expanded causing an explosion of darkness. " Huh! Huh! Huh! So, I've gotten stronger again." marco said before sensing a great danger close to him

" So, you've now defeated darkrai as well. Was my brother not enough?" The bird of fire said as he descended down from the skies. " You'll die for your arrogance!"
