
Fairy Tail: The Demon King

Two children separated when their home is attacked, two orphans who take different roads in life, one who was captured as a slave becomes one of the beacons of light, a queen of fairies, while the other one who escaped, becomes corrupt with darkness and evil, a demon king This is the story of the reunion between the beacon of light and the bringer of evil

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The Fairy Queen and the history of the Demon Kings

Magnolia, Fiore,

It had been a few days since the attack on Fairy Tail and most people had already recovered from the trauma,

Everyone except a certain Titania.

Ever since she saw how her best friend had turned towards the dark path and how he had tried to attack her, she had been devastated as all of her hopes that he had settled down in some remote corners of the world away from all the bloodshed and dangers of the magic world after her kidnapping was cruelly destroyed in front of her own eyes.

Even when she was still a slave, she always hoped that the boy she had loved so much and thought of as her best friend would move on from her and the tragedy that was her life and live a happy life by his own, but apparently, it was too much to ask, life never did allow her to hold happiness for a long time.

She stood up with a determined face and headed towards the Guild Master who was sitting on a stool and drinking beer.

She would have her answers as to what had happened.

"Master, I need to leave the city for a few months-" "Rejected" Makarov denied her request in a strong tone as he put down the beer mug, he looked at her with a serious expression and said.

" I know that you want to go search for this Ren fellow that you seem to recognize from the Phantom attack, but I will not allow you anywhere near the current Demon King even if I have to ban you from taking jobs or stepping out of the guild," he said fiercely as all activity around the construction area calmed down, keen to listen to what they were talking about.

Erza trembled as she asked in a small and helpless voice,

"Why? why do you stop me from searching for him?"

"Because as I said, I will not allow the Demon King anywhere near my children," he said once again, but this time, It was Natsu who asked,

"What is a Demon King?" Makarov sighed as started in a somewhat loud voice so that all of his children could hear him.

"Some of you may think that the title of the Demon King was given to that man because of his behavior or other such reasons, in the same way, that you lot gained your titles, but that is not the case, the title of the Demon King is something that is only given to those who host true demons in their body, in history, there have only been five Demon Kings, It is said that the first Demon King arose during the Dark Ages and fought during the Dragon civil war, he had 10 true demons inside his body and was said to have even defeated Acnalogia himself, the next Demon King arose during the First Trade wars and was responsible for its abrupt end, he had 9 True Demons in his body, The third Demon King is said to have been the founder of the guild 'Red Lizard' which was the birth guild of our own founder,he had eight true demons in his body, The fourth Demon King was responsible for ending the Second Trade War under the strategies of Mavis Vermillion, he had seven true demons, and then over 7 years ago, we got information that a new Demon King was born, this one was still a younglings and had only one demon in his body, so the council decided to put a bounty on his head and have him impression while having his demon removed to avoid any future problems" Makarove completed but was then interrupted by an angered Titania,

"But why???, From what you have told us, most of the Demon Kings have done nothing but good and yet the council decided to put a bounty on Ren just for having this legendary power??, have th councils become so paranoid of power and of losing their influence??" she shouted, but the following fords poured cold water on her anger.

"No, it is because every Demon King in history has always met with a true some end, the Demon Kings gain their power by absorbing the Demon Lacrimas which houses the power of a true demon, but the more demon crystals the user has, the stronger their craving for more, even when the user had claimed all 10 demon crystals in the world, he or she would still crave for more power, when they realize that no more true demon souls existed on Earth Land, they start losing their rationality and would start to try and replicate the process in which the original Demon Lacrima was created, at first they would try their methods without any bloodshed because even though they were deluded, they still held some shreds of their rationality, but when even that is removed eventually, a tragedy befalls the entire planet, that is why, five secret curlts of demonic magic who were responsible for the creation of the Demon Lacrima, make sure to hunt down any Demon King that arises in the world before they get their hands on all the Demon Lacrima, but unfortunately, over two hundred years ago four of the five cults went extinct in the hands of the Demon King of that time who committed an explosive suicide taking down the all the cult members with him, and the only remaining Cult was also destroyed in the same manner in the hands of the Fourth Demon King, That is why I refuse to allow you anywhere near such a dangerous and unstable individual" Makarov completed as there was only silence in his wake,

But Erza was not afraid, in fact, she was now even more determined to find Ren and talk him out of finding any more Demon Lacrima before he lost his humanity.

And thus, The Titanis made her decision.