
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

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89 Chs

Chapitre 38

Chapter 38

By: Thriller

From the very beginning, Chi Yan was not interested in the set of wizard levels set by the council.

In the original book, in order to forcibly improve the level of his own guild, Joseph chose the four elements whose strength was far from S-rank and... the iron dragon slayer named Hanai was forcibly selected as an S-rank magician.

Wasn't the result of being beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face?

"Once the S-rank mission is not handled properly, it is life-threatening, so be a little more serious!"

Erza retorted in dissatisfaction.

"Really, not a cute kid at all."

Chi Yan pinched Erza's nose and walked to the task board.

Erza rubbed the tip of her nose in dissatisfaction, and the next moment she saw that Chi Yan had torn down an S-rank quest order.

"Complete this, you are an S-rank mage."

There is no need to engage in so many fancy assessment contents.

Able to complete S-level tasks, that is, S-level mages, this is the most simple and direct assessment method.

"Yan, don't make trouble,"

Layla, who taught Lucy celestial magic in the back, rolled her eyes and stopped: "With Erza's current strength, it is too reluctant to carry out S-rank tasks alone."

"I went with her and just went out to get some air. If I don't resolve this matter, this girl will pester me every day and annoy me to death."

Chi Yan replied.

"Who wants to pester you?"

Erza retorted inwardly.

She didn't notice it at all. Although she didn't like the other party very much, she liked to lean next to Chi Yan when she had nothing to do. .

Chapter 50

Eastern region of the Kingdom of Fiore.

In the deep forest at the foot of a certain deep mountain.

Whoosh--! !

A column of flames like a motorcycle's windpipe erupted from the armor's air holes on the surface of the body, burning the nearby forest area to ashes.

Facing the front of her head and feet, Erza, who was covered in iron armor and looked like a giant murloc creature, barely raised her sword, panting.

A streak of blood flowed from the crimson hair, all the way to the left eye and cheek, to the chin, and finally dripped to the ground.

The beast of fire, Kuadori.

Compared to the demon Diaus in Zeerf's book that Chiyan and Layla met when they met, they were more than one level weaker.

But it was obviously not something that the current Erza could deal with.

Even under the guidance of Chi Yan, he has far more strength than the original.

But in the end, it's still just an underdeveloped body at the age of 13.

Even if there is progress, it cannot be too great.


The air holes of the roaring Kuadori's armours erupted in a column of flames like a propulsion engine.

The huge body as large as an armoured chariot charged towards Erza.

The howling flames mixed with the wind pressure scattered Erza's bewitching red hair.

The air pressure was like a mountain pressing her body to the ground, unable to move at all.

In desperation, he could only block the saber in front of him as a shield to block the attack of the beast.

Bang-! ! !

However, the results are often tragic.

Under Kuadori's slam, Erza's small body was knocked into the air more than 20 meters above the ground.

When she reached the top, Erza's body began to plummet.

Just as she was about to fall to the ground, a hand suddenly stuck out and grabbed the collar of Erza's armor with precision.

"Forcing yourself to be strong will become like this."

Chi Yan hugged Erza in front of Yue Hung.

Halfway through the battle, he signaled Erza more than once to step back and let himself do it.

But this girl admits the truth, and she is stubborn, and she doesn't want others to help.

With her unique talent and Chi Yan's guidance, her strength is unmatched among her peers.

Even [Fairy Tail] Laxus, who has become an S-rank wizard, is far less than half of Erza's strength at the same age.


Thinking about it in Chi Yan, this may be the reason.

But the actual reason was that Erza didn't want Chiyan to see her defeat.

However, it backfired, and the result was just the opposite.


Flames were still erupting from the holes in his arms, and Kuadori, the monster of flames, turned his hostile gaze to Chiyan who was holding Erza.


Chi Yan's tone was not deliberately indifferent, and his calm tone seemed to be talking about a small matter like having dinner.


However, with such a simple sentence, the S-class beast shrank back in fright.

A few seconds later, Kuadori turned madly and fled into the forest behind, breaking through many tree trunks along the way.

"By the way, I can't heal magic, what should I do with this injury?"

Chi Yan pushed aside the bangs in front of Elsa's forehead, revealing the bloody wound inside.


Suddenly, Chi Yan rolled his eyes, spit out a mouthful of water in the palm of his hand, approached Ersha's wound, and said to himself, "I used to hear that saliva can be..."

"Yah! What are you doing?"

Elsa, who had originally closed her eyes and lay in front of the Red Flame Moon Hungry, suddenly opened her eyes, exasperated.

Seeing the sticky mass in Chi Yan's palm, he can't wait to punch him.

"Shut up, in the end it's not your own power."


With that said, Chi Yan directly patted Erza's wound with her palm.

Feeling the sticky touch coming from the top of her head, the corners of Erza's brows twitched, but an inexplicable warmth surged in her heart.

"All right."

Looking at the wound that had stopped bleeding, Chi Yan nodded in satisfaction.


Erza whispered softly.

"Find a small village to bandage you first, and if it still hurts, apply it with your own saliva."

The moment Chi Yan's voice fell, his body swelled sharply.

Ten seconds later, a giant dragon poured into the sky, flapping the incomparably huge dragon wings, and shuttled between the clouds.

As the degree of completion increased, the dragon-shaped red flames became closer to Deathwing.

But even if it is completed, it will not completely lose its original appearance.

The new Dragon Soul Awakening will not completely replace the Dragon Soul brought before, but an evolution that takes its essence and removes its dross.

Although the overall strength of the annihilating dragon is far less than that of Deathwing, his regeneration and other abilities still have merit.

"I don't use saliva..."

Erza muttered to herself in a low voice.

The body with the wound still aching slightly lay down, and the small face was attached to the extremely rough dragon scale.

A very safe touch came, and I went to sleep with a smile on my face...

PS: The update seems to be too fast, and the recommendation is a bit unstable. …

Chapter 51

In a small village on the eastern frontier of the Fiore Kingdom.

A doctor used a bandage to help Erza wrap up the wound on her forehead, and said to Chi Yan next to her with awe:

"Lord Sorcerer, Ling Qianjin's wound is not deep and has been dealt with."

It was late at night, and as the only clinic in the small village, he was already asleep.

As a result, he was directly brought up by Chi Yan in his sleep and asked to heal Erza.

Originally, he cursed a few words, but after Chi Yan "expressed" a little, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, and quickly treated Erza.

"Isn't it all right from the beginning?"

Chi Yan patted the other party's shoulder with a look of relief.

Elsa gave Chi Yan a white look, and she understood Chi Yan's behavior, she took the initiative to stand up and thank him