
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

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89 Chs

Chapitre 33

Chapter 33

By: Thriller

The former engraves the mark of [Dragon Guild] on the lower abdomen, while the latter is on the wrist.

"Mom! Dad, he, Dad was too much!!!"

Suddenly, a girl's cry broke the dead silence in the palace.

On the red carpet, Lucy came running in aggrieved, and when Layla saw this, she showed a motherly smile, opened her arms, and made her daughter fall into her arms.

Lucy said aggrieved: "Mom, let me tell you, Dad, you were like this just now..."

Listening to Lucy repeating what happened just now, Layla burst into laughter, pointed out her jade and pointed at the tip of her daughter's nose, jokingly said:

"How many times has he tricked you with his nonsense from childhood to adulthood? Didn't he teach you a lesson?"

"I don't care, Mom, you have to help me beat him!"

Lucy said coquettishly as she twisted and turned in Layla's arms.

"Good good~~"

Layla spoiled.

Seeing her lover and Erza approaching, Layla and Erin greeted them, and said at the same time, "Yan~"

Seeing Layla holding Lucy, Elsa's eyes flashed with admiration, and she couldn't help but secretly looked at Irene.

However, Irene didn't seem to see anything, and her eyes were only locked on Chi Yan.

Erza's eyes dimmed for a while.

As she got older, her face became closer to Erin's.

A few years ago, Erza knew what the word "biological" meant.

That is why she changed the name of Chi Yan to "Master".

But sometimes when I get excited, I still subconsciously use the same name as Lucy.

But Erza still couldn't understand why her mother couldn't face her with Layla's attitude towards Lucy.

Every time I look at myself, there is a ruthlessness and disgust that I can't understand, as if... looking at something dirty.

Noticing the sadness in Erza's eyes, Chiyan suddenly stretched out her hand from behind to cross Erza's armpit and lifted it up.

"What, what are you doing?!"

Suddenly being lifted up, Erza couldn't help but shouted.

Especially in front of so many people, she, who was not thick-skinned, suddenly felt ashamed.

"Huh? Aren't you envious when you see Layla holding Lucy? Satisfying you."

Chi Yan held Erza and threw it a few more times.

"Stop it! Many people are watching!"

Erza blushed and stopped, but where is she Chi Yan's opponent?

"When a woman says 'don't' it means 'want'."

Chi Yan smiled evilly, threw Erza higher, and then caught it.

Hearing his words, Layla and Irene's faces flashed unnaturally, recalling the scene when Chiyan tried harder every time they shouted no more.

Leila gave him a hard look, what did this Xia Liufuzi say in front of the child? !

Fortunately, Erza and Lucy were still young, so they couldn't understand the deep meaning of Chi Yan's words.

"Uh, cough, that... President Chi Yan, are you here to open the door of the Zodiac in our underground palace?"

King Thomas E. Fiole, who was ignored by many, stepped down from the throne and asked with a dry cough.

Chi Yan heard the words, put down the flushed Ersha, and said, "Elsha, take Lucy out to play."

Erza, whose eyes were full of resentment, heard Chi Yan's rare serious tone, and without refuting, took Lucy's hand and walked out.

"Yes, this is the ancestral motto of our Hatfilia family hundreds of years ago, 'In the age of abundant magic, use the keys of the zodiac to start the door'."

Leila explained: "Although it took a lot of time, with Yan's help, I recovered the keys that were lost in various places, and prepared to end our family's fate in my generation, so that my daughter could be like an ordinary child. grow healthy."

"That's it, then please come with me."

Thomas E. Fiore nodded.

Chi Yan said: "Leila, you go, I have another place I want to see, I will come back to you later."

The keys of the zodiac signs have all been collected, and this time, Leila not only needs to overdraw her own vitality, but forcefully open the door.

Chi Yan also need not worry.

"I'm with Yan."

Irene heard the words and said without hesitation.

"Well, see you later."

Layla nodded and headed to the Eclipse Gate of the Underground Palace under the leadership of Thomas E. Fiore.

As for Chiyan and Irene, they came to another hiding place below the palace—

Dragon's Graveyard. .

Chapter 44

"There are dragon remains everywhere."

In the Dragon's Graveyard, facing the endless keel, Irene raised her eyebrows, and her thoughts couldn't help but return to the picture of fighting with the Holy Dragon Berserion four hundred years ago.

As for the next picture, she didn't want to recall it.

The red-flamed Yuexiongkou began to glow like lava.

For a time, the keel in the cemetery seemed to be summoned and began to move.

[Host: Chi Yan]

[First Dragon Soul: Destroy the dragon, fully awaken]

[Second Dragon Soul: Deathwing Neltharion]

[Completeness: 25.34%]

[Possess skills:

Dragon Flame (Awakened)

Elemental Armor (Awakened) weakens its power when magic attacks close, and the weakening degree is proportional to the host's strength

The power of the earth (awakened) controls the authority of the dragon of the earth, and everything on the land can be controlled

The dragon's soul (awakened), strength, magic, defense, magic resistance, speed and other all-round abilities have been comprehensively improved, and can be perceived with other dragons

Blasphemy (35% Awakening)

Cataclysm (50% Awakening)]

Chi Yan closed his eyes unconsciously.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes again, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his pupils.


Erin asked.

But with her understanding of Chi Yan, she already knew the result from the moment she saw the disappointment flashing in his eyes.

"Besides you, another dragon survived from Akunorokia's hands."

Chi Yan said lightly.

"There is such a thing!?"

Erin's pupils shrank suddenly.

But it is accurate to say that he was not a dragon that survived from Akunorokia, but became a dragon after Akunorokia completed the Dragon King Festival.

"I have no interest in those dragons or at all, let's go."

Chi Yan turned and walked outside the cemetery.

He thought that if he used his dragon soul, he might get some unexpected gains.

After all, it was the first time he used the perception function of the Dragon Soul on the Dragon Clan.

But unfortunately, using it on dead dragons can only achieve the same effect of gathering intelligence from dead dragons as Wendy Mabel's Dragon Slayer Profound Truth Galaxy.

Besides, these dead dragons are worthless to Chi Yan.

However, compared to Wendy's Dragon Slaying Profound Truth, there is another advantage, that is, Wendy's is communication, while Chi Yan's dragon soul is directly read.

From the memory of the two dragon corpses, Chi Yan read it.

Shortly before the Dragon King Festival began 400 years ago, a dragon lingered on Akunorokia's hands.

According to speculation, the guy is still alive to this day.

"The dragon that survived from Akunorokia really doesn't matter?"

Irene asked behind Chi Yan.

Like herself, she survived from the era four hundred years ago, but there has been no movement. Irene feels the need to investigate.

"Be careful, but it's not necessary right now."

Chi Yan squeezed his fist and said to himself, "It won't be too late to deal with it until I further integrate Neltharion's power."



On the other side, in front of the eclipse gate under the palace.

Five meteor-like rays suddenly crashed through the ceiling of the underground palace and scattered in five different directions in the kingdom of Fiore.

A blond woman with a ponytail, similar to Layla, stepped out of the door and identified her to Layla