
Fairy Tail: Pokemon Magic

Traveling to the world of Earthland, Devon awakened the magic – Pokemon Reception, which can receive Pokemon, As long as he absorbs magic power, he can gain Pokemon abilities.Follow His Journey with the Fairy Tail.

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Moves and Magic

The Pokemon moves will be transformed into magic.So different Pokemon moves will be converted into Magic circle with pokemon as a base.The Main character will need a strong body to harness the power of the pokemon.

The main character will get pokemon eggs the he need nurture them from infant to combat ready mode before recieving their power.He will get virtual world for nurturing pokemon and as pokemon home base.

He can summon pokemon to Outside world in non combat mode as pets in earlier stages,Later he can summon them for combat when he has high magical reserves.


Devon can learn other magics as auxiliary but he mainly focuses on pokemon as it need large amounts of magic power to nurture then.So the learns some useful magic for convenience.

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