
Chapter 24: Post-Aries and Upgrades

After Aries awoke, she gave me an adorable glare before dissipating and returning to the Celestial World. This allowed me to focus on my 300k+ points I had left after evolving my Star Magic.

"Should I...?" 100,000 Points to upgrade from level 1 to 2 was quite a lot, but surely it would be worth it otherwise it wouldn't be that much, right? Surely.

Fuck it, [Star God Slayer Magic Upgrade Purchased! Star God Slayer Magic: Lv. 1 -> 2 - The Power and Speed of Star Spells have increased. Control of Star God Slayer Magic has improved] [Points: 335,211 -> 235,211]

[God Seed inside you is beginning to grow...] The next upgrade grew to 200,000 Points

Now, what to do with the remaining points. I could improve my stats, I guess. Or maybe I should purchase a lot of keys and work my way towards [Urano Metria]. I don't really have a need or want to buy any bathroom upgrades for now, I think...?

Just to make sure, I decided to open the bathroom upgrades shop. I guess I could make my house and bathroom bigger - so I did. [Bathroom Expansion (Large) Purchased! House and Bathroom will begin to expand in 3... 2... 1... Done!] [Points: 235,211 -> 215,211]

It felt weird being inside the house while it expanded, but thankfully it only lasted a second. But wow! The bathroom was very spacious now, I could probably have a party with 30-50 people in here. Another interesting and nice thing was the fact that the bathtub also expanded 3x as big, a large, square bath in the corner of the bathroom able to fit around 5 people easily by my estimations.

(A/N: Any other ideas on Bathroom Upgrades?)

Deciding to do no more upgrades, I decided to do some mental calculations. My first option was to spend all the points on my stats, equating to 21,521 stat points. My second option was to buy 2 golden keys for 30,000 Points and then spend 150,000+ Points on my stats. My third option, and probably the least likely out of them all, was to just spend all the points on buying Golden Celestial Keys.

I didn't really have a need to buy new magic, and I could upgrade my current spells but I didn't really feel a need for that if I were to put a lot of points on my MAG stat, additionally I evolved and upgrade my Star God Slayer Magic so it should be strong enough in its current state. Plus, the GMG was 3 months away so I don't really have a need to rush getting my spells stronger.

After a few minutes of thinking, I came to the conclusion that I will buy 2 Golden Keys and spend the rest on my Stats.

[2 Golden Keys Purchased: Sagittarius and Taurus] [Points: 215,211 -> 155,211] In my hands appeared two golden keys. With a flick of both my hands, I summoned the two spirits at the same time.

From the Taurus key, a beautiful woman with purple eyes and medium length brown hair tied up into large twin tails with a well-endowed and curvaceous body. She blinked her eyes a few times before looking around the bathroom and then, finally, landing her eyes on me before blushing and covering her face with one of her tails.

From the Sagittarius key, a charming lady with golden hair and crimson eyes. Adorning her sexy, curvy body covered in a number of red tattoos was golden armour. Not taking even a second to get used to her new surroundings, she simply stared at me with her cold, blood-like eyes.

"H-Hello, Master..." Taurus, who recognisably resembled Diane from Seven Deadly Sins, spoke with a stutter, avoiding eye contact as she twirled her other tail (That wasn't being used to cover her flushed face) with her finger.

"Why have you summoned us?" Sagittarius, who seemed to resemble... Gilgamesh from Fate? But Female? Hot. Anyway, she asked me bluntly with a straight face, her tone coming off as a little rude and impatient.

"Just wanted to inform you guys that I'm your new 'master', and I hope we get along well" I said, smiling at them to come off as a kind and approachable person.

"Definitely!" Passionately, Taurus shook her head profusely in agreement with a big smile on her face, "S-See you soon, master!" She waved, jumping up and down energetically as she returned to the Celestial World.

"..." Sagittarius looked at me, saying nothing before snorting, "I'll officially acknowledge as my 'master' once you prove yourself to me" She stated before going away.

What a nice start, ay?

With that out of the way, I looked at my Stats and left over points:


STR: 650

VIT: 100

DEX: 650

MAG: 3,000

Points: 155,211] 15,521 Points, but it's actually 15,520 Points because I don't want one of my stats to trigger me by having an out-of-place 1 at the end.

My MAG was the most important, so I would definitely put the majority of them in that. My VIT was already high considering my stamina was enough to last half a day and having quite a lot of stamina leftover, so I'd probably put a few points there but not a lot. Then STR and DEX, I'll decide after seeing my leftover points from MAG.

[MAG: 3,000 -> 15,000] [Points: 155,211 -> 35,211] 3,520 Points left. For now, I care more about my overall speed than I do my overall strength, considering this is a magical world and most people can move at the speed of light if not faster down the line.


STR: 650 -> 1,250

VIT: 100 -> 250

DEX: 650 -> 3,420

MAG: 15,000

Points: 35,211 -> 11] Damn, over 400,000 Points flushed down the drain like it was nothing. At least I feel a lot stronger now, I wonder what level I'd be at in the guild? A-Rank? B-Rank? I'm not gonna get ahead of myself and say I'm at S-Rank level, especially an S-Rank Wizard of Fairy Tail.




A week had passed since then. I've kind of lost track of time, but I think there's about a little over 2 months before Natsu and them lot return from the Celestial World.

During the week, I hung out at the Fairy Tail guild a lot, had a small date with Mirajane which went well (Nothing sexual happened, it was just a nice vibe), spent some time and got closer with my current Celestial Spirits, and even sparred with them which allowed me to get a better understanding of their magic.

In terms of getting along, Sagittarius was probably the biggest pain in the ass and the hardest to converse with. She'd always go on about me having to 'prove myself' to her, which I took as me having to beat her in a fight or something. 

And turns out, I was actually right... except the fact that I got absolutely demolished in our fight. Her fighting style and arrogant words reminded me of Gilgamesh from the Fate Series, who would just stand still and watch as her attacks (Whether it was weapons coming out of her golden portals or beams of magic raining down on me) hit me.

Though, at least I got a better understanding of her magic and the strength of the Celestial Spirits. In terms of overall strength, it seems that Sagittarius was actually the strongest which confused me. If Leone's the leader, shouldn't she be the strongest?

Turns out that Leone's not actually the leader because she's the strongest, though she's still up there, but because she's the most charismatic and gets along with all the Celestial Spirits and has the ability to command them all with ease in battle.

As for Taurus, it was... odd, I guess. She came off as a cute, innocent girl who's quite literally too scared to hit and kill bugs. But, when it came to fighting her... lord have mercy. It was like a nightmare - out of nowhere, she'd use her gigantification magic to grow to the size of Diane, requip a hammer, and then use her strong earth magic to trap or attack me.

Aries was probably the weakest in terms of battling as her moves were quite readable and easy once you get used to them. Though, that didn't change the fact that they're very dangerous if you get him by them.

And finally, Leone. Fighting her was similar to Diane, she'd be her usual self and then suddenly turn serious before transforming into a bigger form (Her muscular lioness form) and pummeling me to the ground with her Dark Regulus Magic.

It was a pretty nice bonding session all in all, even if I my body ached the whole week for the sake of it. As for the data with Mira, it was small and basic with the two of us going out of the guild, going on a walk, having a picnic, and ending the date with me walking her home.

"Uwahhh...!" I stretched as I yawned, having woken up after taking a small nap in the middle of the day.

*Ding dong* The doorbell rung, causing me to drag myself over to the door as I rubbed my eyes awake.

"Hello-" I opened the door, greeting the newcomer, "Oh, hello" In front of me stood Laki who glared at me, "What's u-" Before I could finish my sentence, Laki pounced on me.

"I... need it" She ordered in between heavy breathes, her eyes cloudy as she licked her lips hungrily.

"Say no more" I replied with a smirk.


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Name: Solis Xenova

Age: 18


STR: 1,250

VIT: 250

DEX: 3,420

MAG: 15,000

Points: 11]

Casual7creators' thoughts