
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Komik
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91 Chs

Chapter 2: … Fairy Tail X675

Chapter 2: … Fairy Tail X675

~Rou POV~

Years surely fly by as I was now 2 years old of age and finally figured out where I live. I found out after trying to decipher what my parents were talking about…

Tenrou Island….

Tenrou Island huh?

You know being reincarnated into the world of Fairy Tail is good and all with a lot of waifus they have.

Especially the author with a big fan of service for all the sexy members as I wouldn't be opposed to this issue except for one small tiny detail that I would outright cry as injustice here…

The current year I live in is X675 all the way in the fucking past.

And I was born in X673 the same year Mavis Vermillion the first master of Fairy Tail was born…

Well, that would explain everything happening as it finally clicked to me why I recognize this place… but the big tree was a dead giveaway.

Did take 2 years to figure that out but… fuck you, language barrier of Fairy Tail!

Tenrou Island is the holy ground of the Fairy Tail guild. X784's S-Class Mage Promotion Trial was held on this island. It is also the resting place of Fairy Tail's first Guild Master, Mavis Vermillion. It was once a location of the now-destroyed Red Lizard Guild in X679.

The Tenrou Jade was an S-Class treasure and Tenrou Island's holy relic.

Many years ago, the Tenrou Jade, having absorbed too much evil Magic Power, became impossible to control, and was sealed away on the island.

However, in the year X679, it was stolen by the Mages of Blue Skull, and later, in the year X686, the relic was destroyed after it was hit by Law and subsequently fell from the sky, shattering on impact.

At least that was the info I collected from the two guys from their talks, but I could be wrong as I'm still trying to learn their language.

Not like I have anything better to do with my time except try to survive now because of what I learned after discovering that I could possibly die in this massacre all in the name of a Guild War huh?


Politics, right?

2 years huh?

In those blasted 2 years of my life, I began to get my body to move how I like it not anything surprising just adapting fast with how my body functions along with my vocal cords making me speak out normally again.

Hallelujah, I can talk!

It was the most annoying part of my life not being able to speak along with my body being stuck in a baby crib looking up or crawling when I have the free time to do so.

And yes, I know how childish it sounds but hear me out that you would be fucking bored out of your mind without some form of entertainment!

Bloody hell those were some very annoying times.


The first thing I did when I was able to regain my motor functions again was to relearn myself to walk which was a success and the most important one going into the bathroom to finally have some alone time with no diapers.

I really do wonder why there is porn of characters with diapers.


Truly my old world was beyond salvation with the amount, of things the degenerate would fuck any kind of hole they could find.

I'm no better but at least I have some class!

It's remarkable as it is completely disgusting at the same time.

Truly our culture was beyond or devolved with porn.

At the very least, however, I'm fucking glad I never have to wear that goddamn diaper ever again making me feel a sense of freedom again.

Still being 2 years old and knowing that I'm in Fairy Tail world I already began mentally preparing for the future, with the forethought knowledge of the future and impending doom I need to get serious here.

I need to know what would or has already happened.

But since I got nothing, I decided the next course of action for me was to get my body able to move and locate a good hiding spot to hide from those Blue Skulls when that happens.


Or I could go the Alchemist route here actually now that I think about it?

I mean I know for the fact that Fairy Tail manga The 100 Year Quest did introduce this concept before with Gray fighting one of the Alchemist so the idea is not too far off and replicate into this world.

Fortunately enough for me though I could tell Mavis of this when I learn of its discovery by myself and explain that my father was an Alchemist from the Guiltina but had since gotten rusty with me learning by scratch.


This could work in my favor once I'm alone here with Mavis because in the original she was the sole survivor of the attack and not like I'm going to change that though.

Even if I were to fight back, I could jeopardize the creation of Fairy Tail as a whole of my actions or worse but then again it's not like it's my concern, to begin with…

Still, though I could learn a lot working with Mavis Vermillion under her so this might not be a bad idea, to begin with.

Alchemists are wielders of Alchemy, using their abilities to transmute and craft any material within their vicinity. Some materials can be obtained via excavating minerals from a mining operation.

An Alchemist Guild receives the materials from a Coal Miner's Guild who excavates them from the mines and in return, the Coal Miners are given weapons and tools with special abilities forged using Alchemy.

Alchemy is the main form of combat for Alchemists, giving them the ability to transmute various materials into all sorts of shapes and sizes, crafting equipment such as weapons to use in combat.

Alchemists are even capable of transmuting abstract concepts such as the "bonds" of individuals near them, which would transform the affected person into another with whom they share a form of connection and vice versa.

Similar to Treasure Hunters, Alchemists will also seek out certain materials, especially rare and valuable ones such as the Dogra Core, as treasures for their Alchemy to craft.

While that might be true there what I'm after though is the Fullmetal Alchemist version of Alchemy since that's easier for me to understand because I know the full grasp of it, unlike the Earth… Land oh god that's a dumb name!


Stop getting sidetrack Rou where was I…

Ah right.

While I don't know how Alchemy works here in Earth Land because they use 'Bonds' somehow I'll stick to the scientific knowledge and understanding of the ones I'm familiar with to help me out.

But with how I am right now though I know for a fact I can't do much but all I have to do is keep my memories intact and learn how to carefully get my drawings and hand coordination back again when the Blue Skull punks attack.

After all, I have patience for this because I was born and know about this world, which is something, I really hope to unlock for the trials ahead of me.

Meta knowledge can work here to my advantage and I know just how to power myself up along with even possibly immortality within my sights but I also wish to learn more about this world on my own.


An eternal adventure huh?

That sounds like something the first Master of Fairy Tail would do and to be honest I would agree considering the fact this is a whole new world for me to explore how couldn't I just not go and find all the riches this world has to offer?

But I still have one thing to do first to even ponder those ideas of mine…

I have to survive the Guild War on Tenrou Island first then to the world when the time is right.

Of course, I will continue to train myself for the worst and be prepared to leave when those 3 Treasure Hunters come around.

Still, those 2 years were wasted doing nothing but moving…


I still need to get better control over my body when I move around wobbly but moving to get a feel for it since I'm still a fricking two-year-old.


For now, I need to focus on my handwriting before I even attempt to get stronger and focus all the years I went through high school chemistry and college chemistry to the test.


What a drag man.

This is all wishful thinking at the moment.

And of course, this is under the assumption that I'm even in the right timeline or worst the first timeline of Fairy Tail because of Dragon Ruling the World or Acnologia ending our punk-ass race in the end.

I'm not sure even a deux machina time travel bullshit will help but… I do know one thing I will do in this world and it's really simple… I won't die the mob character damn it as I will live my life the best I can possibly have!

That's a promise!!

Although getting a girlfriend is a close second thing to do in life.

I'm not going the path of the Chainsaw Man of having no girlfriend but then again life changes a man on an island like this.

For now, though I should just focus and see if I even have magic or not.

Please god, I'm hoping here and answer my plea!




How do I know if I'm in the first timeline or the second?!

