
Chapter 88: Tower of Heaven (10)

Chapter 88: Tower of Heaven (10)


~Third POV~


Releasing his full power once Jellal regained the other half of his strength taking his stance to the beaten members with Lucy lying unconscious with Happy, and Natsu overtaken with his quick strike with <Meteor > against them.

Lucy used up her remaining Magic Power to defend them against Jellal's attacks with Gray and Juvia remaining panting and tired but noticeable wounds on Jellal's body were shown but not enough to inconvenience him.


Wearing his damaged battle uniform prepared he began to get serious with the two in a bemused tone of his voice, "If that's all you lot can do, then you lack the substance to back up against me. I'll admit that the little girl and salamander surprised me… but in the end, they were weak against me."

Gray grits his teeth badly wounded with blood dripping from his lips responding back to him anger in his tone, "Grrr… we won't give up… I won't give up… Erza, Silva, and her friends are depending on us to defeat you… I won't be defeated by the likes of you…"

Juvia agreed panting tired preparing her Water Magic to attack and defend the unconscious allies determined, "Juvia has her beloved trust… Silva-sama trusted Juvia to help them beat you… I won't be lonely and prove to him I'm not a bringer of bad luck…"

Jellal merely grins happily flaring his Magic Power to the last two remaining ensuring to beat them with confidence in his tone, "It matters not. You lot will fail but you all have proven one clear fact. You all did interfere with my ritual. For that, I think I'll turn you into fodder for my heavenly body magic. <METEOR >!!!"



Using <Meteor > in a flash Jellal's body is surrounded by a cloak of Heavenly Body Magic, allowing him to move through the air at incredible speeds. Even if someone could detect his trajectory, it is nearly impossible to catch him.

Juvia's eyes widened as Jellal was behind her with his hand shining with <Heavenly Body Magic> intending to strike Natsu, Lucy, and Happy defenseless to him, "Let's start with getting rid of the –"


Jellal's eyes widen viewing a barrel of a gun directed at him with Archer revealing himself as he grins wickedly at it mistaking it for Silva, "Right… I'll start with you!!!"


Before anyone could process anything Juvia and Gray's eyes widened seeing Archer getting a fist through his body like a donut in horror, but Jellal was quick to realize what he hit as Archer bear-hugged him with his remaining strength.


Archer's body tightened while glaring at Jellal having his Magic Revolver pointed at his mid-section causing him to feel pain using all of the bullets from his revolver inflicting gunshot wounds on his person.












Using up all his remaining shots within his Magic Revolver Jellal's hatred was stronger despite feeling the pain he glares hatefully at the faker for wounding him despite having his arm through Archer like a donut.

Putting the weapons away into the storage space Jellal struggles to get Archer gripping him tightly with blood trickling down his mouth, "Get off me you copy!! You're not –"

Gray listens and realizes something is off as does Juvia seeing data particles as he begins using his <Meteor > to enhance himself further killing off Archer with ease as his eyes dart toward the unconscious group.


Juvia quickly responded with a <Water Whip> at Jellal forming condensed water at him only to blur away readying his next attack out loud, "This time no more interruption!! Especially from that weak man no more!! <Jiu Leixing>!!"




Jellal creates nine lightning-based swords behind their person that they can then direct to strike the target of their choice.

Gray and Juvia's eyes widen as he launches them at the group –


<Glyphs > soon appeared in front of each of them defending them from further harm as Jellal had about enough of someone interrupting him, "Oh you got to be kidding me?!! Who keeps – ack!!!"




Before he could respond further, he was suddenly suckered punch by Silva in his Grand Chariot armor using its <Flight > capabilities with Mastema equipped to damage the Tower of Heaven in the process in a serious tone, "That was for harming my friends you fucker!!!"

Standing up from the rubble caught surprised Jellal glared hatefully at Silva as Erza appeared with Gray smiling at the timing, "Erza!! Silva!! Glad to see you guys finally made it to the party what took yah so long!"

Erza responded that Fukuro managed to transport her and Simon away in an iron cage match which she won and took Simon away when Wally and Millianna arrived to try and help which led her to be so long as Silva finished his death match with their leader making Jellal's eyes glare harden at Silva flying above.


Gray sighed glancing back at his friend's unconscious with Erza looking shocked demanding answers, "Natsu! Happy! Lucy! Gray what happened to them to be knocked out!! I know they aren't weak against –"

Gray interrupted Erza as her mind recalled Silva's Tyrant roar echoing when he used the Grand Chariot armor, "He got distracted by a roar from below. After that, Lucy tried to help defend us with her new spell <Star Dress> on the line against Jellal when Natsu was down, and Happy took a hit for him with the man attacking him while his down."

Silva listening in didn't show it but was shocked by Gray's words of Lucy managing to use <Star Dress> thinking to himself surprised, 'Wait Lucy did that…?! Man… seems like the butterfly effect is going to fuck or surprise me with a heart attack of things happening. But first…'




Coming out from the rubble with Erza equipped in her Heaven's Wheel Armor Jellal retains his calm attitude but slowly turns into a cruel smile voicing his victory, "Erza… you have finally arrived at the ending point of your life. And you Silva Knight the annoying thorn in my side… you have come to witness a rise to a new era!!"

Their eyes flashed with surprise sensing a powerful source of Magic Power directing above the sky a small dot of light soon became apparent as Erza voiced out shock, "Etherion is already fired!!"

Jellal merely grins declaring easily to himself of his win in determined arrogance, "Yes… you all came so close to defeating me and yet failed. I win –"

"Who decided that."

Interrupting him Silva merely grinned underneath his armor mask holding Shambhala as a marker in the sky soon appeared causing Jellal to grimace taking his eyes away from the floor as a yin-yang emblem appeared below them.

Jellal was too distracted looking at the sky trying to lie for more time about Silva's actions of the consequences of using his Magic Tool, "Tch. You are relying on that tactic again? Last, I recall that you can teleport things when using your Magic Tool. That was how you weakened Jose during your Guild War? Are you willing to destroy an area –"





Not too long everyone beneath the floor was suddenly teleported away with Jellal growling at what Silva did as he responded to the annoyed man, "Oh I know I could… but why do that when I can easily take everyone away from the tower...? Not like it's going to survive anyway."

Catching his words with Gray and Juvia caught the downed members away now at the Akane Beach as Gray recognized the area with a grin Silva continued, "I mean where now back to where we started, and your sorry excuse of a Tower is over. Don't believe me look at the feed of my Video Lacrima."

Jellal was about to scoff before his eyes stopped looking at a Lacrima video feed of the Tower of Heaven…



Explosions rang out destroying the tower causing Jellal to be alarmed by the destructive damage unable to absorb Etherion as planned. Erza looked at Silva surprised in deep thought, 'He had this planned out this far ahead? Did he realize what the Tower of Heaven did and knew what Jellal would do to recharge but instead weaken the interior but then someone would – no… that's why he sent Simon's group…!!!'



Jellal was enraged seeing his Tower of Heaven being destroyed by Etherion as the weakened Tower couldn't absorb all the magic power with its structure compromised and soon exploded in of itself from the overdose of Magic Power with no proper structure to contain the Magic Power.


Clenching his fist hard to draw blood Jellal coldly glared at Silva within his armor responding in disbelief, "How…!!! How could you have destroyed 8 years of work gone without a trace!!! No one to notice or call – !!!"

However, he soon stopped himself as his eyes realized how before mumbling out in disbelief playing to Silva's enjoyment realizing the invisible man that he killed with a hint of fear, "No… you used that fake to plant Lacrima explosives within weak points in the tower and the Giant Lacrima containers within the Tower unnoticed. Then used Simon's group to infiltrate inside to destroy all means to contact me about the Tower while causing a big distraction enough for me to take my full attention towards you all…"

Listening to Jellals' explanation Erza could only feel a cold chill run down her spine of the planning needed and execution for Silva's plan to work along with everyone playing their parts and thought patterns…

Silva merely gave a mock bow to Jellal responding to him in an amused tone, "Hm? To think you would finally notice I'll admit it was on the fly but –"

Jellal couldn't handle that comment flying as he prepares his Magic Power <Meteor > at the ready to charge at him, "BULLSHIT!! To figure out those weak points in the tower and systematically destroy them… you would've had our plans and reconstruction blueprints to make it work how—"




Before Jellal could respond or react Silva replied to him with a casual tone, "Fuck you that's how!!"


Slamming him to the ground with his fist Erza regained her focus as she hoped to plead with him at least to surrender, "Jellal!! Your tower is over… you have lost admit defeat already and surrender…"

Despite the trouble that Jellal caused Erza truthfully wanted to save her former friend with Silva noticing this as he mentally sighed to himself in a defeated tone, 'Sigh… I knew this was coming but it's one of her best qualities. I kind of wanted the EXP but… there are better ways to gain them than solo fighting a boss when I can end it here and now like this. Besides's HP is very low enough. Best to clear up the air calling her out now.'

Jellal merely glared at Erza as he tried to escape only to realize he couldn't as Silva used his <Glyph > to keep him in place along his wounds from the earlier fight took it's toll on Jellal's state.


Taking this moment Silva replied to him with shock in Jellal and Erza's eyes for revealing the true mastermind behind this mess revealing his Judgement Field out in the open, "Now then… would Ultear Milkovich please release Jellal from his Possession you have on him? I would prefer if Erza had her friend back then a broken mind puppet."

Jellal tried to speak to deny it struggling to keep control before he went silent in the end as he lost mental control, "I have no idea what your talking fool. I'm not controlled – AH!! …"

Erza concerned for her former friend looked towards Silva for confirmation of what was occurring to Jellal at the moment in a concerned tone, "Silva… what exactly is going on here and who's this person you speak of that is controlling Jellal!!!"

Seeing no choice as Silva sees Ultear refuses to voice out he points his finger at Jellal's body casting the <Dispel > on him, "Fine then. Guess I'll force it out of you yet missy. Don't say I warned you. <Dispel >."



A phantom-like ghost soon roared out from Jellal's mouth as the ghost figure was released with Erza and anyone nearby to view it screeching.

Silva flinched lightly at the ghost aspiration before it coldly glared at him then vanishing in magic particles with a warning to him, "You are too dangerous to be left living… Just know you made a powerful enemy out of the Dark Guilds Silva Knight – "



One gunshot was heard as Silva shot the ghost figure with a shrug making it disappear thinking to himself in a grateful tone, 'Making an enemy out of the Dark Guilds huh? What a nice way of saying bringing the mobs to me. Such a sweet lass.'


Ignoring her as Silva landed down Erza looked at him confused and expecting some answers as he replied to her distress, "Sigh… trust me this is going to be a very long explanation but for now how about we discuss about what he wants to do next?"

Jabbing his thumb at Jellal Erza's eyes flickered with confliction of what to do but trusted her friend's words and made sure to take care of Jellal's condition and try to find out what really happened to him…


A/N: Alright guys I'll post one more chapter then an update.