

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Komik
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210 Chs

Chapter 146: Edolas (8)

Chapter 146: Edolas (8)

~Third POV~

While Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Happy, and Gray ran through the corridors of the Royal Palace getting lost on the way since the castle was unfamiliar to them Silva moved tired as he sighed at his predicament.

Using Spectator to view Natsu's group taking care of reviving their friends and Wendy off to inform Extalia he spoke out assuring himself, "Sigh… seems like those guys got it handled for now. Status Recovery."


A flash of green light surrounded Silva and all wounds and tiredness faded instantly regaining his full power again smirking at the sensation, "Ahh… that will never get old. Feel refreshed and ready for round 2."

Regaining his strength Silva soon called out Rongo Rongo of the Royal Palace leaving to entrust Natsu's group to save everyone while he takes care of one more hurdle.

Observing the maps interior and exterior of the Castle he places his finger turning pages trying to find certain information of an area in a serious tone, "Nope. Nope. Nah. Come on where is it already… Ah! There you are."

Looking through the pages Silva found the correct one to locate Edolas's forbidden but powerful item he could find muttering to himself happily, "The Dragon Knight Dorma Anim. The place where if to be used under article law 23 Edolas to keep safe deep within the ground."

Quickly equipping Mastema for flight using his Shroud of Shadows to keep himself hidden he began to make his move, "Better to keep myself hidden. The last thing I need is anyone finding me to steal their powerful weapon from right under them. At least that will take care of the final hurdle of this annoying world over with it. Shroud of Shadows."



Flying away under the invisible blanket of his Shroud of Shadows he began to move where the Dorma Anim was located on a floating island sealed away.


Moved his head using Spectator trying to locate the Dorma Anim easier in its sealed state muttering to himself, "Now, where would I put a crazy mecha dragon armor… come one where – bingo. Found yah."


With Rongo Rongo it takes a few minutes to fly above the castle a few miles away he finds the location where the Dorma Amia was sealed away in a destroyed coliseum breaking down thanks to the passage of time.

Using the Spectator to see through the earth of the floating island Silva could see the sealed form of the Dorma Anim taking the form of an egg chained with magic seals around it.




Landing down on the ground with an eager grin plastered on his face rubbing his hands together taking another powerful item into his collection, "Booyah! This makes 5 Edolas items I took back with me counting this mechas armor. Now then foolish King what would you do now that you lost your strongest weapon from the get-go."

Using <The Knight> to instantly change into his Rare Suit digging down to where the Dorma Anim was located taking no time at all with his strength to reach a chamber big enough to hold the Dorma Anim.




Breaching into the chamber of Dorma Anim witnessing the sealed state he grinned using <Dispel > on the chains containing the armor.





Breaking the chains, the armor began to absorb the nearby magic from everyone transforming in the process into its mechanized armor state with Silva grinning and seeing a screen pop up reading the description.


[The Dorma Anim has now been activated but lacks a rider to wear to it.]

[Would you like to own/steal the Dorma Anim as your?]


Not hesitating Silva clicked yes immediately pocketing away the Dragon Knight in a happy tone viewing the end is near, "Yes!! That takes care of one pain in the ass down now to finish up taking care of the rest."

Leaving his location Silva began to leave to prepare to help others.


Back to the Natsu group, Lucy shouted in shock at finding a colorful amusement park filled with varying rides, "Why is there an amusement park inside a castle?!!"

Gray couldn't help but laugh at their plight of getting lost, "We really are lost aren't we… just perfect."

Pointing out the obvious Happy looks around to see no guards stopping them once commenting on the lack of security, "Hey guys isn't it weird that we haven't run into any guards? They seem to be slacking off on the job?"

Natsu pouted seeing the lack of enemies to face muttering silently to himself in disappointment, "Ah man… I was looking forward to kicking some ass and taking names."

Erza agreeing with them replied with a curt nod while thanking Silva's assistance in the process of getting a clear path, "That might be because of Silva. His storming the castle to look for you guys would've brought the guard's attention to him. Let's be glad we didn't have much trouble encountering any opposition."

They all nodded as they ran through the amusement park so, they soon encountered Coco's legs hurt and soon paused at Erza's voice, "Halt! Who are you!"

Coco for a brief moment sighed in relief seeing Erza mistaking her for Edolas's counterpart but paled realizing the group she was with in shock, "Oh, whew… Captain Knightwalker it's just – wait your not Captain Knightwalker….!!"

Realizing this Coco gawked surprised seeing Knightwalker's Earthland version seeing this Erza tried to start a conversation calmly approaching her, "Are you able to tell us where the King is miss…?"

The girl immediately turned the other way trying to run but Gray shouted using his Magic to stop her in place, "Sorry, not happening! <Ice Make: Ice Floor>!"



Chilling the floor into ice the ground beneath her became ice as Coco soon flipped forward, causing her to lose her balance as her momentum carried her forward fell face forward till she reached the unfrozen parts.

Happy flinched commenting on Coco's pain, "Ohh… that's gotta hurt."

In the process of Coco falling face down the key she had on her dropped across the ground reaching Gray's feet and collecting as Coco cried out, "No! You can't take that!"

Lucy curious if the key had any importance pushed forward to talk to the girl, "And why not? At least tell us your name first?"

Coco answered reluctantly revealing her name, "Coco…"

After that, the two began to explain some things to each other getting information between the two revealing the key needed for the Dragon Chain Cannon from the Dragon Slayer Magic extracted from Natsu and Wendy.

Realizing this the group decided to use the Dragon Chain Cannon for their own use to save their friends excited with the chance to save them appeared before them with Coco leading the way to King Faust.



Breaking down the heavy doors to the Dragon Chain Cannon room, with a loud crash the guards in the room turned their attention to the entranced as King Faust immediately ordered his soldiers into action, "Y-You! Guards! Quickly deal with them and get me that trickster!!"

They all curtly nodded brandishing their spears and swords at the enemy as Natsu's face formed a smile. Natsu's flames engulfed his hands cracking his knuckles excited to fight, "Finally! Some guys to beat that Silva hasn't attracted yet! I have been looking to get some payback!!"

The soldiers charged ahead trying to defeat them, "Hgarrrgh!"




Slamming his fiery fist into the nearby guard sent him flying into several other guards they heard footsteps from behind and the group looked to see reinforcements arrived.

Erza's eyes widen seeing her counterpart Knightwalker hurt, bandaged, but determined holding the standard issue Edolas Royal Army weapon gritting her teeth seeing the Fairy Tail members exclaiming at them, "YOU!!! Return my spear or face my wrath!!!"


Rushing forward Erza used her <Telekinesis > stopping Knightwalker in her tracks as she spoke to her with an arm raised pointing at Knightwalker commenting to herself, "I should really start using this most often. But about you my other self from another world I'm afraid we haven't formally met. I'm Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail and you…?"

Gritting her teeth trying to break free to no avail from Erza's <Telekinesis > magic responded bitterly trying to attack them, "Grrr…!! Erza Knightwalker the Fairy Hunter to you and your end…!!!"

Erza glared at Knightwalker tilting her head innocently as the soldiers nearby behind their captain finally responded, "Oh… is that so huh? Must be confident facing weaklings judging by how you always won against them… how about you face someone truly strong Knightwalker? Try to survive this a trickster taught me this."

Knightwalker eyes widen as Erza soon throws her arm at the back yelling, "From the wise words of a friend once said… Yeet!!!"



Thrown away like a side character via by Erza's <Telekinesis > the soldiers gulped seeing their fearless Captain to a nearby wall collapsing to her wounds but alive with Gray cracking his knuckles, "Now then… I'm sure my friend gave you guys the options for peace. Want to continue…?"

They all looked at each other warily before curtly nodding determined no matter what rushing forward causing Gray to sigh and unleash his Magic on them, "Sigh… really didn't want to guys but you forced my hand! <Ice Make: Chain Chomps>!!!"



Taking from personal experience Gray created living chain chomps biting down on the Army Soldiers that Happy commented seeing motion getting where he got the idea, "Oh!! That's a new one. Let me guess Silva?"

He nodded as the soldiers struggled to get rid of the Chain Comps biting them as more guards started to rush in with everyone attacking them with their magic.

"<Fire Dragon's Roar>!"

"<Ice Make: Mana Blast>!"

"<Circle Sword>!"

Large flames surrounded the area, an enormous blast of ice, and a barrage of rotating swords slammed straight into the guards sending dozens of their bodies flying in all directions.

Seeing his guards lost to them Faust bit his lip at the loss shouting angrily, "Dammit… dammit… dammit!!!!"

Ignoring the king seeing as no threat they soon reached the control mechanism till Lucy pointed out a small issue in a confused tone, "I just realized… how do we even change coordinates…?"

Hearing this they all tilted their eyes towards King Faust before making his move, "I… I won't let you destroy my plans!! Wheeeee!!!!"




The group's eyes were alerted when the sounds of Faust's whistling caused the ground to shake revealing

Whistling loud enough for anyone to hear his personal Legion soon came out from his call surprising the group by the creature as the King made the move to complete his mission no matter the cost.

The Fairy Tail members were surprised to see a Legion for the first time but reacted quickly as Lucy noticed Faust yelling at him, "No! We have to stop him quick!'

Noticing this Faust yelled enthusiastically preparing the coordinates to unleash the Chain Dragon Cannon, "You've done the work for me! Time to say goodbye to – ack!! You damn Exceed!!!"


Before he could finish Happy rushed in trying to stop Faust from scratching him or biting him on the face stalling for time as Happy exclaimed, "No!! You won't get the chance!! I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard you jerk!!!"

Natsu seeing Happy stalling got tossed aside as the King held a Code ETD on his scepter with a greedy grin on his face, "I've had enough of you blasted angels for the last time!! Time for you to join the rest of your kind fallen Exceed to be the magic for us!!!"

Natsu eyes widen and he yells alarm seeing his friend become a Lacrima his anger rises along with his increasing his Magic Power at Happy's distress gritting his teeth, "No!! Happy!! You better get away you bastard!! <Fire Dragon's Giga Impact>!!!"




Rushing forward blitzing in fire creating a forcefield energy of fire dashing towards the Legion easily knocking it out. Faust eyes widened in horror as Natsu unleashes his attack as his fire increases in power to his emotion glaring at the foolish king, "Get away from my friend!!!"




Knocking the King towards the control device accidentally destroying the landing a devastating punch fueled by his emotions looks towards Happy seeing if he was harmed, "Happy!! You okay buddy no harm or nothing right?"

Genuine concern flashed in Natsu's eyes as Happy reassured him he was okay thanking him for the save happily, "I'm okay Natsu! Thanks for the save old pal!"

Natsu grinned seeing he was okay as he looked towards the destroyed control mechanism flinching and apologizing for his mistake, "Crap… sorry guys I got too emotional there missing the chance to save our friends…"

His head down Erza confronted Natsu with a knowing smile understanding patting on his shoulder and responding to him in a kind tone, "No worries. You didn't want to lose Happy none of us wanted that outcome to happen. Will simply find another way to save our friends."

That was when another voice interjected recognizing it to be Gajeel with a grin on his face moving forward, "In that case toots how about our mister long lost prince help us with that ain't that right… Mystogan?"

Their eyes targeted Mystogan surprised to see him revealing his face properly introducing himself to his friends in a gentle tone, "No need for alias Gajeel. I'm sure you are surprised you know me as Mystogan in Fairy Tail. But here I'm Jellal the long-lost prince of Edolas it's a pleasure to meet you all without the mystery pretenses."

Natsu's group eyes widen exclaiming in shock, "A PRINCE?!!!"