
Chapter 130: Oración Seis (10)

Chapter 130: Oración Seis (10)

~Third POV~




Meanwhile, the battle with the large number of minions under the Oración Seis was raging on with the Allied Forces ever closely finishing them off.

The forces of their magic caused what was the open field to be a battlefield with the grass destroyed with chard dirt and cut marks shown on the battle with blood spilled everywhere along with the signs of the elements clashing here.

The Allied Forces all panted having exhausted fighting much with Eve muttering at the remaining forces, "Damn… I never knew the Oración Seis had this many minions under them… sigh… it's ridiculous."

Ren responded with a curt nod in agreement voicing his younger member's concerns, "Agreed. But at least they came at us and then came to pick us off one by one. Frankly, this would've been the ideal way for us to fight."


Hibiki using <Overload > on a Dark Guild member agreed with his team responding in a serious tone, "Yeah. I agree with you Ren this was possibly the best outcome for us. We fight as one while separated in groups knowing each other and watching our backs."


Cutting down an enemy with Lyon using his <Ice Make> Magic to view Erza and Saber easily cut down the minions, "Even by herself and that copy they made quick work against those forces. Fairy Tail sure is crazy like I remember."


Using <Doll Rock> to create a golem Sherry using her Magic complimented their teamwork in her usual manner, "They certainly are strong as one. Perhaps it's thanks to their power of… love."

Erza blushed at that listening to Sherry compliment before shaking her head revealing Racer's eyes widening on his motorcycle, "Shit!!"

Erza finding Racer soon tried to run away as she used her <Telekinesis > to trap him in place causing Saber to prepare the finishing blow yelling at him, "Now!! You won't be able to run away from us this time Racer!!!"


Equipped with Hrunting dashing to end the fight…


A portal soon opened revealing Natsu slamming his fist on them both causing a friendly fire on accident on the both of them, "<Fire Dragon's Iron Fist>!!!"




Racer was caught by Natsu's attack Silva finally came out with an annoyed expression on his face seeing Saber vanish from Natsu's attack, "Oh come on man!! Not enough you target me but even my Replica's?!!"

Natsu merely shrugs this off with a smug grin on his face winning against two Oración Seis members gloating at the chance, "HA! Two for two now baby! Man, I'm on a roll today also sorry about that I thought your guys were tougher?"

Happy corrected Natsu sticking behind his back, "You mean sturdier Natsu?"

Silva's eyes twitched at this seeing the allied forces continuing the battle with other dark guild members causing him to slowly smile, "Alright then hot shot? First to have the most number of scum-ass kicked wins? The winner says they took care of Oración Seis the most. You in or are you chicken?"

Natsu eyes twitched with his hands igniting Fire Dragon's fire accepting the challenge, "Oh, your so going to lose man!! I'm so winning this…!!!!"

Silva equipped the Arifar activating <Invisible Air> at the ready against the incoming enemies ahead of them, "You win? Please… I'm counting my Replica's number count by the way. <Air Strike>!!!"

Erza seeing that both of them returned bickering who would win sighs but smiles seeing the two alive and well defeating two members with them tied up as they brawl.

Erza mumbles to herself at their interaction joining in their competition seeing that Jura was handling Hoteye with an expression of exhaustion with him panting battling against Jura showing signs of overcoming him.

Wendy on the other hand witnessed the allied force as she assisted in supporting them using her Magic in awe, "Whoa…!! Everyone is really impressive…!!!"

Carla on the other hand had visions of different events occurring from the original events confusion evident on her face, 'What… this never happened before… are my visions wrong? Weren't the blond girl and black-haired man needed but then…'

Distracted she dart her eyes with narrowed suspicion on Silva back the anomaly to her. The events unfolding are reaching their climax and everything will soon come to an end reaching their conclusion…


~Silva K. POV~


Panting exhausted from the events unfolding everything was completely done with dealing with the minor forces the Oración Seis had at their disposal.

When that was done we rounded up everyone tied up with Jura holding them in place with his Earth Magic keeping everyone in place.

Once that was done with the group wanted me to view their history with my Eye Magic aka <Observe > skill explaining to them they were former slaves recruited from the Tower of Heaven gathering Erza's attention.

Apparently, they were allowed to leave under Jellal's permission at the time prior to brainwashing getting the grasp of how Oración Seis was even formed causing Jura to frown at this voicing his concerns, "Hmm… this is rather troubling. This group was formed for their potential and controlled by Ultear from behind the scenes… I'll need to inform the Magic Council of this as soon as possible."

Understanding the situation we all heard a voice we hadn't heard before interjecting the conversation, "And I'll be the one to report this. We have no wish for violence but we will be escorting these criminals away along with one more thing."

We all turned around to see we see a Rune Knight, a slim man of average height with long, tied-up black hair; two bangs frame his face and an unruly tuft covers his forehead, though his lavender eyes are still visible behind his circular-lensed glasses.

His attire is that of a high-ranking Council associate, consisting of a long, blue jacket with pink edges and strapped cuffs over a high-collared shirt bearing the Council's signature ankh-like symbol. His attire also features white pants held up by a simple belt, white gloves, a white cape held closed by a gem-decorated buckle, and distinctive shoes, seemingly bearing a serpentine pattern.

<Observe >.

[Lahar Lv.140 Rune Knight Captain]

We all see the Rune Knights begin to make their step as the leader introduces himself in a stern tone, "I am the Captain of the 4th Regiment Arrest and Custody Division for the New Magic Council. My name is Lahar."

Natsu shouted out surprised by the news, "New Magic Council?!!"

Happy agreed next to him surprised yelled out, "They've already formed a new one?"

Listening to this Lahar explained as his men took the minions and Oración Seis explaining his purpose being here and another objective, "We are here to arrest the Oración Seis. But another purpose by order of the Magic Council is to destroy the Legendary Magic Tool Nirvana."

Hearing this I was surprised by this outcome but nonetheless answered his question holding Shambhala at the ready and announcing, "If you need to look for it then I can give everyone a quick to the place where it's sealed. Although I would like to question why the Magic Council needs it destroyed rather than horde it?"

Lahar replied in a stern tone to my question with a stern expression explaining why the Magic Council took this route to deal with Nirvana, "The purpose is to destroy it. While the Magic Council has seen the benefit from it… it could also cause a repeat of this incident happening again with the Oración Seis. Besides that, I was given the keys needed to unseal it from former Wizard Saint Jellal once we interrogated him about the purpose of Nirvana with his connections to Dark Guilds prior to being brainwashed."

Nodding at this seeing the chance only a small member of us went to the location since it would be bad if someone went on a murder spree while the other allied forces stayed just in case anyone turned all murder happy.

The ones that were going to destroy Nirvana were Natsu, Erza, Jura, myself, and Lahar as that amount of people he believed would be enough to destroy Nirvana.

Activating Shambhala, we all vanished in a flash.




Returning to our previous location witnessing the massive tree containing Nirvana Jura commented on my work dealing with Brain, "Whew… with us destroying Nirvana it will be an end to our allied agreement for now. Still, it would be terrible to think if Brain was allowed to activate the Magic of Nirvana the situation would've been dire."

I nodded as I responded in a serious tone as Lahar listened into the conversation and adjusted his glasses, "Yeah… frankly I took the chance when I could. Why leave someone like Brain alive to activate Nirvana when I could've taken him out from the start? Without him, their plans have failed before they even began."

Finishing up our conversation Lahar began to inspect the chained-up tree detecting the Magic Power of Nirvana seeing Magic Circuits appear in front of us in a serious tone, "As expected. These are the Magic Square that has been guarding Nirvana. With this, you all can destroy it as it will never bring something like this incident ever again."



We all nodded to his claims as the Magic Square reacted with Lahar using the one he got from Jellal deactivating it and breaking the circuits in place in the process.






When it finally broke everything began to change with a small earthquake as everyone is underestimating what Nirvana really was.

The ground beneath us began to crumble as the earth quaked from the awakening of this so-called legendary Magic Tool.








Everyone's eyes widen at the power it's producing forcing me to bring out my Trump Card for this task.

The earthed shake as if the heavens and nature are repulsed by it's very existence of this Magic feeling the effects as a pillar of black light shoots out to the sky seeing the nature trees turn black to ash.

The earth underneath our feet began to erupt from the emergence of this Magic tool awakening the repulsive Magic entering my soul feeling some whispers through my ears listening to them speaking of light and dark.

What utter garbage.


[An unknown Magical Influence is trying to tilt [THE GAMER] morality…!]

[Nirvana Magical Influence has been rejected via <Indominable Spirit>!!]


[<Indominable Spirit> LEVEL UP!]

Seeing everyone else is handling it better from Nirvana's influence and Jura managing to hold our ground with his Earth Magic making sure we don't fly away from the earthquakes produced.

We all shared a glance at each other and with a curt nod retaliated at the Magic of Legends with our might as I began equipping my Teigu Erastone crown everyone else began to attack the appearance of what destroyed the Nirvit race to extinction.

"<Fire Dragon's Wing Attack>"

"<Mt. Fuji>!!!"

"<Circle Swords>!!!"

Activating my Teigu Erastone crown shone an eerie green, emerald light as the Nirvana's control systems appeared as did a long lost civilization used to control it.

[Using Erastone <Artifact Destruction> to target the Magic Tool Nirvana?]


Shining brilliantly as Erastone gave me a target I clicked on yes as the gem on my crown broke the effects were instantaneous as the eruption from Nirvana stopped completely catching everyone's attention as the power of Erastone showed.

Green light began to shroud Nirvana semi-appearance beginning to break down at an incredible rate causing me to reactivate Shambhala getting everyone's attention, "Alright folks time to get the hell out of here!!! Unless you feel like becoming a pancake time to run!!!"


Everyone agreed and jumped inside the portal as we all escaped the destruction of Nirvana I received a notification causing me to grin at this.

[Destroy the Magic Tool Nirvana]

[Nirvana has been destroyed!]

[Bonus objective #3 completed!]


[Quest <Oración Seis> Completed!]

[500,000 Jewels added to your <Requip >!]

[Lacrima of the Sky Dragon added to your <Requip >!]

[Handsome Lacrima added to your <Requip >!]

[Icy Lacrima added to your <Requip >!]

[Completed bonus objective rewards!]

[Crescent Arms of Curse Breaking – Muma added to your <Requip >!]

[Demon Armor – Incursio added to your <Requip >!]

[Phantasmal Greatsword Felling of the Sky Demon – Balmung added to your <Requip >!]

[Which reward to pick:

-Blessed Random Item Box (Select)

-Cursed Random Item Box (Select)]

[Add +25 Stats to Stat Points!]

[You gained 1050EXP!]




[<Replica > LEVEL UP!]

[You can now summon up to 4 Replicas!]


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