
Faireese- Moon's Tempted Fate

Faireese was a werewolf no one cared about. Alone and rejected by her mate, she strove to get revenge and make him regret the day he rejected her. come journey with Faireese on her journey of self improvement and vengeance. ----------- This is my first story, please don't be too harsh but I would love to hear your opinions!

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A Fresh Start

Inside the cave, Faireese had been stashing all her valuable items. It wasn't much, but with the money she had managed to hide away from her father's clutches she could at least start anew. She also had some nicer clothes, the small items she snuck away from her mother's belongings before Sam had sold or burned them in spite one night years before. Faireese stared at the peculiar design on the necklace hidden among the items hidden away. She slowly traced her fingers along the ivy design as it was intricately woven through feathers. No matter how many times she stared at it, it still gave a sense of peace as she carressed it. She delicately placed it upon her neck and clasped it closed. Then she hurriedly placed the other items in a leather backpack she had made. Though it was crude in its design, it held all the items and even had some secret hidden pockets she could stash her more valuable items in. She dragged herself up from the ground where she had been kneeling packing, and looked through the opening of the cave to the glimmering moon in the night sky.

'Are you ready Onyx?'

'Let's leave this goddess forsaken place Faireese. The Moon Goddess may have cursed us with that beast as a mate, but he will regret the day they rejected us!' Onyx's voice bellowed in her mind like a call to war. Faireese, stood up straight and walked out of the cave. She took one last look at the safe haven she had grown to cherish. Then with her head held high she walked to the edge of their border of the pack.

This was it. She took one last look at the woods she had called home as she looked down the dirt path rarely used.

"I, Faireese Fairchild declare to no longer be apart of the Blood Scarlet Pack." She stated as she felt an electric shock from the cutting away from the pack. She felt a sense of loneliness, but she knew this was a chance for a fresh start. She wouldn't be the meek little wolf anymore. Faireese held her head high as she turned around and walked away from her home for the last eighteen years.


Weeks had gone by. Faireese and Onyx had been on alert for anyone from their old pack. Even though they didn't know she had shifted early, deserting was sentenced with imprisonment and in some cases execution. She wasn't sure her father would put in a good word since his 'obedient' daughter had abandoned him just like her mother had disappeared. They stuck to the woods and followed a map she had taken from her father's desk. They needed to make it to anywhere the pack didn't have access to. Her best bet was to take a risk and make it to the scariest, most feared pack. The Crimson Moon pack were more legend at this point. The rumor was they would kill upon intrusion. At this point, Faireese felt thus was better than execution by her last pack.

After endless nights hiding in caves and hollowed trees and hunting wild animals dor survival, they finally reached the boundary of the Crimson Moon pack. Taking a deep breathe, Faireese walked out having shifted a mile back and changing into some cleaner nice clothes. Her favorite skinny jeans and a white t-shirt covered her. She braided her curly brown hair to seem a little more presentable, and slowly walked to the parltrolling wolves in front of her. Holding her hands high in an attempt to seem less threatening, Faireese took her time approaching them in the hopes of staying alive.

Tom and Henry watched as the lady walked towards them. They were a little confused why she was putting her hands up but linked the Alpha letting him know there was an intruder.

Tom growled as he approached Faireese. His fur was standing on end as he bared his fangs.

"I mean you no harm." Faireese said. "May I speak to your Alpha please?" She politely inquired.

Tom growled but Henry linked the Alpha. 'Alpha Jason, the lady wishes to speak to you. What do you want us to do?'

'Bring her in. Keep Tom at the border to continue to patrol.' Henry linked Tom to let him know what Alpha Jason said. Slowly he retreated from his hostile approach of Faireese while Henry shifted and put on some pants he left behind a nearby tree.

"Follow me. Please keep quiet and try not to make trouble."