
Bullies and People who care

"Good Morning, miss ugly." I said and climbed out of the bed to get ready for the school. I hate going to school.

Because I am ugly and everyone bullies me. But there it goes again. My mom is very serious when it comes to my studies. I am a top student with no visuals. I wore my school dress and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning appa, omma, Sana unnie and Chanyeol." I said and they greeted back. After eating I and Chanyeol went towards our respective schools and Sana unnie went to her office.

I opened the class and dustbin landed on my head upside down. I just put it off my head and placed all the papers around in the dustbin while everyone was just laughing. It's not a new thing for me but it still hurts.

I went and sat on my seat and felt a tap on my shoulder. Oh no not that again, here's Seulgi and her two puppies who bully everyone.

"Hey ugly nerd, did you did my homework?" She asked. Why? Don't you have your own hands to do it? Do it yourself! I wanted to say this but I couldn't. "Yes...." I said in a low voice and gave her the notebook. She patted my shoulder and went back to her seat as the teacher came.

"So students, here are the result of yesterday's test and y/n got first as usual." He said and handed me over my test paper. "Thank you sir." I said bowed and went to my seat.

"Seulgi, look at your marks you really need to improve. Go and sit back." He ordered. Seulgi looked at me in fury. After the class ended she grabbed me by my hair and beated me. "Don't ever dare to get that marks again in your life. Understand?" She asked while grabbing my hair to make me face her. I nodded and she let go of my hair and walked away.

During the lunch time I had to bring them lunch from the cafeteria. So I went there and brought them food. There I saw Mark. He is my crush. He is extremely nice to me even though I am very ugly and unacceptable.

I went straight to the class and gave them their good and ate mine. After that we had our rest of the class and our school dismissal. I am planning to confess to Mark tomorrow.

I went home and made some cookies and packed them in a beautiful box. I wrote a confession letter also.

Next morning i woke up, did my daily routine, wore my school dress, took the box, ate my breakfast and headed straight to the bus stop. There were posters of Huening Kai everywhere. Every was talking that today is his birthday and his fans gave him this gift.

There I  asked mark to come to the back playground which was usually empty. "Mark, I like you. This is for you." I said while giving him the box.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you think I'll accept an ugly girl like you? With that face of yours I sometimes think how do you even survive? If I would've been at your place I would've just committed a suicide. Come out of your dreams and look at your face I am sure you are afraid of your own face." He said and threw cookies on my head. I sat down on my knees and broke out crying.

I stored my energy in my legs, stood up and ran to the girl's washroom without stopping anywhere. I cried my heart out. After I entered the class I saw my video of getting rejected playing on every single phone in every single student's hand. They started bullying me again.

I ran out of the class and school and ran until I wasn't able to feel my legs anymore. Then I saw a building. I climbed to the rooftop. It was a 20 floor building and i was on the rooftop.

It was getting darker and darker just like my life. I stood on the edge. "My life is useless. Seulgi is right, Mark is right and others are also right. I should've taken this decision before." I said and was about to jump but then I heard a music. It was Huening Kai's voice.

"No... I can't die. I won't end my life like this." I said.

"Argh... So frustrating. Dumb girl. If you didn't had the courage to die them why did you even came up here?" I asked myself.

I was just standing at the top not knowing what to do. Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I turned and slipped. We both ended up falling with me in top of him.

My glasses fell so I wasn't able to see his face.

"What a relief." I heard him singh in relief. "For how long are you going to stay like this?" He asked. I quickly stood aside.

"Sorry." I said while bowing. He stood up.

"Are you out of your mind?" He asked. "Huh?" Was the only thing that left my mouth. "Were you just going to jump off?" He said. "ummmm. No-" I was cut off by him.

"Were you just going to end your life like that? Leaving your loved ones around you sad. Feeling sad and guilty for not being to save you. Don't even think about it again. Understood?" He asked. I wasn't planning to die either so I nodded.

He started to walk away but at the exit he looked back and said. "Aren't you coming? Are you waiting so that when I go away you can just jump off?" He asked. "Uh? No." I said and moved even the path wasn't visible to me.