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Animal Facts

•Elephants can't jump. 

•Octopuses have three hearts.

•Cows don't actually have four stomachs; they have one stomach with four compartments.

•The platypus doesn't have a stomach at all: Their esophagus goes straight to their intestines.

•This is one animal myth that's true: Eating parts of a pufferfish can kill you because, in a defense mechanism to ward off predators, it contains a deadly chemical called tetrodotoxin. There's enough in one pufferfish to kill 30 people—and there's no antidote. Still, pufferfish, called fugu, is a highly-prized delicacy in Japan, but can only be prepared by well-trained chefs.

•Polar bears have black skin. And actually, their fur isn't white—it's see-through, so it appears white as it reflects light.

•Tigers' skin is actually striped, just like their fur. Also, no two fur patterns are alike.

•Flamingoes are only pink because of chemicals called carotenoids in the algae and fish (which also eat the algae) they eat; their feathers are grayish white when they're born.

•Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world: They kill more people than any other creature, due to the diseases they carry.