
Soft Life

It is the year 2021, still the lockdown period and Títílopé have completely forgotten about her beloved babaláwo. Time they say, heals everything. Títílopé was able to secure money from her well wishers and was having the fun of her life. She doesn't bother herself much if she made enough sales for the day or not, because money was flowing in from other sources.

This made her to focus more on her fashion designing and wig making work. She also reached out to new foreign friends, on social media, that might be interested in investing in her business.

"This is really the life that I wished for. I am so grateful, oh God." Títílopé remarked joyfully.

Things went smoothly till one day, when Títílopé slept and saw a handsome man in her sleep. She was still admiring the comely man when he turned to her.

"Leave this house before it's too late." he warned.

"Why did you say this? Where am I to go? What will I do to survive?" Títílopé asked

The man merely looked at her with a serious face, turned his back on her and vanished for good.

Títílopé woke up drenched in sweat and wondered what is ahead of her.

"But that man is so fine." she cooed.

"Títílopé, be serious for once." She cautioned herself.

Pondering on the dream made Títílopé to stay awake till like 5:00am in the morning before she could finally sleep again.

This time around, a group of women with scattered hair surrounded Títílopé's bedside. Letting out a wicked laugh, they chorused together:

"You think you're wise,Títílopé, until you do our bidding and become one of us, you will have no rest."

Títílopé became agitated and looked at the women, questioning them with her weary eyes.

"You will be initiated through the underside of your tongue. Do you agree or not?" one of them asked again.

"Leave me alone! You never liked me and look forward to tormenting me every now and then." Títílopé shouted angrily at them.

"See this small girl. We will keep giving you problems till you come running to us for help."

"Leave me alone!" Títílopé screamed and woke up.

"These weird dreams are back again." she muttered.

She glanced at the wall clock and it's 6:30am. Títílopé tidied up her room and made her way to the bathroom to throw some water on face, to clear her head.

"I must get out of here as soon as possible." she said