

Títílopé woke up and tried to make sense of the dream she just had.

"So, some people were actually monitoring all I do? What for?"

Títílopé knew it was what the woman put in her that enabled her to break the monitoring mirror.

"I never knew that such even existed not to talk of seeing it before. Why monitor my activities? Títílopé kept questioning no one in particular.

Títílopé decided to call the woman that revealed everything to her. Her contact is in her file record in the company.

Títílopé couldn't wait for the day to break and quickly set out for work. Upon finding the woman's number, she dialed it in a haste.

" Hello Ma."

"Hello, who's on the line?" the woman inquired.

"It's me, Títílopé, the lady you told some things yesterday."

"Oh, my dear, how are you? the woman replied

" I saw them, Ma. Four guys that I don't know. I broke the monitoring glass that they cast on me." Títílopé said shaking.

"My dear, don't let me tell you the truth. Those guys used you as Ìránsé ajé (messenger of wealth). It is an evil spell meant to divert a victim's fortunes to the spell caster." the woman explained.

"I also saw them. They implored me to back off from helping you, that you're their sacrificial lamb." she explained further.

"When can I see you, Ma."

"In the evening, my dear. I am currently with my daughter. She just gave birth." the woman explained.

"Awwn, congratulations, Ma. Thanks for everything, Ma."

"You're always welcome, my dear."

Títílopé heaved a sigh of relief and went back to her work. The victory she had overnight gave her mixed emotions. She was happy that the culprits were exposed but sad at the same time as to why she had to be a victim.

Títílopé later went to see the woman in her shop. The woman was in all smiles upon sighting her and gave her a big hug.

"I am sorry you had to pass through such, my dear. People are just too desperate to make money. Have your seat, darling."

"Thank you, Ma." Títílopé replied.

The woman then opened her table drawer and handed a parcel to Títílopé.

"That's madarikan (back to sender). I also made it for my daughter and her new born baby. Bathe with it everyday. Whoever that dares to cast evil spell on you, the evil spell will bounce back to them."

"Thank you, Ma." Títílopé said kneeling down to thank the woman.

"One more thing, dear. If you hear of any tragic incident happening to someone, please, don't sympathize nor go there to console them. I hope you get me?" the woman asked.

"I understand you fully, Ma. Thank you. I have a gift for you, Ma. Kindly manage it. Títílopé said and brought out a flat envelope.

" Thanks dear, I appreciate. Kindly let me know when you get home."