
The Alpha

The wolves surrounded me, showing their pointy teeth and sharp claws. "AHHHHHH" I screamed covering my face with my hands. To my surprise, the wind stopped, the trees stopped, and the wolf pack was frozen in time. "What happened...?" I walked around realizing it was only a matter of time before the spell or whatever it is was wore off. I ran out of the forest as fast as I could thinking it was impossible. I held my arm in pain from the wolf bite. Then something weird happened, it was like the wolf bite, spread to my eyes, I could see perfectly in the middle of the night, and instead of eating vitamins, I craved for meat.

It was the next day, I woke up to my eyes glowing?! You know what I probably got something in my eye that's all... I should probably get ready. Now where's my uniform? "Swoosh" and the uniform was in my hand. "Wha-" I said. Probably just the wind... I walked to school not suspecting anything. "Hey loser!" Said Ace, the school bully. "Catch!" He said throwing a book at me. "Ahhh!"I screamed. The book didn't hit me? What's going on I walked away from the book up to the Ace. Time released. I slapped him. XD. Then I ran to class, laughing.