
Eyes of Aliye: Ungrateful Reincarnator

I found myself reincarnated in a fantasy novel with shitty lords and relatives. Where a father can kill child, and wars are common place. In fact I was reborn in the moment my father killed my former self and now I must survive if I am to play this game of the nobles out. MC powers; mind control. Warning: strong language

Ensii99 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs



With the wind it took us seven days to reach Halr. The ship docked at the port in a bad weather. It was a dark and gloomy afternoon; rain fell insistently with strong winds throwing them here and there against Soarer like children throwing pebbles. Then the ship was moored by the boys under Pontchi's command.

Quickly, Kina paid the captain the rest of his money then we were out into the rain. "Fare well, troubled ones!" He said to us laughing, but none of us turned or answered. We went out of the ports with a jog. That night we slept in an inn then the next day Kina purchased horses and we were out of Halr with no delay.

Halr was a busy loud city but stifled with the tension of war hanging above everybody's head. They was a jumpiness to everyone as they talked about the 'winter queen' in Fen castle. Reading it in a novel is one thing but seeing it first hand made me realize how terrifying propaganda is. They was this hatred and fear in peoples eyes as they spoke of Viktora. With quiet wonder in their eyes too.

We first heard it the day we came to Halr in the inn we stayed. That day after we changed out of our soaked cloths we came down for dinner in the common room. As we eat our food three men at the table beside ours started talking to each other. They all dressed in mismatched leather and plate armors like adventurers. "Say Rado will they really be war?" One of the men casually asked.

That piqued my interest. "It's what they say," the other shrugged.

"It's just rumor I think," the third cut in. He was the oldest of the three at least in his late forties with long brown hair and mustache.

"Rumors?" The second questioned, "that I doubt. I was in the lords square just this morning, they're gathering an army. A castle lord I'm acquainted with told me an order came from Patci for conscription of soldiers,"

"Nay curse you tongue! War west? Why would they be a war west? I'd sooner believe Sain bleeds,"

"Curse your blasphemous tongue! I too does not know why there's war west. But I heard folks talking, and something queen Viktora did unsettled a lot of high people. Not only in V'alkre even as far as Crystalis."

"They said she's dug out some devil thing back in Fen castle to make her very powerful," the first one added. "that's why the high priest, bless him, is wary of her that he even accepted help from Crystalis because of that."

"I know those rumors, I ain't deaf!" The third one shook his fist, "I am just wondering why they'll be war, war is no simple thing as you see it. Especially not in Alkre!"

"Well that's what I heard but to say the queen of winter would destroy herself for evil...."

"Curse her...."

That was it.

We spent the first night after we left the city in the woods. It was the usual thing, no camp fires, but it made it worse that there was no moon light as the moon was covered behind dark clouds. Unfortunately it rained that night, our belongings were inside Cvela's space so there wouldn't get wet but the rain still soaked us. I grabbed Celestine as the rain started and hugged her to me, my back against the direction the rain poured.

Celestine struggled at first but I snickered and held her tighter until she finally gave up. Kina saw it but said nothing. "Don't you think it's about time you stop this foolishnesses?" I whispered in the little princess's ears when the rain had started dying down.

"Saint..." She gasped.

"Hmm? Saint what? I gave you time to be reasonable but you didn't, now you have to be punished,"

Celestine scoffed. "Don't push your luck Sainty, punished by you?"

"En, unfortunately we are on a journey now but be ready to receive your punishment when her return home," then I kissed her on the neck till I left a hickey. Then held her in my arms till the morning.

The next day she seemed happier. Even though she tried to pretend that she's still angry with me that tension in the air that had existed for the past month anytime we were together was no more. I caught her staring at me more than once but she looked away immediately I caught her. Ah, stupid girl. Stupid me for not solving this earlier. Sometimes I could be a jerk, but I am learning.

Towards afternoon we came across a carriage blocking the road. The owners of the carriage seemed to have been killed by bandits but no body could be found. However, blood, arrows, and niches on the carriage showed that a battle indeed took place here. Though it must have been some time since, at least a week.

Kina looked this way and that and cocked her head to listen. I also spread my mind scan as wide as I could. I spotted people in the woods at both sides of us. "Ready for battle!"

An arrow shot out of the woods. I lifted my hand and caught it just inches from piercing Cvela in the face. Her eyes widened. I grinned then drew my sword and jumped off my horse. My other party members dismounted too. I took control of the minds of the horses and made them run back the way we came and hide, to prevent them from being caught in the crossfire.

"Haaa!" Two men burst out of the thicket beside me roaring like beasts, dressed poorly in rags and armor parts. I deflected their attacks with my sword then mind blitz one that was attempting to use whatever ability he had and tore his guts open with my sword as I slid past him. The other one suffered under the the might of the little princess as she threw an ice bomb at him that exploded and froze him to death.

Kina took on three, expertly cutting them down with superior skills. Suddenly arrows broke out in the air from the woods and came at us. Celestine quickly raised a shield wall and blocked, but one of the bandit suddenly jerked his hand and sent her flying even though he was several feet away. Telekinesis? Sweet.

I mind blitz him and threw a dagger at him which stabbed him in the forehead. Then finally in anger, Celestine threw several ice bombs into the forest blowing up and exploding like missiles. The bandits broke off, screaming, and fled for their lives, thus ending the battle. That's how real life battles are, quick and brief. We moved the carriage out of our way and continued on our journey.

It was the first time I killed a man but I didn't dwell on it.

Three days into our journey we came to another city. After the first day we had passed countless villages which we spent the night in instead of in the open like the first night. This city was called Kner. We spent a night there too then went on.

Two days later we reached Fen castle city.