
Eyes: Earth Personality

Blurb: The novel contains allegories, symbolism, metaphors, imagery, and similes regarding how life is connected, and how the narrator's story tells the haunting yet beautiful tale of her life and how she fights. The narrator, Daisy, transforms and shares her story with her spiritual journey, and how she no longer recognizes the physical world. The collection "Eyes" explains how flawed humanity is and how because of the bad things people do, they face consequences unknown to the naked eye. The narrator's eyes are everywhere, even if she cannot physically see what is happening. The novel details the unusual phenomena that takes place when someone must be taught a lesson, and when their vices do not always work in their favor. Destruction takes place when people blame others for their actions, hurt others, and cannot stop the oddities thrown in the way. The narrator's eyes are always watching and may even hunt you. What will you do? Tags: #Goth, #Romanticism, #Spirituality, and #MagicalRealism. Written: 2020

PvpleMxn · Seram
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36 Chs

My Rainbow Friend

Our friendship was raw and pure —

Its beauty was short but sweet

The laughter, the giggles, and the angel numbers,

You surely turned the tables.

Suddenly, you passed,

You stand behind me; your spirit visits me,

I know when I pass, love and light will guide me —

'Once you're dead, the misery fades,' Is the saying,

I know you've found a better place.

The number 91 pops up now and again,

I smile when my intuition senses your presence.

I told myself that you're alive and that I was crazy,

Perhaps you had forgotten about me,

Why can't I be demented?

Nothing makes sense,

Why am I haunted by your presence?

Heaven will treat you well,

We see your rainbow family and my star friends through the white doors —

The warm light welcomes us whenever we visit home,

Behind the scenes, there is only peace and serenity,

I am sorry that I thought you hated me,

And if you felt that you couldn't trust me —

Sometimes, peoples' demons drive others over the edge,

It sucks that your sensitive soul carried the sadness,

And made you desolate whatever had dragged left.


Our friendship is still raw and pure,

I can accept that you're dead,

I thank your soul for staying, My Rainbow friend.

The healing process is long and tedious,

Don't worry, I will overcome this,

My star friends watch me,

I look above; the stars call me,

'Royale,' is how I began,

You were the yellow angel,

When this depression ends,

Humanity will no longer woe us, again.

Unfortunately, there was no other end,

Soon, you will see me again,

I'm so happy that you no longer feel like the wretch

Because people carry their agony and torment what's left:

I'm all that's left,

Let's go and dream hop together, My Rainbow friend.


The last heartaches won't be forgotten,

We will destroy what betrays,

Together, you and I will torment the troubled,

And return the horridness,

How horrendous,

People must be taught a lesson.

Let's go and travel, my dear friend,

Our mission's incomplete,

The traitors will regret their setbacks,

Soon, our sufferings will deplete.

Anyone that decides to chime in

Will face the same threat.

Don't mess with us,

We'll hurt you, next.