
Eyes Behold

Sneak Peak Jordan had his head nuzzled in her neck trying to calm down . Rose patted his back affectionately running her hand down his arm in a comforting manner. " Jord-" " Shhh ... Let me . Pls little one. I.. I was so scared today ." He whispered in her neck . He pulled back and cupped her face in his hands . " I was so so scared . I didn't want to lose you , never ever and I thought today after seeing those comments and that post ... I thought. .. I thought I'll lose you. " His hands were shivering slightly. Rose put her hands on his and looked tenderly in his eyes. " You won't ever lose me Jord . I'll always be there for you. Always . " She whispered back to him comforting him. --------------------------------------------- It has dark pasts yet no broken souls ... It has celebrities and millionaire yet no marriage deals and egoistic fights ... It has a beautiful and kind girl and a rich player yet nothing in it is cliche... It has a group of friends who fight to death not only with each other but also for each other ... It has people who have lost their families yet strive to complete other's lost world... It has kind dedicated doctors , fun loving players, it has famous singers , it has deprived and lost souls , it has the light to pull you out of the darkness, it has strength to help you face life , it has many things worth knowing... It is my first story "Eyes behold" ... Because simply, a person might never let out the inner deep meanings of their life but eyes , eyes never lie .... So just behold their presence and look deep in them because they tell you everything... Everything...

Jobanjeet_Kaur · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

New friends

" Yeah , I'm a sophomore. I and my 3 friends Rock the college campus . We are what they call the famous squad . So if anyone and I mean anyone tries to meddle with you just come over . No one dares to cross our path." She said quite seriously.

Even after knowing her for an hour or so both somehow knew that it was rare for her to be this serious . They wondered why nobody dared to . As if reading their thoughts .

" Simple ,' cause the next day they are simply famous across the campus . Everyone knows about them ." And just like that she skipped back to her giddy mood .

And they just knew never to meddle in this pool .

"I'm glad I'm on your good side then ." Rose laughed nervously. Her phone rang suddenly showing Aunt Avi's call breaking out the weird tension in the room . It couldn't be called a tension for one but whatever it was ,wasn't pleasent at all .

" I'll catch up with you later then . Bye Mels, bye catty ." she dragged on skipping out of the room giggling on hearing a groan .

After talking to her she reached her room . She was about to twist the knob to open it while looking down at her phone when the door flew open suddenly and she stumbled forward into a person.

" Oh !! I'm so sorry ... so so sorry . Are you okay ? Did you get hurt somewhere ? Why am I so stupid ? Now what will she think about me ? Oh god!!! Don't they say the first impression should always be good . " a nervous voice rambled on to no one in particular.

Rose brought her back to the world by tapping her on her shoulder .

" Hey !! That's perfectly fine , I'm perfectly fine and so are you . Don't stress it out . " Rose calmed down the brunette with a sweet smile .

The smile reassured the petite beautiful brunette.Her hazel eyes lit up while her shoulder length curls bounced about . The small mouth of hers stretched out into a somewhat nervous yet a genuine smile .

Her eyes widen again as she stepped aside frantically , " Ugh!! Look at me making you stand out there in the corridor. Come in please".

Rose lightly chuckled at her nervousness and squeezed her shoulder lightly in a reassuring manner soothing her nerves down .

" Hii!! I'm Rose Wilder , the girl with whom you are stuck for a long time now "

She chuckled, " Hey ! I'm Stephanie Jacob , the girl who almost broke her roommate's nose in the first meet "

They both laughed and settled down. Exchanging basic information about each other . They found that their schedule was somewhat the same .

Rose was aiming for multiple fields in medical wanting to help people in any way possible and thus had a few extra subjects while Stephanie was opting to become a psychiatrist. They had many subjects and classes in common .

"Finally I got someone by my side . My schedule last time was completely different from that of my friends . I didn't have any class in common and that was annoying as hell . But now I've got you and I'm so excited" Stephanie bounced on her place .

She was a shy girl and was usually nervous around strangers since her childhood. But it was different with Rose . Her sweet happy and engaging nature made everyone comfortable around her naturally .

Her magic seemed to work on Stephanie too 'cause now she was not a mumbling mess anymore and instead was happily telling her about .'Wait! what was she saying ?' Rose frantically tried to figure out .

She had got so lost in thinking about the Stephanie she met at the door and the one sitting in front of her that she zoned out completely without noticing it at all . She didn't want to seem like the person who didn't care about other's thoughts and just ignored them.

" And yes I am just so in love with his voice . He is literally the best . " Stephanie gushed .

'Ok !! So she is Fangirling about some celebrity' Rose concluded.

After a long ramble about the celeb whom she finally found to be no other than her own favourite Jordan , they decided to call it a night .

Rose concluded that he was literally everybody's favourite. Every girl she met couldn't stop praising this marvel God made .At least that is what they said .

Rose had other ideas though .No one is perfect , some are just good at hiding them unlike others . He must have them too but she couldn't stop praising his voice ever . It was literally a pure gift from the God .

He with his lyrics had helped her through many downs of her life and helped to calm her down , gave her motivation to love herself for who she is ,accept the fate for what it brings ,let go of the past to begin with a new beginning. He also celebrated many silent successes and all kinds of joys from large to small with her and all just through his songs.

He played such large roles in her life that now it had somehow become somewhat difficult to think it without him . But nevertheless she knew not to depend on anyone or anything more than necessary, she had learnt it the hard way .

"Good night Anie "

" Night Rose "

The first day of college was big and brought many surprises for the duo . Starting with a shocking fact that out of Catherine's three friends one was Stephanie and now somehow the two freshman were a part of this famous sophomore group without even meeting the other two persons .

Entering the college building with both Catherine and Stephanie by their side was most probably now the talk of the campus . Students couldn't stop glancing over while some were bold enough to blatantly open stare at them .

" Ha !! We did nothing and still we are the news of the campus already " Catherine exclaimed showing the other three the school campus online news .

'Two freshman added to the famous group ? ' it read showing a pic of Catherine moving confidently in her red bold dress with blonde hair flowing back to her waist while she had hooked her arm with Amelia who is seen wearing a black ripped jeans with white plain baggy top complementing with a black scarf , her hair left open to just graze the bottom of her shoulder blade .

Next to them the picture shows Rose ,the tallest among them all towering at 5'8 with a long side french plait dropping to her upper thighs and in a yellow sundress with brown knee length boots smiling at something Stephanie is saying with her hands in air reflecting light on her many silver charms wearing a net mustard grey shrug on a white tank top and cream shots sauntering in white converses with her hair down just like Catherine.

"Uhh!! why did they have to click it with my hands flaying around like that . Look at Rose with that perfect smile and you two looking like damn queens walking down the stage .. and me? Tell me who clicked this pic ? I know the boys will beat him for me ."

Catherine laughed at her friend's antics . She had had first hand experience of many of her tantrums . She was a weird one , shy at times but totally a different person with them . It always made her feel special as she knew she would be like this only with them , she knew they had a special place in her life and for that she was grateful and content .

They had been together as if joined by hip since first day of college when Stephanie and she both got lost looking for their classes and later when Catherine saved her from bullies the very next day . They were together since then and never got apart.

"Oh Steph !! That's fine . I think for a fact you look very lively causing your face to glow . Look."

Stephanie took a peek again and couldn't deny the fact that sun shone perfectly on her tan skin making it glow . She huffed but obliged never the same .

Rose and Amelia had other plans though. The first minute they entered the college and all eyes were on them , everyone was chatting and whispering about them . They were not used to being this popular . It was unlike them.

Catherine and Stephanie seemed to notice and so both swung their hands on their shoulders giving them a bright smile reassuring them that everything is gonna work .

" Don't worry about them . They just need a reason to talk. It will pass as quickly as it has come. Let's meet the other two idiots and introduce them to you . They are gonna love your company . " Catherine rubbed her hands together excited.

" Oh here they are ... Boys!!"

Both the girls glanced over and their eyes widened when they saw the two 'idiots'

"Oh shit!!"

And for once Rose let her curse as she registered the situation .