
Extreme Soul

On a vast and boundless continent, a magnificent and bright era was ushered in. However, destiny brings a soul reborn by mistake into this chaos, and falls into the body of a cowardly boy who is discriminated against! The coincidence of fate triggered an accident, and when this soul was reborn in the body of that cowardly teenager, it also laid the groundwork for the opening of a powerful legend that shook the ancient world! Zhuo Wen, a traveler from the twenty-first century, whether his arrival in this strange waves of the era step by step to the peak, writing his own legend ......

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasi
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The Broken Jade Cauldron

Heavenly armor big 6, the strong is respected, where the weak as small as a mole cricket, the strong as a mountain; even some of the strongest can split rivers and break the sea, cracking mountains and rocks; there is even a great power can break the void, cut through the cycle of reincarnation!

The human body has seven souls and six vampires, but the people of the Heavenly Armor Great 6 are very special, because they are born with an eighth soul, and this eighth soul is called the armor soul!

Armor soul has a strange and unpredictable power, and different kinds of armor soul also has different power, such as flame armor soul can create sky-high flames, ice armor soul can release ten thousand years of cold ice, berserking martial spirit can instantly enhance the strength, etc. There are also many such special ability of the armor soul!

If you want to swing out of their own armor soul more power, the only way to create suitable for their own armor in order to stimulate the potential power of the armor soul, so the sky armor big 6 of the martial artists fighting are basically wearing special armor combat, so the sky armor big 6 of the martial artists are also known as the armored man!

Vine Armor City, Zhuo Family.

In a dilapidated attic, Zhuo Wen slowly woke up, and when he saw the very unfamiliar surroundings, a trace of astonishment appeared on his face!

"Where is this place?"

Just as Zhuo Wen wanted to struggle to get up, he suddenly realized that his right arm was slightly heavy, and when he fixed his eyes on it, Zhuo Wen suddenly realized that he had a young girl resting on his arm!

The young girl looked no more than eleven or twelve years old, and her face was very tender!

Perhaps because Zhuo Wen's commotion was too big, the girl who had been sleeping heavily also woke up, and when the girl saw that Zhuo Wen had already woken up, a look of surprise appeared on her face!

"Young master! You finally woke up, it's really great!"

Looking at the woman in front of him who was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar, Zhuo Wen's mind was immediately filled with a wave of unfamiliar memories, which hit Zhuo Wen's brain like a tidal wave!

In just an instant, Zhuo Wen already knew the ins and outs, it turned out that he had crossed over by mistake!

Zhuo Wen was originally an ordinary medical college student on Earth, accidentally picked up a broken jade tripod, but he did not think that the inconspicuous jade tripod is actually a very large organization on Earth Mist is looking for things, in a daze he fell into the Mist's assassination!

In the many escapes, he was finally killed by the Mist's killers, before dying Zhuo Wen remembers that the Jade Tripod in his hand seemed to have transformed into a light into his body, after which he was completely plunged into the darkness!

After waking up, he realized that he was in this strange environment!

Looking at Chun Er who was a bit restrained in front of him, Zhuo Wen also understood the situation of this body in general!

It turned out that the original owner of this body's name is also called Zhuo Wen, is the third young master of the Zhuo family, one of the three major forces in Fujia City, his mother has not seen him since he was born, as for his father disappeared ten years ago, and his grandfather is the Zhuo family's head of the Zhuo family, Zhuo Xiang Ding!

The Chun'er in front of him was left behind by his father, although Chun'er had been serving Zhuo Wen ever since he understood, Zhuo Wen had always treated her as his own sister, after all, this was the only trace left behind by his father, and the original Zhuo Wen treasured it very much!

As for why Zhuo Wen was in a coma, it was mainly because yesterday Zhuo Wen performed the Soul Awakening Ceremony in the martial arts arena, but he did not awaken his Armor Soul, which means that this body was born without an Armor Soul!

In the martial arts arena stands the soul awakening monument, Zhuo family children want to awaken the armor soul in the body, you must pass the soul awakening monument, once the soul awakening success, the stone monument will be scattered different colors!

And different colors also represents the awakening of the armor soul quality of high and low, armor soul quality from low to high are one to ten products, the color is white, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, red, gold, platinum, red gold!

The higher the quality of the armor soul, it also means that the potential of the armor soul is greater, so the corresponding future achievements will inevitably be higher!

The highest quality armored soul in the Zhuo family was Zhuo Wen's eldest uncle, Zhuo Peitian's daughter, Zhuo Xiang'er, whose armored soul was said to have reached the color of orange, which was considered one of the top existences in the entire Vine Armor City!

Since Zhuo Wen had not awakened the Armor Soul within his body, Zhuo Xiang Ding was forced by the pressure of the other senior members of the family to relegate Zhuo Wen to the status of an ordinary son of the family in accordance with the family's clan rules, and all the resources and wealth that he used to enjoy were confiscated!

The family was divided into an inner courtyard and an outer courtyard, in which the inner courtyard was very rich in Yuan Qi and was the residence of the family's direct descendants and core disciples, while the outer courtyard was where ordinary disciples and family slaves with little talent lived!

The inner courtyard also possessed a luxurious pavilion called the Condensing Fragrance Pavilion, only that it had now been confiscated by the family!

What made Zhuo Wen even more angry was that Zhuo Xinya, the housekeeper of the Condensing Fragrance Pavilion, whom he had once trusted very much, had actually swept his former master out personally in order to curry favor with Zhuo Wen's cousin, Zhuo Wu, and had also taught Zhuo Wen a lesson in full view of everyone!

Until now, Zhuo Wen's mind still can't wave away the arrogance of Zhuo Xinya's beautiful face and the ugly face of the villain's power!

In the memory of Zhuo Xinya was only in the outer courtyard of the insignificant little people, due to their own point of view so that her status soared, and ultimately sat on the Condensing Pavilion of the position of the chief housekeeper!

Zhuo Wen also did not expect this beautiful woman will actually revenge, will be his benefactor ruthlessly stepped on the foot!

It was due to such a series of blows that made the original Zhuo Wen's heart exhausted, and after returning, he fell ill and thus died, so the current Zhuo Wen had the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to enter this body!

"That bitch is really something, if I have a day to turn around, I must make Zhuo Xinya, this bitch regret her choice!" Although the memory still felt very angry!

What Zhuo Wen hated the most in his life was those shameless people who were envious of others!

Barely supporting his somewhat tired body, Zhuo Wen looked at the thin arms and legs in front of him with some speechlessness, the quality of this body is too poor, right, a lot worse than the physical quality of him, who used to be a college student waiting for death!

"Chun'er ah! Young master, I'm a bit hungry now, quickly get some food!"

It was only at this time that Zhuo Wen realized that his stomach had already wailed, obviously this body hadn't eaten for a long time!

Chun Er's big eyes flickered as she looked at Zhuo Wen, and then turned around with a slightly reddened face, and a pair of white jade hands reached into her mattress clothes, and pulled out palm-sized steamed buns into Zhuo Wen's hands!

Zhuo Wen looked at Chun Er's chest with a somewhat surprised expression, no wonder he felt that the little maid in front of him was so material just now. The original stuffed buns ah!

Looking at Zhuo Wen's somewhat lewd gaze, Chun Er's face became even more scarlet, and her small mouth said, "This is what I secretly took out from the kitchen, and now that young master's status is not as good as it used to be, young master should still try to save some food!"

Looking at the dry steamed buns in his hand, and then glancing at Chun Er who was clearly gulping at the side, Zhuo Wen's heart suddenly warmed up, he knew that this must be what Chun Er herself had left for herself to eat!

With a slight smile, Zhuo Wen broke the steamed bun in half and handed the other half to Chun Er and said softly, ''You eat too! I can tell by looking at you that you haven't eaten either! Only why are our meals so little ah, even though I'm only an ordinary disciple now, I should not be missing three meals a day ah!"

Chun'er wasn't polite either, she quickly took the steamed bun and nibbled on it, saying in a slurred voice, "It's not because Zhuo Xinya messed up, it's because she purposely asked the kitchen steward to reduce the young master's meals for you!"

When Zhuo Wen heard this, a cold light shot out from his gaze, he didn't expect Zhuo Xinya, this woman, to be so desperate, even now that he had been relegated to the status of an ordinary disciple, he still wouldn't let himself go!

After the two of them finished eating the steamed buns, after Chun'er instructed Zhuo Wen to recuperate properly, she went out to work!

Quietly lying on the bed, Zhuo Wen looked at the somewhat dilapidated house and couldn't help but say to himself with some sighs, "This third young master has done a really shabby job, if I have the chance, I will definitely take back everything that belongs to this body!"

Just as Zhuo Wen was talking to himself, Zhuo Wen suddenly felt that he had a splitting headache, the headache only lasted for a while, then Zhuo Wen was surprised to see that a worn out jade tripod had appeared in his mind at an unknown time!

The jade tripod was sitting in the depths of Zhuo Wen's sea of consciousness, if not for the headache just now, Zhuo Wen would not have noticed that a jade tripod had appeared in his mind!

Looking closely, Zhuo Wen realized that the shape of the jade tripod in his sea of consciousness was actually exactly the same as the jade tripod he had obtained on Earth!

"Could it be that the light I saw back then was the hand staring at it, the more certain he was of his guess!

Suddenly, the Jade Tripod, which was originally standing quietly in the depths of his sea of consciousness, trembled slightly, and then a message surfaced in Zhuo Wen's mind!

"Weak physical condition, multiple injuries to internal organs, recommended to take a Mortal Grade Grade 1 elixir: Healthy Body Pill!"

"Due to the host's weak physical condition, and it was detected that the host possesses the eighth soul in his body, is it possible to exchange the eighth soul for the Healthy Body Pill?"

"The eighth soul? Could it be that I have an armored soul in my body? But isn't the Soul Awakening Tablet unable to awaken the armor soul in my body?"

Zhuo Wen frowned and immediately realized a faint shadow hidden not far from his sea of consciousness, the shadow was a very delicate and almost dried up grass!

"Green grass armored soul! And it's still a dying grass armor soul, no wonder the Soul Awareness Tablet couldn't detect it!"

Zhuo Wen looked at the corner of the sea of consciousness with no sense of existence of the grass armor soul, the grass armor soul belongs to the lowest level armor soul in the Heavenly Armor Great 6 and is even inferior to a first-grade armor soul, it is considered to be a complete and utter waste armor soul!

And Zhuo Wen's sea of consciousness in the grass armor soul is dying, the surface is almost scattered not much soul power fluctuations, it is no wonder that even the Soul Awakening Tablet can not awaken the grass armor soul!

<font _mstmutation="1"> "It's a waste armor soul anyway, let's give it a try! I don't know if this Jade Cauldron is reliable or not?" Zhuo Wen hesitantly glanced at the jade cauldron in his mind, and finally clenched his teeth and agreed to exchange it!</font>