
Extreme Soul

On a vast and boundless continent, a magnificent and bright era was ushered in. However, destiny brings a soul reborn by mistake into this chaos, and falls into the body of a cowardly boy who is discriminated against! The coincidence of fate triggered an accident, and when this soul was reborn in the body of that cowardly teenager, it also laid the groundwork for the opening of a powerful legend that shook the ancient world! Zhuo Wen, a traveler from the twenty-first century, whether his arrival in this strange waves of the era step by step to the peak, writing his own legend ......

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Retaliation from Zhuo Wen

The night gradually descends, as if a rampaging black dragon generally shrouded in the whole piece of land, bright bright moonlight is also by the thick black clouds gradually covered!

The dark room of the violently open eyes, the corner of the mouth reveals a cold smile murmured: "Zhuo Wu! You wait, tonight I will make you regret yesterday's assassination! My Zhuo Wen's life is not so easy to take!"

He only saw Zhuo Wen rise up, then a dragon roar immediately came out from Zhuo Wen's body, then a faint dragon shaped aura slowly formed around Zhuo Wen's body!

"The Mixed Sky Dragon Bardic Fist is divided into three realms: the Beginning Dragon Bardic, the Ten Dragon Bardic, and the Hundred Dragon Bardic, and it only took me just one day to reach the level of the Beginning Dragon Bardic, and now that I have the power of a dragon in my body, I'm able to wrestle with even the armored warriors of the Refining Realm, right!"

The corner of Zhuo Wen's mouth hooked up into an arc, and a powerful confidence radiated from his body!

Staring indifferently at the direction where the Inner Courtyard's Condensing Fragrance Pavilion was located, Zhuo Wen muttered, "I'll get back what belongs to me, you guys wait and see!"

After saying that, an illusory shadow instantly drilled out from within Zhuo Wen's body, and then covered Zhuo Wen's entire person, looking as if Zhuo Wen had instantly disappeared in the night!

It was precisely Zhuo Wen who had employed the sneak armor soul that he had devoured from the Armor Guard!

Zhuo family, Condensed Fragrance Pavilion. Hunting Wen

Zhuo Xinya's clothes were in disarray, a pair of jade hands were tugging at the quilt on the bed with some trepidation, and her gaze was hateful as she looked at the B guard who was organizing his clothes in front of the bed!

"Bitch! You dare to look at me with such eyes?" Ethanic Guard also noticed the hatred in Zhuo Xinya's gaze, and somewhat annoyed, he slapped Zhuo Xinya!

A clear palm print immediately surfaced on Zhuo Xinya's face, and even blood flowed out from the corner of Zhuo Xinya's mouth!

"You must be regretting that you abandoned Zhuo Wen back then! Hehehe, the once glorious third young master of the Zhuo family has probably died in the wilderness by now, and even if you follow Zhuo Wen, you will only end up dead! Even if you follow Zhuo Wen, you will only end up dead! This day has allowed you to taste the wonderful taste between a man and a woman, so you will not have any regrets in your death, right?"

Saying this, Yi Wei took out a dagger from his heel, and the cold cold light suddenly shot back into Zhuo Xinya's face, reflecting the color of fear on Zhuo Xinya's face!

"It's really a shame to kill a beauty like you! But Young Master Zhuo Wu's order is not something that a guard like me can disobey, so you must die!" The Ethereal Guard slowly walked towards Zhuo Xinya with a cold smile on his face!

"I do regret the choice I made that day, if I had chosen Zhuo Wen, even if I had died, I would have died with dignity! Unlike now after being toyed with, dying without dignity!"

A line of tears, Zhuo Xinya face is full of remorse and bleak expression, she knows Zhuo Wu will not let her live on in the world, now she is already useless to Zhuo Wu, he is only Zhuo Wu's pawn since the beginning, laughable self is still smart to please Zhuo Wu, even at all costs against Zhuo Wen to get Zhuo Wu's favor!

Right at this moment, the B guard who was originally approaching Zhuo Xinya step by step suddenly changed his color, only to see him let out a stern cry and sidestep to the right, at the same time at the same time in the place where he had just been there suddenly appeared an extra dagger!

"Who is it?"

B Wei leaped, turned back to look at the entrance of the inner room with a vigilant face, but there was no trace of the original dagger that had appeared had also inexplicably disappeared!

"In the end who is playing God? Not yet come out? Humph! No matter who you are, today you don't want to live out!"

Said Ethan Wei let out a loud roar, a faint sword shadow instantly flew out from Ethan Wei's mind, as Ethan Wei pinched his hands, the sword shadow above his head instantly split into ten identical sword shadows, the ten sword shadows with harsh sword light constantly rotated around Ethan Wei's body while Ethan Wei was observing the surroundings with vigilant gazes!

B Wei's armor soul is the sword shadow, this armor soul can with the stronger the host's internal power, the more the number of sword shadows that can be divided, it is a typical group damage armor soul, but the power is to be a lot less powerful, this is the weakness of the sword shadow!

"Ambush from ten sides!"

Ethereal Guard let out a loud shout, and the ten Sword Shadows surrounding his body instantly transformed into ten sword lights that shot out in all directions.

However, to Ethereal Guard's disappointment, the ten sword lights did not stab any targets!

"Are all the guards beside Zhuo Wu so vulgar?" A sneering voice suddenly came out, followed by a faint figure gradually emerging in the doorway!

"You are? Are you Zhuo Wen? It can't be, weren't you already taken out by the A Guard? Where is Guard A now?" Guard B looked at Zhuo Wen who appeared in front of his eyes with an unbelievable face and said in a somewhat creepy manner.

As for Zhuo Xinya who was on the bed, after seeing Zhuo Wen at this moment, her pretty face was suddenly radiant, and the original dead gray color of her face was suddenly flooded with hope!

"You can rest assured! I will soon send you to see the armor guards!" The corners of Zhuo Wen's mouth spread a cold smile, then he leapt forward, and his entire body transformed into a shadow and swept straight towards the B Guard!

"Although I don't know how you escaped, but now that you've come over to send yourself to death, I'll fulfill you!" Seeing Zhuo Wen's unconscionable attempt to restrain him first, the B Guard also said with a sinister smile on his face.

Only to see Guard A raise his hands, the ten sword shadows that surrounded him immediately turned into sword light and shot straight towards Zhuo Wen, the air was immediately filled with a cold, chilling light!

Zhuo Wen gave a cold snort, surprisingly not avoiding or dodging, the muscles of his whole body immediately tensed, then a loud dragon roar immediately came out from Zhuo Wen's body!

Zhuo Wen's hands took on the shape of a dragon, as if a giant dragon swallowed a pearl and fiercely struck on top of the ten sword shadows in front of him!


A huge aura instantly surrounded Zhuo Wen's body, and then a giant dragon formed purely from the aura surrounded Zhuo Wen's head, and the giant dragon instantly blocked Ethereal Guard's ten sword shadows with a low roar!

"Mixed Sky Dragon Fist!"

A low cry came from Zhuo Wen's mouth as he clenched his fists and struck hard on top of the ten sword shadows, only to hear a creak, the powerful ten sword shadows actually turned into nothingness under Zhuo Wen's fists!

B Wei's face turned white, the whole person stomped back a dozen steps, a mouthful of blood was involuntarily spat out, his face incredibly looked at Zhuo Wen whose face was as heavy as water and said: ''How is it possible? How can a punk like you have such a strong power?"

At this time, Zhuo Wen's whole body was windless, and the giant dragon formed by the qi field was kneeling down by Zhuo Wen's side, making Zhuo Wen look very powerful at this time, as if he was the most powerful person in the ancient times!

"Waste? You can't even receive a single move from me, you also have the qualification to call me a waste?"

Zhuo Wen flicked his right hand, the giant dragon aura around him immediately pressed on Yi Wei's body, under the pressure of the giant dragon Yi Wei's feet trembled, and he flopped down!

"Now you can go die!"

Zhuo Wen's right hand transformed from palm to claw, violently pointing to the depths of Yi Wei's brow, the strong Yuan Power was like a meat grinder that churned Yi Wei's sea of consciousness to pieces, Yi Wei didn't even grunt before he collapsed to the ground and died!

Then Zhuo Wen point brow, the sea of consciousness of the Jade Tripod armor soul immediately turned into a half a person high giant tripod covered in the ethyl guard's body, not long, the ethyl guard's body of all the blood was absorbed by the Jade Tripod, and finally transformed into a bright red droplet of blood Dan fell in Zhuo Wen's hands!

Zhuo Wen clearly felt that the quality of the Essence Blood Dan in his hand was a lot higher than the previous ones, obviously the strength of the B Guard should be a bit stronger than the previous A Guard, and the quality of the Essence Blood Dan produced was also a lot better!

"The Essence Blood Dan has arrived, this time swallowing this Essence Blood Dan should be able to wish me a breakthrough of several levels! Now let's find a place to refine it first!" Looking at his hands, he muttered.

Just as Zhuo Wen wanted to leave, Zhuo Wen suddenly felt his right leg being grabbed by someone, then Zhuo Wen looked at Zhuo Xinya who was grabbing his right leg with a cold gaze!

"Zhuo Wen! You take me away! I can help you deal with Zhuo Wu, and I know Zhuo Wu very well, as long as you take me away and re-give me a certain status, then with my help, Zhuo Wu is definitely not your opponent!" Zhuo Xinya's face was quite calm at this time, her eyes looked straight at Zhuo Wen and said with confidence!

After all, Zhuo Xinya used to be the chief housekeeper of the Condensed Fragrance Pavilion, for Zhuo Wen's character and hobbies have a certain understanding, she knows that Zhuo Wen is very sentimental and righteous, indecisive, and now her proposal is very reasonable, Zhuo Xinya thinks that Zhuo Wen will definitely accept her proposal!

However, the former Zhuo Wen has long been dead, now Zhuo Wen's body is another soul, he is no longer the previous indecisive Zhuo Wen!

Zhuo Wen's gaze coldly kicked away Zhuo Xinya's hands, this Zhuo Xinya really when Zhuo Wen is a fool, and in front of the eyes of this woman is really shameless to the extreme, just yesterday encouraged Zhuo Wu to assassinate Zhuo Wen, today to see Zhuo Wu abandoned their own, and even want to seek refuge in Zhuo Wen here!

And the face is not a little bit of guilt, and even a look of course, Zhuo Wen had to say in front of this woman is really big breasts without brain, I really do not know how the original Zhuo Wen will accept to stay in this kind of woman as their own housekeeper it?

His right hand violently pinched Zhuo Xinya's neck as if lifting a chicken, Zhuo Wen looked at the beautiful woman in front of him indifferently and said: ''You still really play me as a fool? Do you think that I don't know about the small moves you've been making behind my back? Encouraging Zhuo Wu to assassinate me, humiliating me in public at the Condensed Fragrance Pavilion, and even sparing my servant girl Chun'er, do you really think that I am completely unaware of these things?"

Zhuo Xinya didn't expect Zhuo Wen to suddenly struck out and pinched herself, the original calm face suddenly showed a trace of panic, after she heard all the deeds listed out by Zhuo Wen, Zhuo Xinya was suddenly bloodless, she had always thought that what she had done was very hidden, but she didn't expect that Zhuo Wen actually knew about all of them!

"Young Master Zhuo Wen! Don't kill me, I didn't do any of these things voluntarily, it must be Zhuo Wu who is slandering me! For the sake of my dedication to the Condensed Fragrance Pavilion these past few years, let me go!"

Zhuo Xinya finally felt the killing intent in the depths of Zhuo Wen's gaze, at this moment, this gorgeous woman finally felt afraid of the wasteful young master in front of her who she had never really looked at!

"Killing you will only dirty my hands! After this young master regains his position, you will be relegated back to the outer courtyard, and you will not be able to enter the inner courtyard for the rest of your life!"

Zhuo Wen casually threw Zhuo Xinya to the side, and then disappeared into the Condensing Fragrance Pavilion with a leap, leaving behind a somewhat disoriented Zhuo Xinya!