
Extreme Soul

On a vast and boundless continent, a magnificent and bright era was ushered in. However, destiny brings a soul reborn by mistake into this chaos, and falls into the body of a cowardly boy who is discriminated against! The coincidence of fate triggered an accident, and when this soul was reborn in the body of that cowardly teenager, it also laid the groundwork for the opening of a powerful legend that shook the ancient world! Zhuo Wen, a traveler from the twenty-first century, whether his arrival in this strange waves of the era step by step to the peak, writing his own legend ......

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Bloody Killing

More than a dozen cold knife lights slashed away from the place where the night curtain was!

Zhuo Wen's mouth revealed a strange smile, and then even disappeared under the eyes of everyone, and these dozen of cold knife lights all cut empty!

"Where's the person? Why is he gone!"

Looking at the empty spot, the dozen or so masked black-robed men who were originally raging at the scene all froze for a moment, and then a puzzled look appeared in their gazes!


A miserable scream rang out at once, a black-clothed man at the very back of the room looked at the chest that was pierced by the broad-bladed large knife with an unbelievable face, his face was full of unbelievability and doubt, he didn't know when his broad-bladed large knife appeared in Zhuo Wen's hand at this moment, his gaze was grim and cold as he stood at the back of this black-clothed man!


Zhuo Wen slightly exerted his force, the black clothed man in front of him immediately howled miserably, then the whole person was split into two halves, blood and flesh were splattered out!

As the other men in black watched their companions being killed so brutally by Zhuo Wen, all of them had bloodshot gazes of anger and swept straight towards Zhuo Wen once again to instantly surround him!

However, the black-clothed men were shocked that this time Zhuo Wen actually disappeared under their eyes, followed by the screams of another black-clothed man, who naturally died!

The darkness of the night could wield the maximum power of the Sneaking Armor Soul, and at this time, Zhuo Wen used the Sneaking Armor Soul to be like a fish in water under the cover of the night!

"What's going on here? How did this Zhuo Wen suddenly disappear? What kind of ability is this?" A leader who was obviously a black-clothed man said at this moment with his hands trembling a little.

Originally, the leader of the men in black for Zhuo Wen is not at all on the heart, because he once owed Zhuo Wu's father Zhuo Dingtian favors, so this time only agreed to help Zhuo Wu eradicate Zhuo Wen, just let him did not expect is that this Zhuo Wen seems to be not as the legend of that there is not a half a bit of cultivation!

Just so a little delay, his men are dead two, originally there are more than a dozen black-clothed people on the field at this time only left a, and the remaining black-clothed people have been Zhuo Wen this kind of come without a shadow and go without a trace of the bizarre ability to scare the guts, actually quite a lot of black-clothed people began to retreat a little!

Originally stood aside to watch the show Zhuo Wu also did not expect just a blink of an eye, Zhuo Wen instantly killed four black-clothed people, to know that these black-clothed people cultivation is basically about the refining realm, and black-clothed people's leader is even reached the same as his Divine Bravery realm!

However, when such a group of people surrounded Zhuo Wen, not only did they fail to kill Zhuo Wen, but they were even killed by four black-clothed men!

"Zhuo Wen, how is this armor soul so much like the Armor Guard's sneak armor soul?" Zhuo Wu's brows were tightly furrowed at this moment, and there was some hint of uncertainty in his gaze!

The killing still continued, every time Zhuo Wen appeared in the black-clothed man's field of vision he would reveal a weird smile, and after harvesting heads once he would disappear again!

A mournful screams in the middle of the night seemed very eerie and weird, until finally, a dozen black-clothed people were basically solved by Zhuo Wen only the highest strength black-clothed leader remained!

At this time Zhuo Wen is on the ground all the black-clothed corpses, out of the blood almost in Zhuo Wen's feet converge into a small stream, messy viscera is scattered on the side, as if at this moment, Zhuo Wen's feet into a Cultivation of blood field!

Such a bloody scene is Zhuo Wu only seen in his life, Zhuo Wu is after all the family young master, from childhood pampered, where has experienced such a cruel picture, at this time Zhuo Wu pale face looking at the field, he can not imagine that the person in front of him is the previous let him casually knead the Zhuo family waste Zhuo Wen!

"Is this still the previous waste young master Zhuo Wen?"

The Zhuo Xinya who was thrown aside by Zhuo Wu at this moment, after seeing such a bloody scene, she even vomited in her stomach, her gaze towards Zhuo Wen became even more fearful, she suddenly regretted a little bit of informing to Zhuo Wu, with the battle strength that Zhuo Wen showed at this moment, she knew that Zhuo Wen's strength was definitely more powerful than that of Zhuo Wu!

Thinking of the consequences of being caught and possibly killed by Zhuo Wen, Zhuo Xinya's face was covered with a look of fear as she screamed in shock, "He's a demon, he's a devil!"

Instantly killing more than a dozen men in black, Zhuo Wen's eyes were also gradually covered with blood, for some reason, when he saw these people drinking blood under his own hands, Zhuo Wen's heart was unexpectedly filled with a sense of excitement, Zhuo Wen was beginning to like this feeling of grasping other people's life and death!

"Zhuo Wen! You have the guts to square off against me, what kind of man is it to sneak attack us like this!"

The only remaining black clothed man in the field looked at Zhuo Wen standing in front of him with a fierce expression, the men he brought with him had all been killed by Zhuo Wen, to know that they were the men he had cultivated for so many years, and they were even more loyal to himself, now they were all gone, how could they not make the black clothed leader furious?

The corner of Zhuo Wen's mouth revealed a hint of a smile as he said faintly, "If you want to fight me, I'll accompany you!"

The black-clothed man leader was stunned, he didn't expect that he had just spoken in anger in a moment of rage, but the young man in front of him actually really opened his mouth to agree, so his face immediately revealed an ecstatic look!

"Hehehe! This is what you said, don't regret it!"

The black-clothed man leader hehehe smile, then low growl, a black mist suddenly from the black-clothed man leader's body out, then the black gas suddenly the black-clothed man leader hand surprised now originally the head is very huge broad-bladed large knife actually crazy long generally doubled in size!

Zhuo Wen's eyes condensed, he knew that the black mist just now should be the armor soul of the black-clothed man's collar, obviously this armor soul has the ability to increase the power of the weapon, looking at the black-clothed man's hand is not dare to be slow!

The reason why Zhuo Wen accepted the black-clothed man collar's angry words just now, in fact, is also to detect what degree of his real combat power at this time in the end!

Zhuo Wu, who had originally retreated a bit, was now actually willing to confront the black-clothed human leader head-on, and a reassuring smile appeared on his face, while a dark sneer was in the depths of his eyes!

"I really don't know if this idiot Zhuo Wen has his head in the water, actually agreeing to go head to head with Uncle Chang! Although Uncle Chang's cultivation was only at the Divine Bravery Realm level, his Armor Soul Mega Enhancement was able to increase the power of the weapons in his hands by two times! With a Giant Armor Soul, Uncle Chang is considered one of the best in the Divine Courage Realm, and even I'm no match for him!"

"Kid! Suffer death, I want you to pay for killing all my men!"

Carrying a black long sword that was more than one person tall, the black-clothed man leader shouted, and his entire body transformed into a residual shadow, slashing down at Zhuo Wen!

At this moment, Zhuo Wen's gaze was condensed, his complexion was slightly solemn, only to see the muscles of Zhuo Wen's arms tighten, a crackling sound slowly came from Zhuo Wen's body, then Zhuo Wen fiercely swung his own fists at the black-clothed man leader who darted towards him!

"Mixed Dragon Fist: Two Dragon Gobbling!"


A huge dragon roar sounded out at once, then Zhuo Wen's entire aura climbed up and up, until it climbed up to the apex when two golden-colored dragons appeared above Zhuo Wen's head at once, and surging pressure appeared on the scene at once, and even Zhuo Wu couldn't help but feel his body trembling, and he was nearly unsteady on his feet!

The two giant dragons violently slammed into the black long sword in the black-clothed man leader's hand, and then the black-clothed man leader was shocked to see that the originally impregnable black long sword in his hand actually instantly crumbled apart inch by inch, and then an extremely powerful force instantly spread over the black-clothed man leader's entire body!


The black-clothed leader immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the whole person was like a fading leaf generally rolled down on the ground and screamed miserably on the breath all gone!

Looking at the black-clothed man leader who was killed in an instant, Zhuo Wen's face also revealed a stunned expression, he did not expect that the power of the Mixed Dragon Bardic Fist would actually be terrifying to such an extent that he could defeat a Divine Bravery Realm armorer with a single move by practicing it to the level of the Second Dragon Bardic Fist alone!

Zhuo Wen coldly glanced at the corpses of the black-clothed man and the others, and then with a single move, he instantly invoked the Jade Cauldron Armored Soul, and the Jade Cauldron Armored Soul, as it were, refined the dozen or so black-clothed men into Essence Blood Pills, and took them into his pocket!

A dozen black-robed people only its leader body has armor soul, so the Jade Tripod refined essence of blood Dan breath is the most intense!

"This guy actually fronted against Chang Bo not only undefeated, but even killed Chang Bo with a single move! What's going on here? When did this Zhuo Wen become so powerful? I remember a few days ago, Zhuo Wen didn't have any cultivation at all, but now his cultivation has reached the Divine Bravery Realm!"

At this moment, Zhuo Wu's face finally revealed a color of fear, when he saw Zhuo Wen's morose gaze looking at him, the fear in his gaze became even more exuberant, and he even turned his head to flee for his life without looking back!

"Can you escape?" Zhuo Wen coldly laughed, then his entire body leapt, as if he was a graceful monkey chasing towards Zhuo Wu!

Only to see Zhuo Wen's double fists gently waving, a dragon chirping sound immediately resounded, a golden dragon immediately condensed in the air, and then fiercely swooped towards Zhuo Wu in front of him!

Looking at the gradually approaching golden dragon behind him, Zhuo Wu's face revealed a trace of determination, then he let out a stern cry, only to see that Zhuo Wu's body suddenly began to gradually petrify, and in a short while, Zhuo Wu's entire person transformed into a stone person in general, his entire body was covered with a granite gray color!

Zhuo Wu's armor soul is a rock armor soul, this armor soul favors defense, and can cover the whole body with hard rock to multiply its own defense!


The golden dragon slammed into Zhuo Wu, and then Zhuo Wu fell down with a miserable cry, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

Falling to the ground, Zhuo Wen violently lifted Zhuo Wu, his sharp gaze looked straight at Zhuo Wu and said, ''Zhuo Wu! I told you that if I ever turn around, I will definitely return the shame that you have inflicted on me twice over!"

Zhuo Wu's gaze was filled with panic at this moment, slightly shivering as he pleaded, "Zhuo Wen! It was my fault that day, please don't kill me, I can return your Condensing Fragrance Pavilion to you, and I can ask my grandfather to let you become a core disciple of our Zhuo family, I can even send you many slave girls of upper class posture, as long as you don't kill me!"

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)