
Extra in The Student Council

[This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know] [English isn't my mother language so grammar is suck. I used tool to help me correct my grammar as I don't have editor nor the fund for one] [Everything except for the MC belonged to their creator]

Lhometo · Komik
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44 Chs

43. I'm a little confused

Extra in The Student Council

43. I'm a little confused

"Shinomiya-san." Shuu called again and immediately corrected himself, "No, Kaguya. Will you be my vice president?" He said it with a smile. It wasn't a soft smile for everyone, like before. Those who were quick-witted could see it clearly. There's another hidden meaning behind his expression: it's a smile only for one person.

"""WHAT?!!!""" The whole school was instantly filled with students shrieks.

Even Kaguya was stunned silly by that revelation. Shuu moved toward her and gave her the microphone in his hands, while he also put out his other hand to let her take his hands.

After the dazed moment went by, Kaguya knew this was the part where he wanted her to say yes and agree. To fulfill her part of the promise, "Yes, I will '' Kaguya took his hand with a polite smile.

And what she didn't expect was for Shuu to pull her toward him. Kaguya, who was one step behind, wasn't able to react. She put her hand on his chest to stop her motion, while Shuu rounded his hand around her. Shuu skillfully only made a light touch on her uniform. Other than him and Kaguya, it's undeniable from other perspectives that Shuu briefly embraced Kaguya.

Then Shuu took out a small box wrapped beautifully and gently wrapped it around Kaguya's palm, then gently closed her palm with his help, and lastly, he whispered in her ear. "Don't open it in public," and then he left Kaguya alone along with the students, who roared like wild beasts all this time.


"Sigh…" Kaguya let out a heavy sigh. After some time, she was finally able to escape from those curious mobs that almost lynched her with questions. It annoyed her again when she remembered the reason she ended up in this situation. She also already opened that specially beautiful small gift; it's only a chocolate with a 'Thank you for your hard work' note, which made her even angrier.

As if the culprit were watching her all this time, her phone rang at the perfect time. Kaguya took out her phone and saw that she had received a message.

When she read the sender, an angry mark appeared on her head instantly, akin to that of a manga character.

Katsuragi Shuu.

Kaguya took a deep breath before she opened the mail, and more anger marks appeared. There's not a single word in it. only an image—an image of a small floating anime girl with 'Teehee' words. It's a meme.

"Teehee tte nanda yo!!" Kaguya roared.


It's not exaggerated to say that the news about what happened in the cafeteria traveled at the speed of light. Supported by the voice from the announcement speaker, everyone easily trusted the gossip. In no time, every student knew about Shuu's candidacy, and at the same time, the once-dead rumor about his and Kaguya's relationship roared like never before.

Literally, everyone was shocked. For those who didn't know about what happened behind the door of the student council, those blank spaces were where their imagination went wild. And to those who knew they were confused, no matter how many times they recalled it, they never found a single hint or evidence about Kaguya and Shuu having a peculiar relationship. And to other members of the student council, it's something unbelievable yet believable simultaneously.

Among the student council members, they never said it out loud, but if asked who could read Kaguya the best, the answer would be Shuu. And it was also Kaguya who could read Shuu the best.

And those members had varying reactions when they heard the news.

Yuu was horrified. "Shuu-senpai did something crazier than usual!" Just thinking about it made him have goosebumps all over his body. Furthermore, the other part was that Shinomiya Kaguya. He might already be hospitalized in a mental hospital by now, if it were him.

Meanwhile, Miyuki was choking on his food when the news reached his ears. "What?!" He can't believe his ears. At first, when Miyuki listened to the announcement, it was already shocking for Katsuragi Shuu to enter the election, and even more shocking to know that he would invite Kaguya like that. Even so, Miyuki could understand the reason Shuu would invite Kaguya. He was the one who knew best how capable Kaguya was. Then, at the same time, he could also understand the reason Kaguya agreed to help him. From his point of view, those two were like mortal enemies but also best friends at the same time. In the beginning, he would unconsciously be jealous of their relationship, but no more once Shuu told him the truth, but...

(What is this?)

(They hugged in public.??)

(Shinomiya didn't reject it and even welcomed it??) 

(Am I having a nightmare in the middle of the day??) Finding out the truth was what Miyuki wanted the most right now.

On the other hand, Chika was still in a daze from the impact. She was present in the cafeteria when that event happened. She still hasn't been able to process it.

A single action left the whole school in chaos; everyone had their own belief in what happened.


To trace them back, they've been there since the beginning of human civilization and communication.

Its effect was vast and wide; it would go from something as simple as.

"Hey, the first math problem's answer is A, right?" Student A asked his friend.

"No, for that problem, you should use this formula, and the answer is C," Student B replied.

"NOOOOO!" Student A despaired that he had to retake the exam.

and it could also go as far as...

"The Breck Kingdom has betrayed our empire!"

"Annihilate them!! Those wenchs dare to betray this me!" The emperor ordered.

"The emperor intended to kill all the citizens!!"

"It's now or never! Citizens! Take out your pitchforks and torches!!" and that day another empire had flattened.

Misunderstanding… Yes, that's exactly what Shuu aimed for. He didn't tell any lies, and he just told the truth. He just made others misunderstand, and that's all. However, no one knows that this stunt was just a decoy; his real target is only one.


The lead actor of the current shocking rumor, Katsuragi Shuu, spent the rest of the day like nothing special happened. He had already scattered the bait, so he just had to wait. Many came to him asking about the rumor, and Shuu confirmed that it really happened. but give an ambiguous answer to what his intention is.

Quite a time had passed since the school ended. Shuu walked on the empty corridor other than those in the sports clubs most students had already left. Shuu aimlessly walked around while thinking about his next step.

"Katsuragi," a voice behind him called out. Shuu grinned for a moment as he recognized that voice. (The bait finally caught that fish.)

"Shirogane," Shuu replied, "you're still here?" He 'looked' surprised.

"Ah, yes," Miyuki replied awkwardly. It's not like he could say that he was somehow lost in thought, and when he realized it's already this late and hurriedly looking for Shuu,.

"Katsuragi…" Miyuki called, "About... what happened at the cafeteria." He was unsure how to bring it up.

"If you're talking about that rumor, then it's true." Shuu replied nonchalantly, "I did it with Kaguya."

Miyuki was stunned, speechless; his mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish. Shuu just shrugged his shoulders as he didn't care, and even so, he didn't leave. He waited for him to restart his brain.

And finally, he slowly opened his trembling mouth. "Why...?"

"You're asking me one strange question; I'm a little confused." Shuu was almost unable to hold his laughter, seeing Miyuki's face at that moment. "Well, it'd be mean for me to say that," Shuu added after he played with him.

"Shirogane, do you remember that time when our term just started?" Shuu said something unrelated, making Miyuki confused.

"What do you mean?" Miyuki said with a frown that he thought Shuu was trying to change the topic like he usually does.

"Well, calm down. Listen to me for a bit," Shuu said with a smile on his face. "Not long after I entered the student council, weren't you confused when I suddenly told you about my relationship with Kaguya?"

It annoyed him that he kept calling 'Kaguya' but Miyuki kept trying to calm down. "Not really," he said curtly.

But it makes Shuu grin even more. "Don't you understand?" He fished him again.

"Understand what?"

"You keep staring at me in jealousy; it's disturbing me; that's why I told you that" Shuu explained the 'truth' yet Miyuki quickly denied the fact that he was jealous.

"Well, I don't care." Shuu added, "What I'm trying to say here is that I've given you one year of time, but you did nothing, which resulted in nothing."

"You know, Kaguya became softer and kinder this past year. I favored that." Then Shuu looked like he realized something. "Oh, maybe you did something. Thank you, Shirogane. I'll pick up the flower you groomed," Shuu said, then he walked away. "See ya."


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