
Curse [2]

"Oy! Come back here!"

"That's why it's running away Claire. You keep scaring it."

"Ahh! Fuck."

For the entire day, Claire and Rachel had been trying to accomplish their quest.

What quest?

Finding a lost cat.

Though they've already found it a few hours ago, it would always escape their grasp. And before they knew it, they were already far out into the forest.

Scrunch. Scrunch.

Silence gripped the entire area with only the sound of foliage breaking it.

Once again, the cat was gone.

"There! There it is!"

Extending her hand in the cat's direction, Claire pointed at it.

Noticing the raise in her tone, Rachel turned her head towards the direction.

But before the cat could enter her peripheral view, Claire had already run off to chase it.

"Claire, wait!"

"No, I'm already starving. We've been at this for the entire day."

Truth be told, they didn't have to do the quest, it was optional.