

Henry followed his gaze.

"tsk, you can talk to them. They were pretty worried about you."

He opened the door, revealing Arthur and Felix behind it, and left.

Felix ran up to Neo with an excited face.

"You defeated Morrigan! I saw the fight! It was awesome! Everyone's going crazy over your battle!"

Arthur came behind Felix.

He stared at Neo awkwardly.



Felix noticed the awkwardness.

He didn't understand the reason for it.

"Congrats for the first rank!

"You might not know it but you are the first Ruler who isn't from Zeus Clan or Poseidon Clan. You've made history!"

Felix was evidently excited.

"What about you two?" Neo asked.

"I'm glad you asked."

Felix grinned.

"The Zeus Clan members couldn't find us until the end.

"And since, I stole their rank tokens, they had a hard time in the tournament."