
Chapter 56: Retirement, Meal, Storytime 2

The three of them chatted while eating.

Mostly, it was Hu Tao talking about her funeral parlor's package deals, while Wang Daoyi and Zhongli listened.

Hu Tao was a straightforward person, not very gentle in her mannerisms. She was more casual, like going out for skewers with friends.

Zhongli remained composed, not really understanding the concept of "business."

"How did it go with the business you mentioned last time, Zhongli?" Hu Tao inquired.

Zhongli's expression remained unchanged. He didn't even know what "business" meant.

"We are already in discussions. There are many bird lovers in the flower market, and they want to customize a package for their beloved birds!"

"But because the funeral parlor hasn't customized such a package yet, I declined!"

Zhongli wasn't lying. Most of the people who accompanied him on bird-watching outings were from wealthy families in Liyue, who had a fondness for birds. It was easy for them to customize a small funeral package for their beloved birds.

"For birds?"

Hu Tao was surprised. She didn't know such a business model existed. Hurriedly finishing a few bites of her meal, Hu Tao rushed back to the funeral parlor, saying she wanted to check the records to see if there were any similar funeral rituals for pets in the past, and then develop a package.

With Hu Tao gone, the conversation between Wang Daoyi and Zhongli dwindled. The lively discussion about Hu Tao's various ideas gradually turned into a quiet meal for the two of them.

Neither of them was particularly fond of chatting, or rather, they were not fond of small talk.

After a satisfying meal, Wang Daoyi settled the bill with Chef Mao. Although Chef Mao had always refused to accept payment, Wang Daoyi insisted, slipping the mora into the counter. While he could freeload when eating alone, he still had to pay when treating others.

Leaving the Wanmin Restaurant, the two headed to Harbor. It was time for post-meal relaxation, and there were already people at the tea stall.

"Oh, Mr. Zhongli is here, and Wang Daoyi too. It's been a while since Daoyi last came!"

Tian Tiezui had sharp eyes. Just as Wang Daoyi and Zhongli approached the tea stall, he greeted them warmly.

Since Wang Daoyi arrived in Liyue Harbor and befriended Zhongli, he often accompanied Zhongli here to listen to stories and drink tea. After all, securing the best spot and the best tea while cozying up to a big shot was the way to go.

With generous spending, Tian Tiezui naturally became acquainted with these two important patrons.

"Long time no see, Mr. Tian. I went to Mondstadt a while ago and just returned yesterday. How could I not come here?" Wang Daoyi replied casually, handing over a book from Mondstadt to Tian Tiezui. "Here's a collection of poems by Mondstadt bards for you. Is our usual spot still available?"

Tian Tiezui accepted Wang Daoyi's gift with even more enthusiasm. Someone who brings gifts when they return home? Who wouldn't like that?

"Of course, of course, please come in. Shall I brew some Premium Luhua Tea for you both today?"

"As per usual, two pots of Luhua Tea and a plate of fried beans," Wang Daoyi ordered.

Three Bowls Harbor was a typical tea stall in the city, equipped with a storyteller who provided tea and some snacks.

"Alright, please have a seat, and your order will be up shortly."

The two took their usual seats right in front of the storyteller's platform, one of the best listening spots.

As time passed, more people arrived, and seeing that the place was full, Tian Tiezui stopped attending to guests and came to the storyteller's platform to start his narration.

"Recently, I've been telling stories about the Emperor cleansing the world. Today, I'll tell the story of how the Emperor created dragons!"

Tian Tiezui's stories were mostly about the Emperor, most of which had been modified by storytellers over the generations, deviating from the true history. However, Zhongli still listened with great interest, whether it was because he enjoyed the stories or because they reminded him of something.

Wang Daoyi had no particular interest in these stories. He preferred to delve into real history or the knowledge left behind in real history. However, since his boss enjoyed them, he listened for entertainment.

Tian Tiezui was skilled in storytelling. Under his interpretation, an old story seemed to transport the listeners back to that grand era, witnessing the Emperor creating dragons.

Zhongli sipped his tea, smiling.

People often modified their own history for various reasons, either because they were not clear about the true history or because they wanted to interpret it forcibly.

Originally, Zhongli didn't mind, as the history of Liyue was engraved in his memory.

But as retirement weighed heavier on his mind, Zhongli began to worry slightly.

Would the stories of him and his friends guarding Liyue be distorted beyond recognition countless years later?

"Wang Daoyi, do you think our history will be forgotten?"

Zhongli suddenly spoke up.

The sudden question caught Wang Daoyi off guard. After a brief moment of confusion, he replied:

"History is written by the victors. Just like in present-day Liyue, not many people remember the gods who once vied for supremacy with you. In the stories of Liyue, you are endlessly glorified, even though you never asked for it. But people will still actively embellish your image."

"If one day we are forgotten by history, it will undoubtedly be due to the erosion of time. Only time can make Liyue forget about you and your contributions. And that time may be infinite."

After listening to Wang Daoyi's words, Zhongli nodded. As the oldest of the Archons, he understood the power of time better than the God Time himself.

Perhaps I need a chronicler who will not be eroded by time. Could it be his sister?

Zhongli pondered silently, then looked at Wang Daoyi.

"What do you think of the Traveler?"

Wang Daoyi wasn't surprised that Zhongli knew about Lumine's existence. As one of the Archons who participated in the Archon War, Zhongli definitely knew about Aether. And if he knew about Aether, then Lumine, Aether's sister, would surely be on Zhongli's radar.

"Similar to me, she comes from beyond this world. However, she is more thorough; she is completely from another world, whereas I only have a soul from beyond. I can't understand her, but she is friendly. She shouldn't be an enemy of Liyue, at least not now!"

Wang Daoyi once thought that as fellow travelers from other worlds, he and Lumine would have a strong sense of camaraderie. However, after meeting Lumine, he realized that he had naturally aligned himself with Liyue's interests, while Lumine, despite helping in various ways in Mondstadt, still remained an outsider. She didn't belong in Teyvat.

"She still needs more encounters. I heard she will continue her journey to find her lost family. Perhaps only when her journey ends will we

 know her true story!"

Zhongli understood.

Then let Liyue become a part of her journey. Perhaps when her journey ends and she returns beyond the stars, Liyue's history will be recorded alongside hers.

"Wang Daoyi!"


"When the Traveler comes to Liyue, don't reveal my identity!"


(End of this chapter)