
Chapter 54: Forbidden Knowledge

"The God of Storm?"

When Zhongli heard Wang Dao's inquiry, he didn't hesitate much. "Decarabian? I know him. He is one of the ancient beings who once wielded control over the power of the wind, a powerful elemental creature."

Zhongli was indeed familiar with the Archon of the Fierce Winds. During Zhongli's conquests in the land of Liyue, that deity was also engaged in battle with the Cryo God, the Wolf of the North. They were familiar strangers, so to speak.

"I obtained some highly advanced knowledge from the remnants left behind by the God of Storns, and I cannot discern whether the knowledge is good or bad."

Wang Daoyi truly couldn't differentiate the quality of the Forbidden Element Creation Beast-making Formula.

Upon obtaining the Favonius Codex, he immediately began experimenting with the knowledge contained within because he knew it was something he could master. Even if he failed, there wouldn't be any serious consequences.

However, after acquiring the Forbidden Element Creation Beast-making Formula, he didn't rush to experiment with it. Even now, he hadn't delved deeply into it. Apart from lacking sufficient elemental resources and being unable to judge the consequences, there was another important reason.

"The Forbidden Element Creation Beast-making Formula?"

Today, for the first time, Zhongli showed an interesting expression, setting down his teacup. "May I have a look at it? Elemental creation was a very hot research topic during the era of the Gods!"

Although Zhongli wasn't directly involved in this field of study, many Gods during the Archon War had delved into it.

During the battles of the Gods, there were few other beings that could assist. However, Zhongli's comrade, the Elemental Dragon of Liyue, Azhdah, was a powerful combat force no less than the Archons themselves.

This immense power led many Archons to invest resources into the field of elemental creation.

Although Zhongli didn't directly study this field, there was quite a bit of knowledge left behind by the Archons he had defeated.

Without hesitation, Wang Daoyi summoned the Favonius Codex from his vision and turned to the page inscribed with the Forbidden Element Creation Beast-making Formula.

Before, he didn't have a suitable artifact, so he hadn't used the resonance function of the vision with any weapon. He always carried the Jade Orb with him.

However, after obtaining the Favonius Codex, this powerful book artifact became the first artifact he resonated with the vision, capable of being placed into the vision's space to receive elemental nurturing.

Zhongli carefully studied the formula inscribed in the codex, and Wang Daoyi didn't disturb him, quietly pouring himself a cup of tea.

Although Zhongli didn't have much money on him, he used only the best for his food and drink. It might not always be expensive, but it was always of high quality.

Like this tea, made entirely of the finest pre-rain tea leaves from the Qixing Estate, crafted by the finest tea masters, it was impossible to find on the market.

Surreptitiously taking a sip, a fragrant aroma wafted through Wang Daoyi's mouth, making him feel lighter.

"This tea has a problem!"

Although it was his first time drinking this tea, Wang Daoyi could still tell. With just one sip, his sensitivity to the elements increased slightly.

"The tea leaves are fine; it's the water. There's a spring in the clouds and sea that connects to the Earth's veins. That mischievous imp, Xiao, always worries that I won't eat or drink well in the mortal realm, so he brought this water from there!"

Zhongli, already putting down the Favonius Codex, picked up his teacup again, seeming to notice Wang Daoyi's surprise and explaining it to him very considerately.

A spring in the clouds and sea, water gathered by the Demon Conqueror. Understood, it's the Emperor's special supply, right?

Suppressing the urge to quip, Wang Daoyi looked at Zhongli.

"Your Majesty, is there a problem with this formula?"

Zhongli shook his head, his expression still indifferent. It seemed like he wasn't particularly interested in this forbidden formula.

"The knowledge itself is not problematic. It primarily uses the ascension and descent of elemental energy as the main structural elements to create elemental creatures, which is the most orthodox method of birthing elemental creatures."

Oh, if the knowledge isn't the problem, then it must be me, Wang Daoyi understood. It must mean I can't meet the standard for using it. Nevertheless, he still felt somewhat unwilling and asked:

"Can I use this knowledge now?"

Glancing at Wang Daoyi, especially at the pouch at his waist, Zhongli showed a smirk.

"Of course, you can use it. Just don't add any other random formations. This creation method is very safe. Its only requirement is a large amount of elemental resources."

As he spoke, perhaps feeling that words couldn't convey his meaning adequately, Zhongli reached out his right hand.

Rumbling, the Geo element gathered in Zhongli's right hand.

Then, a highly complex formation suddenly appeared in the Geo element, a formation that Wang Daoyi's eyes couldn't discern at all. However, Wang Daoyi still recognized it; it was the basic formation from the elemental creation beast-making formula he had just shown Zhongli.

Without much thought about whether all Archons had such powerful learning abilities, Wang Daoyi was immediately drawn into the scene in Zhongli's hand.

Under the operation of the formation, the Geo element gathered in Zhongli's hand split into two parts rapidly. One part became increasingly deep in color, starting to descend below the formation, while the other part changed from a talkative yellow to a somewhat golden hue, hovering above the formation.

"The elemental power I'm using now is roughly equivalent to a Geo Slime that has been settling in the ley lines for a year."

Zhongli explained simply, and more Geo elements began to gather.

More and more Geo elements gathered in Zhongli's hand.

The elemental mass below the formation grew deeper, and the elemental power above the formation became increasingly golden.

"The elemental power now is equivalent to a Geo Slime settling in the Earth's veins for three years."

Zhongli continued to explain.

The next moment, the golden elemental power above the formation condensed rapidly, a rhombus-shaped crystal appearing, and the originally golden crystal was quickly surrounded by elemental power, a pair of golden wings appearing, and a short tail extending from the crystal, a pair of mimetic compound eyes appearing above the crystal.

This was a newly born Geo Crystal Butterfly.

Before Wang Daoyi could observe this Geo Crystal Butterfly, the deep elemental mass below the formation also condensed, but unlike the elemental power above, it didn't turn into a crystal like the former; instead, it became a mass of fluid-like gel.

Then, as Zhongli continued to gather elemental power,

The crystal above the formation trembled slightly, and a pair of golden wings appeared, while the originally golden crystal was quickly surrounded by elemental power, a pair of tails extended from the crystal, and a pair of mimetic compound eyes appeared above the crystal.

This was a newly born Slime.

Playing with the round Slime, Zhongli handed the Geo Crystal Butterfly to Wang Daoyi.

Perhaps because the newly born elemental creatures had no intelligence, or perhaps out of obedience to their creator, both the Slime and the Geo Crystal Butterfly showed no signs of resistance or escape.

Receiving the Rock Crystal Butterfly, Wang Daoyi frowned slightly as he sensed something wrong. He had discovered a problem.

There was too little elemental power contained within this Geo Crystal Butterfly.

Considering that just now, Zhongli had gathered a considerable amount of Geo elements, and with Zhongli's control, there was no possibility of any elemental power escaping or being wasted.

Yet, the elemental power contained within this Geo Crystal Butterfly wasn't even half of what had been gathered just now, not even one percent.

"Have you noticed the problem? Although a significant amount of elemental power was gathered just now, the created creature is still so weak!"

Zhongli, playing with the small Slime, noticed Wang Daoyi's disappointment.

"This is the drawback of the orthodox method of elemental creation. It requires a large amount of elemental resources."

Wang Daoyi was very disappointed. He had thought it was valuable knowledge, but now it seemed otherwise.

Seeing Wang Daoyi's disappointment, Zhongli shook his head. He didn't say much more. In fact, this creation method was still quite good.

The elemental creatures it created were docile and obedient, requiring minimal additional materials. The only drawback was the excessive consumption of resources.

However, even if Zhongli didn't remind him, Wang Daoyi quickly recovered from his disappointment.

After all, it was his first complete piece of forbidden knowledge. Excessive resource consumption was his problem, not the knowledge's problem.

Either earn more money to gather enough resources or study more to improve this creation method.

(End of this chapter)