
Chapter 43: The Secrets of the Stormterror Lair

While Wang Daoyi was experimenting with his new abilities, the lady had already left with her companions, leaving only Venti and Paimon lying at the entrance of the Church.

As the sandstorm dissipated, Wang Daoyi  emerged from the corner.

Venti, who had been lying motionless on the ground, suddenly flipped over and got up, glaring threateningly at Wang Daoyi . "As the Guardian of the Geo Archon, you didn't see anything, right?"

"I saw you cheating in the competition!" Although he couldn't help but scoff internally, Wang Daoyi  still nodded. "If you need me to, I didn't see anything! But, is it really okay for Lord Barbados to hand over the Gnosis so easily?"

"Don't ask me about this kind of thing. If you want to know, you can ask your master. If he thinks you should know, he'll tell you!"

Brushing off the dust from his clothes, Venti didn't directly answer Wang Daoyi 's question but instead instructed him to inquire with Morax.

Wang Daoyi  nodded in understanding. It seemed that the Anemo Archon was indeed preparing something, and while the other gods might not be opposed to the Cryo Archon, they also hadn't directly supported her.

"The Celestia?" Wang Dao Yi pondered silently.

At that moment, Jean, accompanied by Xiangling and Barbara, emerged from the cathedral.

Upon seeing Paimon collapsed on the ground and sensing the lingering elemental fluctuations in the air, the three approached with concern.

"What happened, Venti, and Wang Daoyi ? Why is the Honorary Knight lying here unconscious?" Jean inquired as they approached.

Venti waved his hand to assure them that everything was fine.

"It's just a minor incident. I'll be leaving now. I need to go to the symbol of Mondstadt's heroes. If the Traveler wakes up, you can tell her I'm there!"

Jean's calm demeanor reassured Xiangling, who knew Jean's identity and trusted her judgment.

"Alright, we'll inform the Honorary Knight," Jean replied.

With Jean's assurance, Venti quickly departed.

"Barbara, I'll leave the Honorary Knight in your care for now. I'll take these two guests to the Knights of Favonius to collect their rewards!" Jean instructed Barbara before gesturing for Wang Daoyi  and Xiangling to follow her.

Barbara nodded and lifted Paimon while casually picking up a nearby Paimon. Then, she returned to the Church.

"Wang Daoyi , did you see what happened when you came out?" Jean asked as they walked.

"I'm sorry, Captain Jean. When I came out, they were already unconscious on the ground. If you want to know what happened, you can ask Paimon when she wakes up," Wang Daoyi politely replied, deciding to abide by the Anemo Archon's wishes since even Morax didn't allow him to take pictures.

"Alright!"Jean accepted Wang Daoyi explanation.

Upon returning to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, Lisa was already waiting there.

"Ah, Jean, you're finally back! Handling affairs these past few days has made my skin worse!" Lisa complained in her usual charming tone.

"Alright, Lisa, I'll take over the remaining tasks. Thanks to the assistance of Wang Daoyi and Miss Xiangling, we were able to complete the previous mission," Jean said, ignoring Lisa's complaints, and inquired about the rewards for the mission.

Lisa put away her flirtatious demeanor and retrieved a white book with a green gem embedded on its cover from behind her.

"This is the reward for the mission. It's called the Favonius Codex, a secret tome passed down among the scholars of the Knights of Favonius. In addition to containing knowledge of elemental and material aspects, it's also a very powerful artifact that can greatly enhance elemental recovery speed and increase elemental damage."

Wang Daoyi quickly recognized the name of the book. The Favonius Codex was a four-star artifact in the game. In addition to enhancing attack power, it also increased elemental recharge efficiency, corresponding to what Lisa had described about elemental recovery speed and elemental damage.

Accepting the book from Lisa, Wang Daoyi smiled, "Thank you, I really like it!"

Seeing Wang Daoyi's appreciation for the reward, Lisa and Jean were both pleased.

"In addition, there's Miss Xiangling's reward. We've been collecting those precious ingredients, and when you return to Liyue, we'll arrange a special convoy to deliver them to Wanmin Restaurant," Lisa continued.

"As for the Mora reward, 300,000 Mora is not a small sum. We'll transfer it to you through the Mondstadt branch of the Liyue Chamber of Commerce when you return to Liyue, to avoid the hassle of carrying Mora boxes on your journey back."

Lisa had thought of everything, which made Wang Daoyi and Xiangling very grateful. Even if the Knights of Favonius directly handed them two Mora boxes as rewards, they would have had to carry them back. Now, with Lisa's arrangements, they only needed to return to Liyue normally and then transfer the rewards through the Liyue Chamber of Commerce.

After negotiating the rewards, Jean quickly got back to work. With the dragon crisis resolved, Mondstadt needed to recover production on a large scale, and there was much more work to be done.

 Wang Daoyi and Xiangling bid farewell and quickly returned to their rented home.

Xiangling naturally went to the kitchen to start cooking, while Wang Daoyi didn't offer to help and instead sat on the sofa, flipping open the West Wind Codex.


**Favonius Codex**

**Description:** A secret tome passed down among the scholars of the Knights of Favonius, containing knowledge of elemental and material aspects.

**Note:** This codex also has empty pages for additional records. If more knowledge is recorded, it will become even more powerful!


Using his Insightful Eye to communicate with the Favonius Codex in his hands, Wang Daoyi came to a rough conclusion.

This Daoyi could amplify his elemental strength by 1.5 times and increase elemental recovery speed by half. Compared to the Jade Orb he had been using previously, it was much more powerful, although it didn't enhance the user's elemental mastery.

Flipping through the codex, Wang Daoyi delved into its contents.

Elements and materials are the foundation of the world, and the transformation of elements and materials is an extension of that foundation. By learning and mastering this ability, one can explore the domain of the gods.

The preface was quite different, boldly stating the intention to explore the domain of the gods, which was considered blasphemous in a faith-oriented nation like Mondstadt.

However, upon seeing the author's name, Wang Daoyi found it understandable. It was written by Albedo.

Memorizing the preface, Wang Daoyi continued to study the codex.

The knowledge within was not too profound, and Wang Daoyi could understand it. It mainly consisted of basic elemental knowledge that circulated throughout Teyvat. However, among this common knowledge, the scholars of the Knights of Favonius proposed a thesis.

Elements and materials can be mutually transformed. If so, can materials and materials directly transform, and can elements and elements directly transform?

With this thesis in mind, the scholars of the Knights of Favonius began extensive experiments.

After countless failures, they finally obtained a new formation.

They called it the Transformation Formation of Elements and Materials.

Through certain catalysts, it could transform different materials, and while the results were irreversible, they were controllable.

In the codex, the scholars recorded dozens of different transformation rituals.


**(End of this chapter)**